PINAL STATISTICS ™~, Kansas vs Rice Lawrence, Kansas, December 18, 195). | | ORF DEF ‘KANSAS FGA | Py PCA REBNDS REBNDS ‘Brainard, f | q © - Davenport, f : . ie. 0 Divich, . : _ Elstun een, oerrs Xing, £ Padgett, f Johnson, Cc Toft, ¢ Warren, c Alberts, ¢ Anderson Dobbs, g Heitholt, Hollinger, Johnston, g Parker, @ Wolfe Te ebou KANSAS TOTA RICE Woods, f Fields, t- Pahmeier, f= Durrenberger Telligman,c~f Brashear Robicheaux, g Coterill, g Arhos, & Nichols, g Rayburn, g foam Rebounds | - 0 3 RICH TOTALS Vit se 5 'D Half Time Score: KU” = i he Boker Officials: Harry Easter and Frank Woolf w.. —— sporting a 1-2 record in noncon- ference competition, will get into the thick of action while students| _ are enjoying Christmas holidays. | The cagers have five ae sched-}: uled: during: this period... Brie . Saturday night ‘Wildcats an ay play a home game against Wash-|_ ington, a team. the Cats - defeated oS ‘three times © Tuesday - Ahearn Field House. The K-State cagers will play three games at| ...—-.. . the conference preseason tourna- ; ment, with California the first K-| |. State opponent. who started his first game of the season in the 70-50 Wildcat win over Wyoming last week, is pacing the Cat scoring attack with a 3- game total of 38 points for a 12.7. average. Smith has tallied on 7 of 14 field goal attempts and 24 of 34 freé throw tries. Vicens, sophomore Puerto Rican| - 7. guard, who has tallied 30 points, along with center Rove aa Vicens has con=ected Poet OF 14 * sghets from the free-throw line. Craft has a 40.7 field-goal aver-| age, with 11 goals in 27 tries. “~mwelve Cat cagers have their names in the scoring column SO0| ». | far this season. Other Cats who ; have scored are J. R. Snyder. 25.5] Joe Powell and Kent Poore 17, Gene Wilson 14, Dick Stone 12, Jerry Jung 8, Bill Hull and Ron|1. Flynn | §, and Fred. Schneider 5. Saturday, received honorable men- tion. in the United Press cage rat- ings this. week on the strength of z 89-60 and 69-58 — wins over the}: - University: of Hawaii. -Cagers Huskies Are Court Foes On Saturday ' K-States basketball squad, last season. Next! Indiana ~- will JIM SMITH, senior forward Right behind him is 5-9 Pachin . ‘Washington, K-State’ s foe. here | PACING THE HUSKIE team again this season is 6-8 center’ Dean Parsons, wee — int ' ae mS tiv dde. ie Se 1938 scores Big Six tise Polnuse Games won Games7tied Blli-time Points Games won Games tied 19438 scores Ble Siz: tis» Points Games won ‘' Games tied All-time - Points Games won — Games tied 1938 scores Ble Six tls Points Games won Games tied All-time Points Games won Games tied BIG KU-15 o> &s 1396 81 a & 2 188-140 G- 6 a 13 -K56 13- 13 ~ 49-153 a 4 oe 181-212 10- 10 2 K5C-Neb. v= 14 45-112 ae 8 : 78-416 B- 19 me ” Bag-247 - SIA FOOTBALL----Results of 1938 (Supplementing Boéklet) 27- 9 . On 19 Te 16 "Bo <"80 116- 64 45-163 5- 6 . toes GO» 10 0 2 i 438-206 507-500 262-669 phe 1) baw 16 Ge Ze 3 7 3 I5s-liio. T5-.eb 16- 13 8- 7 O- 10 88-109 53-200 79-168 a=, =& l- 10 2- 8 a 0 i . 289-082 79% 168 15- 14 Ve). 26 o- © & A i. Mo.-Neb. Loe 10 K3C-Okla. O- 26 Oi. 81 89-135 45-157 61-134 can 8 — ~ 8 oS : 4 254-342 172-5535 285-545 Ge Le ve G1 13- 14 & o 2 KU-Neb. I5-Okla. Mo e -Okla e kU-Okla QO- 19 46-101 hn a 6 028-517 Lo 4. KSC-Mo. 2i- 182~- ve é 14 135 86 > ow 248-179 Li* 4 Neb.