ee : ee ERB I, pC first add second night lead, npr collect, sports desk, daily oklahoman ’ Ok] as city, oklas mu fga: park 1), reichert 5, reiter 17, xmmkxk smith te stewart ‘Lo, filbert ee denny e ross 1, blackman 2, kaestner, 03 _raham oO : : | ; : : ksxfz fea: Btone 7, powell ep craft 04 poore | lyomaypaen ac, adaris, iv, vicens lv, jung 10, flynn 4, schneider 3, bul Os spclartin Os bul. ook 1 | : | J with its soloing te: lester lane and. Sas ia drepping | ‘to choir lowest: dual point production of the. tournament eee an ar | cregate of Bis. oklahoma lost third place. ‘60 towa state, bh, * n the first game » ee : panic; WUE WIgxvightiy weds ng tightly under os boa: das. ‘Por very one: of Ais seven seven goals, led ea! s charge bt 2h points « e but hg drew ca: sable aid from x his Piensting ‘ange, norm stewart er Med 18; BB center bob reiter, 15, and wen red reteherty 12s" ~ ee wa 48 , fe state yxuBanwiniius veouiavx one reason for ne “ee Sécinede | Ue see huge total and sharp np rece see was chat they never had to poke oT | "from cutie, sombsteity did they unfurl their pattern. ae & aS state, weanwhile, h&kxx could hit only 2l-= . ‘from the: ftela to fall behind , 28-5, at “halftime, anid 1 bt raise icaecia its floor average to 30 over the entire routes. and while the wildeats wore mixungx misd ng 53 of their 76. icka: . bee mis url put up only ia reiter waspylitingx ‘policing the defensive board dor 13 reporegay’ “the agee high for both beams. :