ARMY SPECIALIZED TRAINING PROGRAM ” B-60 CURRICULUM TERM I SECTION VI Mon Tues bisa Thurs Fri : _Sun f MS . 209 F Military 209 F 107 MS 209 F | Physical a 0730 English | Training | English Study English | Education| | : MS 210 B 210 B 210 B 107 MS 210 B | Physical 0830 Physics Physics | Physics Study Physics '}. Education he ge RR, 301 BCL RR. 301 BCL| 301 BCL] 113 FS 0930 Study | Chem._Lect. Study |{C them. Rec.| Math y Ms Ms | Lib Ref. | Physical 306 BCL /| Physical 110 B Physics 1030 | Education /Chem. Lab. || Education sics Lab Reports ical )| 306 BCL /Physical 110 B | Military 1130 ion’ | Chem. Labs| Education Physics Lab Training Pg fe 1230 Mess : | 113 FS 113 FS 116 Fs | 135 86 113 FS i | 1330 Math Math Math Math Math | | Military 205 BCL | Military RoR. 1430 Training History | Training Study { 205 BCL R.Re 205 BCL 205 BCL | 1530 History Study History History Military 1630 Training 1730 | | 1830 | 2000 | | 2100 | Key to Building and Room Abbreviations: FS - Frank Strong S - Snow F - Fraser G + Green B = Blake BCL - Bailey Chemistry Laboratory Ref L.-Reference Room, Library MS - Military Science RR - Rifle Range M - Marvin L « Lindley ARMY SPECIALIZED TRAINING PROGRAM Pe] CURRICULUM TERM V SECTION IIT Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 106 G ae 106 G 106 G blic | Military | Public Public | Military 0780 ine Training | Admin. . Admin. Training 106 G 207 F 106 G 207 F 106 G 0830 Economics | English Economics | English Economics Study 101 § Ref. Le 101 §S Ref, L. 101 S 0930 |Embryology Study |Embryology Study Embryology Study ® aN 220 S oe ® ; 220 S oDe a hy sical \ Embryology Physical bryology |/Physical 1030 A Education |Laboratory Education [Laboratory Education | Meds 220 S MySe eo0 § M.S s o{ — bryology Physical bryol Physical litary 3 ucation 7 sboratory Education/|Laborato Education| raining N i, ia SIR a A 7 1230 Mess 108 BCL 301 BCL | 108 BCL 301 BCL | 301 BCL Organic Organic | Orgenic | Organic Organic 1330 Chem. Labs| Chemistry Chem. Lab.| Chemistry} Chemistry 108 BCL 9 FS Of mnie Psychology, opemnis” P 9 al 9 FS 1430 | Chem. Lab. Chem, Lab,|~ 5¥°70°6Y | Psychol og} 108 BCL 108 BCL 9 FS Organic Ref. Le | Organic Ref. Le Seana 1530 Chem. Labs Study Chem. Lab.| Study sy ey Military | Military 1630 Training | Training 1730 1830 2000 2100 SCHEDULE Army Specializcd Training : None TUeS.- Yous , Thurs» Fri. 31 Sune 0730 Military | Mil, Se, | Military | Study Physical , Seience | Drill Science | ebtion | % 0830 | Reonomies} English | Roonomies| English | Boonomics || 0930 |Study Study Study Study Study 1030 | Publie | dipiggy | Public | BMology | Public : Admin, | “Eade | Adning | abe | Admting ! 1130. | Bhology | Biology | Biology | Biology | Biology Lab. Lab ; ps 1230 1330 Organic | Orgenie Organic Organic Organic : : 1430 Lab, Peyeheleey Leb, | Psychology Psychology 1580 Leb, | Physical | Physieal\ Psychology - Education | Labs Education i NS | >Ms 1630 Physical | Mil, Se, | Physical Education | Drill Education 1730. 1830 2000 | 4 2100 | A att SCHEDULE Army Specialized Training So i es (Pars Pig eC ane ec 0730 | ee we ee | Mothmoties Meth, = #iath, Math, athe desis ae coven —— — < os cees 0830 ae | Tibtory mil. Se, Ree, nok Se, 0930 hysioe 1030 : Bah : ae ; — try | Tab, 1130 | ae sabe 3 udy Physics . Tab, 1230 1330 | | phelish «= Study «= sng lish ‘1480 gimay © Gdography =| = ography © study 1830 hoa 2000 | # 2100 . | : Nhe ke iL G ie PORTRE au aus... toc a im, -— -- (drep) " os 6 M--— Clee, - - --- fa + --- 8 9:30 Civ. | os Ore ee 3 hee. 2icdO 0* = OS fw — — - - - -— — —8& hve, Pus 4:30 “ Shrea.—---—-—- — —8 Bre, Aout. Haskethell—- 16 bra. ‘Sntrewurnds ([iv) 8 bre— -— — - 6 hrs. ‘SCHAAKE ASTP See. 9 8 10--- - @ hya.— --- 4 yf bees 5 — ~~ — (@ren) ae * wen ..g08,._— 6 lwe.-— — - - —_— — —-—])e Civ. P.k 3 bre. ’ Bin. sau... .tee-----— 38 A150 Civ. PoB.--- - 8 be.-- - —— (Goup) - —- — a0 Sen. 8 0 8 -0 tuo. - -- - 6 vee Spring Feetball 20. bee. —-— — - -30 lute HAYES AST? Sea. 3 4- ---- G hee. —--— -- @ hres —- — — — (drop) ” ,ay-.. toe -—-— — ee ee ee 4:56 Give Po Be 3 bree " aa -- See. 6 ws, Or hy intromrale —— — — — § hee. — ——— (doy) ss woe sec. 1h SN - ot. ee Gms. - — - —— - - (drop) &2.---— @ weee-—--——- — Gimm-— -—----— ~ ——— $930 Give F.B. 3 hee. nm te, Oe —---- 3 hve. — —-thpe.- — ~L.. ie ee ea . & hee. Ase? supplies - -—- § hee.-———- 6 hre.-——— - - —- 6 hra,— — — —- Schaake PEO SCHEDULE of A.5.T.P. Forte. eee ee . 2g & ty - FOL 90 4/ = * Y ‘Gey FAST — LAE yuu YO Off : y oe Li : G. % EA hr a) te RIAE/ ent 7K F. a ” i) \ \. b ae | Yan Co | Wr WKS . (E*b/ | 3 a “eR r : 2 'YIO" 34 ba ee 49 @ Ste re | | 9/AG/ ) TL be EL = “9 > ID b f/ eA ee 3 whe o ee |) K i a : - W by . 9/ AST ie ee Sale s : ae 13,5 Ab/ Q ye a : 101 YOY * I , te Te As/ yas HEA ES i by > uy - yoo . WOAEC gul a A te Mg he — 'YI0 p/ Ny le ; : / 22s Coe, | : bees : i a : ae remy Ae ee Sas] ‘ gid seace ALL t = 7 \ oO. eo +» . 21S 3 o|/ oe Fie S1eo |e] oe eo! es e 4 B51 5/3) 8) Bele SSAA RIO alsa mn) 2% Me Ae 4 es a 8 sig ae car oe “2 : Be a a : ‘ a4 82 2 oe EG io) S| Ss) MSS) Fp ¢ A ae ‘ a. tne oily a “MEMORAN DUM ile Jan. 26 194% _ from the office of University Administrator A. S. T. P Schedule for term starting February 7, 1944 University Administrator Term III 1S) , 14° 15. 