-Okla O- Be Oss a 283 - in” 3 9 13 o9 e oi 3 pe-Woed= le 10 58 spl From the K. U. NEWS BUREAU, Lawrence; Ken.: ‘WsAsDil1, Director. Horace ason, sports editor. 1938 scores Big Six “Sls« Points Games won Geames7tied Bll-time Points Games won Games tied 1938 scores BleeSig tis. Points Games won Games tied All-time Points Games won ‘Games tied 1958 scores Big Six.tls Points Games won Games tied All-time Points Games won Games tied BIG KU-I5 v= 21 139% 81 o- 38 a 188-140 9- 6 3 13-K3€ 13- 13 49-153 “S- 4 eu 181-212 10= 10 > nw K5C-Neb. 7= 14 45-112 ge "8 a 78-416 pm F9 2 KU-KSC B7<5.,7 82- 80 n= 6 0 4.58-206 2e%° Lil 3 16- 135 88-109 ke 5 2 249-247 13- 14 & QO=- 26 89-155 ae ee Z 254-542 v= Li & KU-Mo. 7- 13 116- 64 o- 4 2 507-500 24—- 16 7 Is-.eb 8- 7 53-200 1- 10 Q 259-082 = @6 + fo.-Neb. Lo+: 10 45-157 i @ 2 172-553 7- 21 3 SI£ FOOTBALL----Results of 1938 (3uoplementing Boéklet) KU-Neb ® = 16 45-1635 Ow 10 1 262-669 9= 39 $ I3-Okla. O~ 16 79-166 2- 8 s 79-168 ne 1 Mo e -Okla ° O= 21 61-134 - 6 285-345 13- 14 a KU-Okla O- 19 — 46-101 4- 6 L 028-3517 18- 14 4 2il- 13 182- 86 %- 2 2 248-179 il~ & Neb. -Okla O- 13 137- 59 T a ip ae 285~- 61 is*: 3 3 ~--wade, 12 10 48 spl From the Ki U. WEWS BUREAU, Lawrence, Kan.; ',.A.Dill, Director. Horace “ason, sports editor. Colorado Goes West to Tes ez California, Which Will Be us Here for Big 7 Tourney. REAL HURDLE FOR BUFFS Bob McKeen, 220-Pound Bear ~. Center, May Be a Match for Burd Haldorson. BIG SEVEN 6 Dalla Dobbs, g, Kansas «2... ae 14 13 4 t 30'8 Bi tte Haldorson, c, Colorado « 3 20 By 9 37 19:0, Norm Stewart, f, Missouri ..... aa 19 28 13 86 i¢5| @huck Duncan, ¢c, Iowa. State .. 2 J2 7 4 a zoe Rex Ekwall, f, Nebraska ..... 2 8 14 7 30 i360! Bob Blake,f, California ........ 4 22 12 6 36 ino Gary Thompson, g, Iowa State ui 11 8 7 36 15,0 Bob Friend, f, California . Be: 20 18 8 25 Bob Reiter, c, Missouri ... wf 19 17 15 38 139 Red -Reichert, g, Missouri co 13 23 16 33 739 ed ‘Park, f, Missouri ........ SRA PSS 19 12 is is'3 Bob Jeangerard, £, COOLOV ROG os soos sistas cesecsins ecneses 3 a3 10 3. 36 133 Lyn Hart, f, Oklahoma ......ccscsse 3 9 18 1 36 is 0 > MOVE TO SAVE A TEAM. _delphia Phillies dropped the fran- Terre Haute Fans Raise $11,000 ie and Heer the lease on in $62,000 Drive. e Terre Haute ball park at the, a oa end of the 1954 season, ‘Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 15. Se (AP)—The Terre Haute Fans oe sa 7. eo the needs! ; si - lof hundreds of homes and offi ssociation has raised $11,000 inthe people of inis community and “qnean of 22.6 for three games, a drive for $62,000 to keep a'get results. Dial BA. 5500.—Adv., 3 # 3 and § ; »~ #F a & 7 ¢ z : é PORE PEI SN CRN Rice % PGMA SO a On Ma 2 RAY a TDS “DS PN See Pepe 8 eae RTA Re Ze F ee, SEAMEN fee nate 6 ‘ Ty Avared Rees ae sage WEIR OG MAE me: te ee dns a Ss | Ts. Seah Ss 2 ORNs re iS 5 Serre, SEAS PCE Ka LOR ELK Late tye 4 nema earn cee EAE EOIN A Nine Gey PRM Emig. _ 4 AO pans ON apnea 5 Qomuer. » L.A? Ni tN cage CORN Se RR Bata ICS Pe aeiat Prats omit a “ Seve Coy gee: Pa A aE wR okcie, BE SP RE RE i ni Tae Dee r chrmsarmacennsaniaces NEEL AME th: Tate weal EN 5 MR pct . a ae POLAR tel Py we PRA Nt Sete @ eee anions 4 reer TI Sk é = 8 om ene om = £34 * Cat! AS ” < capa ye . —— Fiver et VONEE madi BS RRR A poten Oates ont ts Te agat2 a3 +a ona f Me Cem rie, a e a : £ x PN Ea aN TGP Baers sient” et a as RE el AR satel pas? AHS Pe fae Ger cn BE EY & b ; ‘ z 2 a . Pe Dinca wi RL LE featmicant in 3 ~ et sbi E pasa LS era Es yi a MRE. eed . ratte nde emda Gt Se TRAINS > TS LEE tee Per seen en eet 2 Si NR roms Mt gs ¥ Nernst ie tye ¥ * RE ONE R ok See Wg 2 7 freee 4 : ; i ‘ ABS aN oe mi? nae te PE PUREE AS ir mn TW ELA RS RRR STN 5 F 9 AOE OSE CM AR ET MBSE. morse ¥ sneesilcinioin j Bi A BRE ERR LER SEN slo Bb tos ey PRP teas Se estate i. ed ene, agra Me se nae wd atl 6 ere LM eee PEPE AE EE WPI HtAy Seca eg ne NAG Bl 8M psa A Ree MGS ietecelihonaastatha EES MT NAG NLS CN ON OR Nie rae _— * Sn RIM A se wf Fateh SE eM ESA — 5 5 chsh t 3 : : ; tel Osa eas ata samneatanin angie nh thn Rae ee Ptr ale Oy *. ‘ : —— PC OD, ox Ay agnor AEE Ra OC I Ae aang oa Elbe were! ene SI go nme NE Tye eeees a et athe smo oT la ip aga --j Se ne ene oo Wess ea ae ay He ne On AE A Cig tes NM Sia ac noe Me 2 oe 3 t Sa net te ad nt amt ‘ SER ANE Bia TT tag pe. g § | 7 . a £ : % ; 7 4 7 —— < } # ph ih te ec B08 AIS ae inser poneetee Wea > ve Foge Saar EE Ne Siete ta Ry i” ‘ sca a ) 4:£f ob Pornsee gate ¥ IRR PN on me emer ic Me Mages *% ; ‘ 5 serene % PANS te ° Lammy % AEA ERY STONEY REE ale Besta SB it Sag e RO SO ere RR tees ee aM Pees Fld + "eons oR : 4 ese p ANe: “ 2SY OREN Ge 7 ine an % pn ren. : ty ,ies @ 5 & ~ hooey ACR REP APR RET DIS a QTE SE: tHE? Eten g er ial CEE es - a 7 ¥ “—— e “t Shade é ; : Z m 5 i # & inet iesinitee . veinaiinaMl i PAE GOSS Soe he a ga ESE FN re AR RE RE RT AIS ABE ek a ee ee ie a eer a ne Trdeaer 22 Fae Se aot 7 q 4 - 3 é i. ee . 4 Sat * ’ ) 2 § - . % # Ps seat a mee Pg tates arma Prarie cemiponcn Ja) PRE oo ene, sonsmveenbaghen AE PONTE mre toe Hees naat ge ; e * as i ; y ’ : 3 % ® t Doma ra stein Sa balance HAE Te, ~ wos ae, my BE eS ae PRMD a ei + CREME 4 wth ea : { f . j . # ; BS + j " sad — aha ie SAN cay Banana SS i gh at eh cm “sy 1S ; ie : { heetsnnends AIAN PR NC. Avaey ses ARRON Rt age eae MAG NM ORE SERINE ty i 3 5 a : Fei IPE aE OG aU ITE F RRB RIN Fe EOF RCE ert tape yey % © re rl tu ¥ rm ne pe, = . ‘ t.? 3 > -% “> i * es e 2% = zi a ~ wey . +, : : © SORE RRs ey vy aa “Sateen, FE OMe Fa ETN ee OR eg tn tle Case Oa eles: COE raga: f Mate RR eine AERIS a MT AGS. iy - é CaO at wrsieee so gerne «pie ‘ R o" nts * te ‘ Sib 7 oe ‘ “ ve na “, . Ce | a: a ee re. S Johnson, ¢ Warren, ¢ Ertg, Cc ersoOns Ss & 2 & Hollinger, g 3 ON » r, g 2 8 ae KANSAS TOTA o ge Pi Downer, ' Duncan, f ° SON y Busnzow, C , QI, C OUSG, © Yates, c Borns g NS » SOC, 5 ee REBOUNDS ‘TULSA TOTALS: ? Li B f Time Score: KU 2 | - Tulsa 79 = 17 SO Sone ne ‘ os a a a ES _ 8b Rt al ae i, SRY aay % ade aaa enna SEN ARON i. gee ee 61S Le v pore al? 3 RP Regge ge Trae aa 8 a ERIN PEM EHR, BRE Sis Bye cert. He, ie, Fe Be & . Saree, RLU RANTING TAT OY t 2 ' Le id 0 od 7 whe PR te a a Bin Eee WERE wy S cenihcoensinies ties Ma ‘ 9 % ey rerengy > . - 5 ne O77 PAF NN Gr oeriggere | 18 v4 a ‘ ‘ : sera eens Feeney th ig RR ew "hes teen along Shame eta apm annals ws ” as HT EN BRS OBEN LS % ' : : od me . : 2 j ; ' } : i ' oo BO Ra ae + 5. eos eg + a teamed datos acres os et ~ ¢ + & eS. ‘ a i 5 be 3 ~~ & \ ~ e Se : j : ; 2 : ‘Serpe as ait ee wnt 9 rree0 * ' ¢ 5 { ? é ee rT . TATwWTH