December 14, 19386 lire Ce O+ Burnside, Manger, een aa Company, Dear -Cobs A : | wc eteratesasteet meas ae Milt Meler who conducts the “Under the Mire" column ves a fullback on the Kansas team, end Elon Torrence is 4 Baker ‘University graduate who is doing post-graduate work heres ; The editorial is characteristic of the things that have Sppeared for several monthss The editorials have been dignified throughout the yeare The Men's Student Council and the Women's Self Government Association have taken united action, as has the _ Peneflellenic. The students did most of this. ‘There was no faculty member telling the boys and girls how to behave. _ We are leaving tomorrow morning on the streamliner, Rock island, and will arrive in Oklahoma City at 3235. I hope to. have an opportunity to visit with youe I appreciate your . kindness in getting the Central High Sehool gymasiun for use With all good wishes, I am ‘Very sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches