55533 Hence, it 1s no surprise that Missouri has tax moved stoutly thra the early goinge , } , Stalcup has not enjoyed as much chance as he would like to temper his sumhonx reserves under pressurée Mly eight men played in the wins over Indiana end Iowa. The Wisconsin ard 4rkansas decisions yere under control all the way and the 44-79 loss to tliinois so wide that tension was removed e ce . Maskv imporvantvitmuxuszvang The second-line probien is unsteady only at the pivot, however. if “elter is victimized early, or lost altogether on fouls, the Tigers will drop off sharply at that sput. The 6@5% Denny | averged only 26 last year ani zanuptx is not close to Reiter un finesse, rebounding or defenses Behind him are two sophs, Arnold Kaestner, 6-64, and Tom Grsham, 660 Filbert ami Fowler can hold the fort capably behind Stewart and Farke With Elmore sidelined, Staleup must turn to four other rockies, Truman Blackman, Cary Rust, Eddie Ronsick, and Bill Ross, for backline depthe But Staleup has the type of team he likestvkeavxx esses SOMing scaring power from the pivot, kwawx staunch off the backe boards, ami agile end experienced enough to play the defense well. MU won &ts only tournament crwon in 1949 when Guard George Lerferty led a pulsating rally in the inal minutes to edge Oklahoma, 44842. The Tigers also reached the fiaals in 1951, bowing to ~ _ Kansas, 65-756 Missouri record to date 44 jlinois 177 64 Indiana _ 61. 7 Torn 9 9 67 Wisecnsin 56% 77 Arkansas 58%