G wih. G ¢ ey salemene EEE RE AO RE RN TE AE y Mate RD. a A a le ee RSS I arm! sehaagonce MBE Rig FEL, enon ati ertomtenar etee - 3 ms ah = fn aya emanate . Ww ieee eet aneineindcsnenniae ae al nineteen Ee we i ] 8 * on 5 | ¥ » s A 3 * tomndh ¥ ee) anc Sethe ane Meta ts ea nay ndash oie ane aH 3 ¢ v : f ; a 5 ? See! ; & $ 5 te BME Pe eee ome yey ameter wn) BRIERE aunty aa ; * 5 SOT PS yes re Tt % : 2 3 ODS OTS I 7 D : ‘ ¢ SRS anes NS Mg 7 fro 5 i 9 ; . : bs as rena eget i renee ates mE be fe ‘ie ind - : Pray O08 Nod a) we aa ~~ PRES eee PEP Le Mente mtn SPN RoR 6 Bie oe oemanegpretaae Ea ay * a Bat = : i. ; : aes PO es ee yey ae o . ¥ 2 Be 20} 7° ze : PF ereny: ROD tater eailislles ARS. yrembemeneines ale RE ORM TD RR RNa Reo p28 Po TRE iat Ese eo tg, OTROS Naomi sy WV f [ - ? bi ' qT IS i; & j SS auction : aul os ‘. X NIN, Ci SeisttabiaNee onageer 0% PE NS ee dalttae rR icinstenttn Se Seahorse ee, % 2 MRS R MBN ts * Teste nd MS ae Roce omen ; 9 ee Bago 2 ® : APO gs ee ap ema aN Raa por DS Mh tesa eenininietiig { ven aint a eto we . *% Kato eee . _ é 2 tilatiatinaetomebeentaat cee tte 23 vn NP Hw gore: yom 2 ‘Warren, ¢ Alberts Dob : Heitholt, Hol n . Pee ‘Wolfe Te e unds — 3 KANSAS TOTALS | Woods | Flelds, Pahmeier, Durren Telligman, cf a Brashear | Robiche Coterill,— Arhos, Nichols, g : Rayburn, g |[- Team Rebounds 3 - RICE TOTALS * L se} Half Time Score: KU YW _ oe Rice 44 Officials: Harry Easter and) : “4 ao Mine - ‘ “ :. a ~~ "he big seven tournament 53 of 3 NINTH ANNUAL BIG SEVEN TOURNAMENT BRACKET Monday : 8 Peme Colorado vae ‘klahoma 9:45 Peme Nebraskavse Missouri Tuesd sy 8 Peme Kansas vse Iowa State 9:45 pem. Kansas State vs» “al ifornia Free throws records will be in most peril when Big Seven toumamat baske thal teams hit the planks of Kansas City's Munic imal auditorium in their ninth annual post-“hristmas extravaganza which begins a four-day run Monday. This isa logical consequence of the new bonus rule which gives the ximex offended player a second free throw chance if he sinks his first charity off a one-shot foule Ska ig vivx for Under direct fire will be the single tour emen t mrk of 28 gift flips muowvieidxbyx esta blished by iowa State's 6-8 center, Yelmar Diercks , in 1952; mmt the career record of 47 , erected py nother pivot, Bil | Jomson, of Nebraska over the past three years , ani the single geme team ceiling of 36 wrought by Sansas against Oklahoma in last year's finals. Lun vaen iomxviomwxyeur vaemvx Oklahoma's senior sharpe shoo Sein Lester Lane, is certain to press both individual marks. Thru the Sconers' four pre-meet games he is sveraging an even nine charities per start, having flipped thru 36 of 55 tries. He needs only to lift this mean a fraction to overhaul Diercks' tourmment marke And since he already maxx las xeimvx net ted 29 free throws in three previous toumanetse..