2222 So Mets eau continw's te hold thé spetlight: ©. this weele nd as Big "eye basi tball tears, plus California, this year's toumanat guest team, dive into their second flurry of pre-mect gamnese \ The Pigers , early favorites fer tle conference ail teourn ana t chanpiemetriy7- piey~ the ir third cons ecutive re Big | Len fe, Iowa, Saturday night in ‘Columbia 6 Sparky Staleup. s bend raised eyebrews in both their first ‘two outings, abserbing a 49-77 thumping at the hmds ef Diinois ‘last “at urday in Urbam , then rebounding with a 63-60 victery over Indiana a on tle Hooisers home courte Indiana is rated sixth in tle latest AP national poll 3; Iylimois 14the The de fest. at, Unran a wasn 't a surprise, but the enormity ef it wase The werd is tliat the "cee: Slay ed goa enough all -reund pasket= pall but simply ceuldn't get the ball threugh the ‘twinee They didn't registe afidd gal until nine meets deep in the fivel ported and shat aay be percent fer the nighte Wekrnxth Of © thet perfermance kieyx MU wasx scare@lywas sccerdeda victery chance at Bloomingten , altho regarded good enough te make it tight . Nebedy thought the Bengals’ inherent all -reund excel dlence would allow snother debacle. But they weren't prepared fer a vict ery on tle Hosiers' wmeflbor , one of the toughest spots in the lad fer visiting fivese BUT MU broke thm 11 ties md six lead exhanges fer the conquest. If they can blowdowm Iowa kitiex they certainly must be ac corded high «ranking in the national pells. The Hawkeyes currently are trew ling in fourth Haces They'll come inte Coku,bia unbeaten in three ganes. Nebraska was the lattest victim, 61-84, Monday. Iowa previously ren over Washington of Ste Louis, 80-61, ami Loyola of Chicago, 89-79. q Furt hermore, it is th Big Tea 8 rmking preeseasm favorite.