22222 Norm Stewart, who likely will go dowm 2s one of the finest Black and Gclds of all-time, mans th forward opposite Parke As a s ophomore weunline last year he ranked with KU's Dellas Dobbs as the class of the Sig Seven 's rockie crop, averaging slightly over 12-points per gamee 4a is a fine defender ami playmaker tooo | Redford Xeichert, who made a place for himself midway thru last season as a sophomore, ami Lionel Smith, 6-2 sophomore from Medsion, hendle the backline. The latter is nemamiedx cut from the natural mold like Stewart, high in tusb ine Playing instinet and ability. These five starters averaged 66 points between *hem ns the first five games, gmuadvanx 2 lofty enotigh total to win a Lot of games with no bench he lp co nsidering the usually tenacious Tiger defensee Reiter, who trailed obly C-loraio's Burdet te Haldorson in the eonference individual scoring derby last year with a 21.0 average , leais this parade with “ five-game mean of 16.0. Stewart is rolling at 15.2 3; Park 13.23; Reichert 11.6, and Smith 10.0. | Reiter at 411; Stewart 256; Park, 199, ami Gary Filbert, the radar-eyed long-range shooter, were the top four pointsmiths last year when the Tigers finished third by clawing Kansas into khx a co- champhip out out of the NCAA tovrnament with that memorable 75-67 victory at Columbia e : | “ should be noted too that the ‘igers are moving well even without Guard Lloyd Elmore, who care alomg so rapidly in late seascn that he was regarded by — as the most improved player around the leaguee He tax wil miss the tournament because of a knee injury. Charles ONLY 5 reserve center, and Lee Fowler, seconde line forward, are the other returning letter winners. Only serious losses i off last yeason_s squad, were Bob Schoonmaker, the hustling three-spirt sport battler, Gnd Bill Holst, substitute center, who often spread ccne sternation in releife