-. he is om of a hmdful of playes who will take part in their four th tumynux meet..... he can average considerably less than 9-per-game and still topmle Johns on's career figuree s 22222 Simple arithmatic shows tht if Lane merely meets his average during tournament play he will close cut with 56 charities for his tourney carea@ , cr nine more than Jomson canned during his three year dutye Another foureyeer hand, Kansas Stat exxx&x forward Jim Smith also threatms tle single -tournama@t record. He wis dropped 45 in five games for a 806 averages And since becoming a regular over the last hree games , he ms accounted for 52 of this totale During this span he has gone to the line 44 times. This is an average chance of slightl y more than 11 times per gamee Sinée Smith is = travelling at a 75=percent mfiedoriummyx ec curacy pace, it is not diffimlt to see tmt he will vie seriously with “ane in shooting at Diercks'record » Even Johnson's career stenderd is within reach even tho Smith has netted only 21 tosses during his previous nine ganes of tournamat actione : Too, Smith has notched 13 throws twice to poreny in a single game, against Wyomingand “ashington, hus brushing the present one-game tourney Mark k of 14 held jcintly by Kansas State's Dick Kns otman ( 1952), and Kensas ' Bill Brainerd ( 1955+ » i Sway te ams yx Kane syxenvOkiaux The team free throw mark for one game alresiy ms been bettered twice. Kansas re 58 in its 100+72 win over Rice December 18¢ Oklahom hit 37 in a 29a loss to Baylor December lt. . Under team records eva Stanford s 8 ingleegame high of 103 points , scored in a rules experiement gme against Iowa State in 1951 » 18 not save Kansas Iowa State both have been at thee entiry mark in pre-meet gameSe tema Only three performers, two of them foureyear men, are mnceded achence of cracking tle tourney's 100-point career scoring elites Ami dite is the correct word, for only 12 men panied harp Ror... 33335 xx Inve achelvel tat bracket to da tees Roughly this is only one percent of the conference players who have take part in eight previous meetse Guest tean perm nnel is not included since tieir one-year stands eliminate a career chance of three or four years e 3 The 1954 trio sed ing tle circle areChuck peiaihing Towa State's 6=5 center 3 Bob “eiter, Missouri's 69 pivot, and Bob Jeane gerard , raven «ha red Coloraio forwarde Oddly the latter. alt ho a foure yeex wan, did mu will be competing in only his third tourneye 4. saw no action as a freshmne & Duncan will come in with a 77-point aggregate in two previous meets. He is averaging 18-8 points thru the Cyglones! five pre-mect games ,xxvx secom best among pre-toumey scorerse If he maintains this mean thru the towney he cm press his Ken sas City total to 1335 points, comfortaly beond the century marke ‘eiter needs only 25 tournement points to reach tre ¢levmmedx 100-club, since he Ins colected 75 in three previous meetss 444 ig travelling at a 13.0 clip, maintainence of which would shoct him to 114 fo tournam@mt playe | Jeangerard , by matching his seasonal average of 11.7 can just maxx match 100 points. He needs 35 to reach the century levele Two veterens, Burdet te “ald orson, 688 Buffalo center am Oklahoma's Lester lenine » alrealy are safely in the Century Circle with 108 ed 107 points, respectively. And the former has secon action ax in only sevam games desp ite his prawtumsx vikresvgearx four-year stripes. stretching his current 245 thre By equaixtngshie xeurnauts S¢x% average tn tournammt pley , Lane can reach 181 points for four meets, a total whis h would place him second only to Clyde “ovellette , the old Kensas collusus, who ‘s 222 in three meets xpxeae appears safe for some time. 44444 Haldorson has avearged 1666 