16’ ARMY SPECIALIZED TRAINING PROGRAM Physical Education Schedule Course Phy. Ed. Phy» Ed. Phy» Ede Phy. Ed. Phy.Ed. Phy.Ed. Phy» Ed. Phy.Ba, Phy Ed. Phy. Ed. Phy Ed. Phy .Ed. Phy.Ed. Phy. Ed. Phy. Bd. Phy.Ed. Phy.Ed. Phy Ed. Phy. Ed, _ Phy. Ed, Phy. Ed. Phy.Ed. Phy Ed. Phy. Ede 9330011120, 10: 3@-12:20, Hour -— -7330-9;20, TTh | 7330-9320, $ 7330-9:20, TTh 7:30-9:20, & 7:30-9:20, TTh 7330-9320, § 7330-9220, Tih 7330-9220, & 7330=9:20, MW 9950-11320, F 7330-9320, MW 93350-11;20, F 12350-2220, M 2:50-4:20, WF 12330-2320, M 2230—-4;20, WF 9250-11320, MTh 12330-2320, § 9330-11:20, MTh 1233082:20, § 9:30-11:20, S$ 12330-2:20, TW 9:30-11:20, S$ 12:30-2:20, TW 1:50-3:20, MUWF 1:50-3:20, MUWF 8250-1020, TM 8350-10:20, § 8230-10220, TY 8:80-10:20, S 7:30-9:20, MWF 9330=11:20, TTh 9:30-11;20, $ 9:30-11:20, MTh 9230-11;20, W. 7230-9320, MWF 9330-11:20, MTh 9330-11:20, W. 9330-11220, TTh 9230-11320, 9s $0-11;20, 9: 30-1120, 9 $ 30-11 220, 10230-12320, mnskRaswkna Rm No. Mil.Se. Rob, Gym Mil.Se, Rob. Gym Mil.Se, Rob. Gym Mil.Se. Rob, Gym Hoch Aud. Mil, Sm. Hoch Aud. Mil. Se. Hock Aud. Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. Rob.Gym Hoch Aud. Rob, Gym Rob, Gym HBoh Aud. Rob.Gym Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. i Rob, Gym Hoch Aud. Rob, Gym Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. Rob. Gym Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. Hoch Aud. Mil.Se. Hoch Aud. Rob. Gym Hoch Aud. Mil,.Se. Rob. Gym Mil.Se. Rob. Gym 25 25 25 28 25 25 25 25°, 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 | 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 No. of Students : ; : : __| ti i 1 EAE SY esas Garmescc Bia AE al "y : ser or ir Ax at ov | ea 7 ' yr ry err Tt? x e PR STEN x “aa @ Ph oat ne A al en ee ae perenne je kOeeN pre MACS Stance ee a oe 4 C C ee NS eer es a oo) t LD Os ¢ nh Pes atsct a came anise ee ite ee Peat ee ote mt magnet neat? OTS me Ses emer eS ne ee a 7 Orme ree. Fd IEE ie i Sesprontlara as ate NE RE BER! “yt - : ee “ er f i | | | » 1943 i * As cccpiabiohdin newmguiaene OF sa waste AS er ee i j 4 X 4 } } ® en piecrmmppcne SMD MAB RRE SA EAM. | : i i a . a: aoe ech nas toner EEG AOE OE sae ae 2 f a es fap ema saearen ioe © as MCh SAE AOR Li EIT SERS * 3 Cy Cc i N2 o% e* t-. oO : % . e pO eggs Sai FE A eT NG, beepers ES A an RE: th REQUESTED USE BY PHYSECAL EDUCATION DEARTWENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE DRILL HALL. SCHEDULE, | Army Specializcd Training Y =TyGs ae THUY Ss. 3 0730 “> ee oe 0830 & a & SS 0930 1030 1130 1230° Y & 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 1830 Se A: é { sad | 2900 1 4 Tue ea ata Cc oe: be dorama me Som, ti che. t | 2290 | 2. A.S.7. PROGRAM NOVIMBER TERM (Revised Oot. 15, 1943) Schedule No. i | 7130-9120, v WE -2:30~4:20 “ ~ Tas 10 :30#12:20 WR 2480=4:20 Tu _MortO-12 i “ cies igneeecnmniin canteen MNS ANCA ANTM MeN IYER ay 28 815010320 ———#-) 6 we BrSdeas20 Ww 10:30812:20 ~ Second Term Physical Edusation Schedule Noe 7 ‘ThS 10:30-12:20 % M 1:30=3:20 “ 8 FP 8:30"10;:20 ~ MY 10:30<-12:20 < ‘i MWF 868 :3069:20 / TTS 12:30=2:20 TTS 12:5002:20 “— 12:30-2:20 ~ $130-j0" 30 TY? Siro }0120 § [30-3170 Nov. Term, 1943 A.S.T.sP. CLASS SCHEDULES \a/ a F a rcctens Ix IX ViUVas Aus tin ASTP CLASS~ SCHEDULE Nov e 2 2 1943 MI 1 Da oa \al Ss 4:30 “ - 7330 XII 83350 ma 9330 (s) } al ea 10:30 c VI VI 13:30 (8) me ss 12230 A x x KELL x } s Pe — oa zs 1:33 0 Ls XII Xx Ss if ds if if VI VI 2:30 | 3350 VI VI Civ. Civ. Civs | 5:00 Nove 1, 1943, Hayes a ; : i ek mw F Da | Ow 1 7330 8330 — (S) —en bn ,' VIII 9330 VIII IV Vill 10:30 i ae J sae 11:30 ; Va IV VIII 1 | AL > XI 12230 . xXI XI XI 13:3 0 (s) Ty IV 2230 (Ss) : 3330 IV IV Int#emurals + Civiliah - A.S.TLB. «.. ° 4:30 ; : | §3900 ASTP CIASS SCHEDULE Nove 1, 1945 Porter ' “I 1 \Al — | : Sa, Su. 7330 een S : 8230 ed ALIT 9:30 asit ee. eS Instructor (1) Classes # 1-4-6-11 Soe By, aoe TNT AO i S psn ie ed Z sy C ~J s AVBTT YW oe om SOAGH Pg 7 x. SS SES SN . s SES SN BES ‘. - Sos 199-20 7 “1 i IN lena RR re eT eget 5 pave + > OPTS IS - ~ ~ ws oA SH soe = . ; oO O oO O° O O Q ° 2 nO = vi “se Se ‘ S % . ‘. Oo at rae Pot € ND ayes fps ‘) {Hayes ay” Ss pees ae (Ory ny i 7256 $) Schaake {\" ~ Schaake O i Schaake - i : ; : ; | r ee me th " ! ae 4 oe ae ( i Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes {Hayes Hayes | gazy || Schaake Schaake Schaake | Schaake | | i, Austin | Austin | Austin | Austin [Austin {| Austin f ty Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes { Hayes i | Schaake Schaake | Schaake ; 9250 ji deein [Austin |awesin | Austin | tupbie | Austin | | Ufseter Por Ter. _ i, forrer| i sn co hateenate ce Aiwa 5 A ae: Spot : Seto. ‘enc: pete ; a mean [ \, Hayes Hayes j +0330 1| Schaake Schaake | Porter t i : ‘ i * tonite er A z \ ) 5 ij Porter : 12200 ( | i ae ) ‘ ee ne ‘sem ame ce ok ages — | : i i Schaake Schaake. Schaake! | ene CoN Porter ; Porter | i Hayes Porter ‘ i ‘ RES. 4 ne oa ‘ yy wake IR ae ORT a ea mk tre ie pen a dla Poe ee a ioe { i Hayes _ Hayes ‘| ( lenyor “chant Schaake | Hayes Schaakej _ 1 163 0 _ iAustin | Austin jAustin. {Austin Austin Porter {Porter e Porter 4 fare eee asaanrectee aati es Aen os anette , ee cote “| < ome S pa: cana i 1 marc mae» | i. ‘isyes——> Hayes Hayes | 260 Iysatin Austin {| Austin (Austin jAustin Aus tin oe {Porter Porter Porter | jPorter Porter 4 oan saan sacines id taal a a i i! , ‘tporter ! Porter * Porter ' Porter | Porter 4250 [ j | | | Re { i. ee mae eS en naan we ne fe pr if | | | | I; te.) | 4:30 |] ao | pee ete ediepirnie neni eR I, Ameren: er = ii | j 1 | 5300 He ec | oe A-12 MASTER CLASS ASSIGNMENT - if beet £1 OF | Se 1. M-H 1.S-H 1.M-H os Pool Zeal Zeowit 73350 Tl. MH (4. M-H |2. M-H | 4. Pool. M-H #.R-101 2. MeH 15. SeH |3. M-H | 5. M+H j2. M-H .R-200 8:30 3. S-H 1. Pool 3. Pool Wf. Pool t—+- se a - : : 3. MeH (|4. SeH {3. M-H | 4. M-H B. M-H q R-200 ile. meH |5. M-H [6. S-H | 5. S-H 5. Pool iat 7, S-H 7. M-H 7.R-101 6. M-H 6. M-H |14. MH J _ 10:50 Ho. ue 7. M-H 14. Pool} - Y /t& 11:30 }! 