npr collect, sports desk, daily oklahoman, okla, city,okla. kansas city, dec.29... oklahoma's dribbling davidgs dauntedxntusouriv svpekkekhsvxekixthexway xt ay ghey WEB XX nyxexvuvdnevdux vAbutanswarncmuiexiand vxxv peitsdxxv stung missouri's goliaths with backline buckshot thru the full 40 minutes here thursdgy before going down, 87-95, in the umsx semifinals of the %& ninth annual big sever tournament drawing a terrific Sl-point boradside from their soloing gu. rds, jiswsy peck and lester lane, bruce drake's nignte nubbins scrapped out of 8 l-point early in the first half to pul. within one point of the tourney favorites on three different ogcagions a thru the frantic final stanza. the third of these single-digit deficits was written with 11:30 remaining before the tigers put the cap on their fiercely fighting foe on a late salvo by bob reiterm 649 center. and to lay-ups out of a stall by guard gary filbert. kansas state, first round conquerirs of _ealiornia, and iowa state, upset-winners over kansas, were meeting in the second semf inal game to fill the berg$h opposite the tigers in thursday night's final. a sellout throng of seas 10,000 manici pal auditorium fans watched both matchese more