thru cU_s first six games, which means he could reach 164 points by ene ite that mean in towrment laye This would outstrip every Biaperxwowx wn vt im ve whynamen bx x _menber of the present Sentury Circle save Lovell ettee Here is the present Century Circle “4neup: ¢‘ writ FT Tf Clyde Lovekbette,g, Kansas 9 95 S6 18 S35 222 Jesse Prisock,f, Kansas Ste 9 49 S7 15 S2 155 Jim Buchanan,g, “ebraskea 9 58 18 10 15 154 Dick Knostilan, Cy Kansas Ste9 46 S59 15 22 151 Jim Stange,c, Iowa Ste 9 oe ee ee 8 Delmar Diercks,c, Iowa Ste 9 33.4 419 «S37 «= 61s Bill stauffer,e, Missowi 9 359 34611 30 ii Bill Johnson, ¢, Nebraska 9 32 47 28 27 111 ‘Burdette 4sldors m,a,Cal oe aoe: ee Lester Lene, g, Oklahoma 9 39 29 15 x&52 107 Ernie Barre tt,g, Kansas Ste 9 45 15 $7 30 101 Jerry “augh,g, Kansas 12 4 £15 1 80 sh § Here is the tourney bregiiown on the 1954 nominees : G FG FY PF TP Pts» Needed Chuck Duncan, ¢, Iowa St 6 27235 16 77 23 Bob “eiter,c, Missowi 9 3015 28 75 25 Bob Yeangerard,f, Coloe 6 2123 8 65 35 -50 = \ r Hoe ec “I LY 1G oo Sia \4 Nest 7 > a yy bm : Tn 4 * Po / beg Jee Onset . “ ate" a ow 3 ee bo : oe On a 4 | ae drm \ 2 [ - 7 | a4 + oe A “ | Ww: eli eg aer om A Ags ar “i ' y = 2 “4h paid | Lf -. 3 qi y —— lb 5 4 ~y 7 Aq 5.7 MN Ed Le | Ohio Wastes 34 Freeman Points, 54-50 -. BERKELEY, CAL. (®) — A| last-minute outburst by forward Mike Diaz gave California a | | 54-50 victory gm | over Ohio State Wednesday |night before a |n e a r-capacity crowd of 6,500. | ~Ohio’s Robin Freeman put on “a spectacular 34-point per- formance for the Buckeyes, who held a 26- 23 halftime lead in the second and last game / FR! of the series. Te one man at-.| tack was\not fenough to stave off the Bear's, who also won Tuesday night. Forward Larry Friend was | Cal’s high man with 12 points. The teams were rarely more | than a field goal apart. Though | outshot from the floor, 42 per | cent to 32 per cent, the Bears | tucked away. 24 field goals to} 18 for the Buckeyes. Ohio State—50. California—5: G.FT,F. Miller,f SP sed: Kelley,f a 0 Ropes,c 0 0 Freeman,g 11 12 z3 - Mosier,¢ Ellis,g ae ub,g = ———. Winetr ‘Totals 1814 12 Arvilaza,g otals 24 612 Segre at half—Ohio rotate 26, Cali- fornia Mi a “free throws—-Ohio State: Mil- ler 2, Kelley 1, Ropes 1, Freeman 2, Bilis 2; California: rriend, B. McKeen 3, Diaz 1, Heff 1, Winetrub 1, Arril- laga 1, E. Meteen. |S eecLcoe wHHOHwIS Buffaloes Blister Huskers By GEORGE FRANCO Post Executive Sports Editor KANSAS CITY, Dec. 30.—Colo- |jrado’s basketball teams have fallen heir to the dubious. distinc- tion of ‘‘matinee idols’ in Big Seven conference tournaments here. The man behind it all is Bill Strannigan, the ex-Colorado A&M| tutor currently in his first season} at Iowa State after a successful) tenure in, the mountain country.| When Strannigan guided Iowa} State to its thrilling 82-to-81| triumph over perennially strong} Kansas following Colorado’s 73-71) overtime loss to Oklahoma one} game earlier, the Buffs got the tag. They’re the lone current con-| ference member that has not won| in the opening round. — They responded well to the| designation here Wednesday after-| noon in the consolation semifinals by overwhelming inept Nebraska, 89 to 47. That gave them the right to meet California in the consola- tion title contest Thursday and