8. Pool 8. MH 8. S-H 12350 9, M-H 9. Pool] 6. Pool} 9. M-H LO. WeH |8. M-H |10.M-H | 8. M-H | 6. S-H | 8. MH 24 SeH 19. M-H 9, M-H |10. M-H | 9. M-H 133 0 R x ll. M-H ll. Se Le Pool ts Be. hE 2, S-H lO. MeH |la.M-H |10.Pool 10.M-H {1.M-H oeg9 [p2» Pool\}14-S-H | 15. S-H hl.M-H 13.M-H [2.MeH - iis. S-H |? 4,S=H | 13.M-H |14.M-H |13.M-H 13.Pool |14.M-H 3350 4:30 | 5300 Key: H Hoch M Main Floor rR Robinson PUSH-UPS NO» Point Push-ups Scores 43 100 42 98 41 96 40 94 39 92 38 90 o7 88 36 86 35 B84 54 82. 33 80 32 78 ol 76 30 74 29 1 72 28 70 27 68 26 66 25 64 24 62 29 60 22 58 21 56 20 54 19 52 18 50 17 47 16 44 15 41 14. 38 13 35 a2 $2 li 29. 10 26 2 2 8 20 » oe 17 6 14 5 ll 4 8 5 5 2 3 1 1 Point Scores will not be scored in excess of 100. Performences which PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST SCORES SQUAT JUMPS No. Squat-. Point Jumps Score 73 100 72 99 71 98 70 97 69 96 68 95 67 94 66 93 65 92 64 91 63 90, 62 89 61 88 60 87 59 86 58 85 57 84 56 - 8S 55 82 54 81 53 80 52 79 51 78 50 77 49 76: 48 “75 47 74 46 73 45 72 44, 71 43 70 42 68 41 66 40 64 59 62 58 60 37 58 o6, 56 35 54 54 52 535 50 32 48 51 46 better the top scores above are to be scored 100. 50 29 28 27 26 25 24 25 ee 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 hb ~~ hw PNR OAANIDOO No» ‘ Point 44 42 40 58 56 54 52 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 ~ pes" EPWAEODOnN wood ‘PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST SCORES SIT=UPS PULL-UPS No, Point No. Point | Noe Pull- Point Siteups Score Sit-ups Score | _——_ Score 85 100 a“ # 8 | 18 100 84 99 43 58 85 98 42 57 17 98 82 97 41 56 : 81 96 40 . 55 16 96 80 95 39 54 79 94 38 53 : is “ 78 93 o7 52 77 92 36 51 14 ee 76 91 35 50 75 90 34 48 13 “ a. 89 33 46 73 88 32 44 a? 86 72 87 31 42 71 86 — gO 40 1l 82 70 85 a. 38 p 69 84 28 36 10 | 78 68 83 27 34 ; | 67 82 26 32 9 72 66 81 25 30 65 — 80 24 28 ; 8 66 64 79 235 26 | 63 78 22 24 7 58 62 77 21 22 61 76 sO : 6 50 60 75 19 19 59 74 18 18 5 40 oo 13 17 1% | Shae 57 72 16 16 | 4 30 56 71 15 15 3 55 70 14 14 i 3 24 54 69 13 13 535 68 12 12 . 2 18 520 67 11 Ed 50 65 9 9 49 64 8 8 3 4 48 63 7 7 45 60 4 4 5 3 2 2 1 1 Point scores will not be scored in excess of 100, Performances which better the top scores above are to be scored 100. : x é i ip * # & pa ERS 100 YARD PICK-A-BACK Time Point Seconds Score 18- 100 19 95 20 90 21 84 22 78 25 T2 24 66 25 58 26 50 27 42 28 36 29 oe. 30° 28 31 24 32 20 33 16 34 13 35 10 36 8 37 6 38 4. 39 z 40 iL Point scores will not be scored in excess of 100. Performances which better the top scores above are to be scored 100. PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST SCORES BURPEE = 20 SECONDS No» Point Burpees Scores 13.475 100 1345 97 135.25 94 13.0 90 12075 — 86 1245 82 12.25 78 12.0 74 11,75 70 11.5 66 11.25 62 11.0 58 10.75 54 10.5 50 10.25 46 10.0 42 9475 38 965 34 9425 30 940 26 8475 22 845 19 8.25 16 8.0 13 7075 10 Té#0 7 Te25 4 2 720 500 YARD RUN Time Point Seconds Score 55—= 100 36 97 37 94 58 90 59 86 40 82 41 78 42 74 43 68 44 62 45 56 46 50 47 42 48 36 49 32 50 28 Bi - 24 52 20 53 16 64 13 55 10 56 8 57 6 58 4 59 2 60 + PUSH-UPS Noe Point Push-ups Scores — 43 100 42 98 41 96 40 94 39 92 38 90 37 88. 