104 ESHLEMAN HALL BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA Sorts Hews ron rw: A.S.U.C. ATHLETIC NEWS BUREAU Seniesa BOB RUBIN, Director AShberry 3-4800, Ext. | and 25 BERKELEY, Dec. 2i1--Although Bob McKeen has taken a early lead in the California individual scoring honors race, he is being vressed closely by soohomore ace Larry Friend. Official statistics released today show McKeen with a total of 9h voints and Friend with 91. This adds uw to a 15.7 voint per game average for McKeen and 25.2 for Friend, for the initial six contests, Meanwhile, the same figures show that one of the vrimary reasons for California's early success is defensive stiffness rather than offensive punch, Defensively the Bears have allowed only 54.2 noints ver game, while last season the opposition aggregate was 59.5 ver outing, The offensive mark of 62,2 ver _ is just slightly under the 195). mark of 6.6. Couvled with defensive abilities is California's strength on the backboards, having snagged 277 of 51) available rebounds, while the onvosition has nailed but 237. This figure represents a 53.9 efficiency comared to 6,1 ner cents CALIFORNIA'S FIRST SIX GAMES (THROUGH DEC. 18) NAME GAMES FGA FG FGA FTA Fr FIZ REB, PF POINTS AVE/GAME Bob McKeen ® 2 £F tt © ee. Oe. hCU oh 1561 Larry Friend 6 oe % £02 6 2 @a: & 17 91 15.2 Bob Blake 6 mS f G22 7 2 SOO 13 61 10.2 Mike Diag 6 4% eh 13 a 63,2 2 1h 1 6.8 Frank Hess S 7 Bee itr tse Se. UG 3h oe Everett McKeen 6 17 ° 72 6 2 60 (lk 8 Lh on3 Al Winetrub 6 16 > 345 3 & 66,7 8 2 i? Cs0 Gabe Arrillaga 6 16 4 250 31 & Bah h 6 12 200 Clif Mayne © h h 2 50,50 & 2 40,0 3 2 6 1.5 Bert Mastrov h 8 - 155 5 & BO. 7 ; 6 1,5 Duane Asplund 2 3 [oi fF 6h 2 I i 0.5 Bob Brown 2 i © 0,0 28 | 3S 2 3 i 0.5 Joe Hagler 5 s CG 10.0 0 0 00,0 2 3 0 0.0 Floyd White & 0 Oo Th0 24 8. & 0 0 0 0.0 Jerry Raugust 1 1 0.03.0 0 © OC,.0 0 a 0 0,0 Rod Griffin 1 _ O €0,0 0 O 00,0 0 0 0 0.0 TEAM TOTALS "6 Qe a dia tee Fe OS UOT heOCOCUW buee OPPONENTS G Se 100 Fic? 100 10 59.0 «262357 «100 «COTS 5.2 RECORD TO DATE: 52 Oregon State 50 6h Oregon 52 77 COP 8h Compiled by: Ss«Dan Brodie 6 St. Mary's 51 57 Colorado Lh 5? Colorede 46 3(3 327 California fields 42 teams in 22 sports in 497 contests yearly — the greatest intercollegiate athletic program in the United States