333 “e@ was not eligible until the semester last winter , but averaged 1461 tn OU_s lest sight conferences gamese Habs mean through the first five this year is @ 3 Cornell ,wkkivpraserkxax this year's guest team, will present a kywax ieahbcidignae regular x%mx in the pivot, 6-5, 220=pound ‘ay delek, a His scoring and revowd averages last year were 9el ‘and 10.3; as a sophomore, 10,1 and 10e50e He averaged 1.0 through ! the Big ed's first three Game Se v Departure of “aldroson, Reiter, Chuck Duncan, of fowa State, and Willard fagler of Nebraska, signalled the end of - the conference s last four-year men, who were eligible as freshen under Korean “ar suspensica of the yearling rules Their craduation alse wiped away the Jest vidteges of a glistenigig Old Guard which had existed since Tucker led Oklahom into the first tourmsy in 196. “ever has the Big Seven witnessed such excellent mass center play as during tmt erase You had to be BVvEveVeE oe xe Wey x % a Helms “oundation Phyer of the Year to rise even a fraction abow the pack, and th tts exactly what Tucker ami Lovellette were. Some idoa of tle old star's dominance can be gloaned from this fact, when Dumcan won the tournament s© wing scepter last Seusmuvx Yecember , it varked the eighth time in nine meets that crown went to a centers. Lovellette won three of these; Tucker, Gene Petergon. of Kensas; “aters, and Kansas State's Dick Knostman captured singletons. Contes} ing them were men like Spauffer, Bob white- head and Bob Pierce of Nebraska, and Freibergers - ’