36 86 35 884 34 82 33 80 32 78 31 76 30 74 29 72 28 70 27 68 26 — «666 25 «64 24 | 62 23 60 22 | 88 21 me ) 20 54 19 «82 18 50 17 47 16 fade 15 41 14 38 13 35 a2 32 il 29 10 26 9 23 8 20 7. 17 6 14 5 aA 4 8 3 5 2 3 1 1 PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST SCORES SQUAT JUMPS No. Squat- Point Jumps Score Noe 73 100 50 72 99 29 70 97 27 69 96 26 68 95 25 67 94 24 66 93 25 65 92 22 64 91 a1 63 90 20 62 89 19 61 88 . 18 60 87 17 59 86 16 58 85 15 57 84 14 56 83 13 55 82 12 54 81 ii 53 80 10 52 79 9 61 78 8 50 77 a 49 76 6 48 75 5 47 74 4 46 73 3 45 72 2. 44 71 1 ) 70 42 68 41 66 40 ae 59 62 58 60 87 58 36 56 55 54 34 52 335 50 32 48 $1 46 Point Scores will not be scored in excess of 100. Performences which better the top scores above are to be scored 100. HP NAA WHO PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST SCORES SIT-UPS | PULL-UPS Noe Point No. Point -- NO» Pull- Point Siteups Score Sit-ups Score ups Score 85 100 eee 59 18 100 84 99 43 53 83 a 42 «67 af. 98 82 97 41 56 : 81 96 40 55 16 96 80 95 39 54 : 79 94 38 53 15 94: 78 93° 37 52 7: 92 36 1 : 14 92 76 91 35 50 75 90 34 48 13 — 90 74 33 46 73 s.rUi«é‘i‘isR 14, 12 86 72 87 $1 42 71 86 30 - 40 li 82 70 85 29 38 69 84 28 36 10 | 78 68 83 27 34 : 67 82. 26 32 9 72 66 81 25 $0 65 80 24 28 8 66 64 79 25 26 63 78 a 24 7 58 62 77 21 22 61 76 20 20 6 50 60 75 19 19 | 59 7 18 18 § 40 58 73 17 17 67 72 16 16 4, 32 56 71 15 15 | 85 70 14 14 3 24 64 69 13 13 53 68 12 12 2 18 62 67 121 11 61 68 10 10 1 12 50 65 9 9 ae 49 64 8 8 2 4 48 63 7 9 47 62 i 6 46 61 5 5 45 60 4 4 3 3 2 2 l i Point scores will not be scored in excess of 100. Performances which better the top scores above are to be scored 100. PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST SCORES 100 YARD PICK-AeBACK BURPEE « 20 SECONDS 300 YARD RUN Time Point No. Point Time Point Seconds Score — Burpees Scores Seconds Score 18- 100 © 13.754 100 35= 100 19 i) ) 13.5 97 36 97 20 90 : : 13.25 94 37 94. 21 84 13.0 90 38 90 22 78 12.75 86 39 86 23 72 12.5 82 40 82 24 cc 12.25 — 78 41 78 25 58 12,0 74 42 74 26 50 11,75 a? 43 68 27 42 11.5 66 “te 62 28 36 11.25 62 45 56 29 32 11.0 58 46 50 $0 =. 10.75 54 47 42 a 34 ie 1005 60 43 36 32 20 10.25 48 ae 32 33 16 10,0 42 50 28 34 13 9.76 68 51 24 35 10 9.6 34 : 52 20 36 8 9.26 w& 53 16 37 6 9.0 26 && 13 38 4 8.75 22 55 10 39 2 805 19 . 56 8 40 1 8.25 16 §7 6 8.0 13 58 oa 7078 in 59 2 70d T a = 1 7025 4 7.0 2 Point scores will not be scored in excess of 100. Performances which better the top scores above are to be scored 100.