a chance to seek revenge for two earlier losses to the Bears on their recent west coast swing. BUFFS CLICK In direct contrast to its below- par showing in Monday’s losing effort to Oklahoma in the tourney opener, Colorado did everything near-perfectly in Smee |Huskers. | the reserve units wi | tight defense to end win drouth. of the game by Colorado’s Bob Jeangerard. The Buffs took the lead on Burdette (Burdy) Haldor- son’s free throw with only 2:03 played and were off to a record- jbreaking tourney victory margin |\of 42 points. This eclipsed the old mark set in 1948, when the Buffs |tromped Harvard by 33 points. It ‘was also a school scoring mark. Jeangerard and Haldorson high- halt c getting 33 of the Buffs’| total as they paced a gigantic 52-| 23 advantage. After that it was just a matter of what the final edge would be. _ Coach Bebe Lee used his reg- _ulars for only 18-minutes in the contest and cleared his bench of fifteen reserves. Only two Buffs failed to crack the scor- ing columus. In the other consolation brack- et game, California’s Bears com- pletely ruined Kansas’ hopes for some glory by trimming the Jay- hawks, 65 to 62, for the latter’s second straight loss in the tourna- ment. It was the first time in the history of the tournament a Kan- sas team had lost two straight. The Bears refused to wilt under .the pressure applied by the Kan- sans. and managed the victory even without the presence of Bob McKeen, their mammoth center. COLORADO (89) NEBRASKA (47) Player as FT PF Player FG FT PF TP Ekwall f Boich f Smith f Fagier f Doebele f Renz’anc Matzke c Prokop ¢ Buel g Roy g Coufal g Wells g Gibson g rary lwuncnozabusteaas NMHROOBRHWNNNWOO WOONDONOSOOUNSG PHHOHPNUWANANH A ONONNNOAADAHNO > 0 6 1 1 9 : 1 2 3 0 0 1 £ 1 | SCHNONOOAAHOWONS | HWONSHOOOWHWHEN Totals 312718 89 Totals 1713 26 47 HALF TIME SCORE—Colorado 52, Ne- braska 23. | FREE THROWS MISSED: Colorado— Coffman, Yardley 2, Jeangerard, Rangolas, | Haldorson 2, Hannah, Walter, Mark, Mowbray. Nebraska— Smith 3, Doeble, Renzelman, ‘Matzke 2, Prokop 2, Roy 2, Gibson. | KANSAS (62) | CALIFORNIA (65) Player FGFTPFTP| Player FG FT PF TP 7 7 3 °21|Bilakef 1 6\E.McK’nf 0 4\|Friendf 1 0|Mastrov f 0 0O|Hagierc 5 8|Brownec 4 11|Diaz g HPUONoWROUNeD OhNOUTABRUOS PhWOUNhOWNW B BPR oe VAMDORNHEUHO'Y Hol’ger g Joh'ton g looHowwwoonHr looHrowanooom Totals 19 24 2062| Totals 22 2125 65 HALFTIME SCORE—Kansas 35, Califor- nla 37; FREE THROWS MISSED—Kansas: Ellstun 3, King, Davenport, Johnson 4, Brainard 2,) ‘| Dobbs 2, Parker. California: Blake 3, E.! McKeen, Mastrov, Hagler 2, Brown, Wein- traub, Hess 3, Arrillaga. MISSOURI WINS INMEET, 75-58: COLORADO OUT Cyclones to Play Kansas Tonight. — TOURNEY FACTS. Results, ee 73, Colorado qi cover- tim 3 Missouri 75, Nebraska 58) Games Today. FIRST ROUND. 8 p. m.—lIowa State vy, 9:45° p. mi. — Kansas California. By Maury (Staff Writer. annual Big etball tourna- ment got off to a rousing start. ? Oklahoma, a short team not given much of a chance, opened the four-day meet by upsetting Colorado, 73-71, in an. overtime. Sooners Stall. The surprising Sooners stalled the last three minutes of the regular game, then failed to even get a shot off—but won on sophomore Jimmy Peck’s jump shot with three seconds to go, Peck’s other 16 points and guard Les Lane’s, 31 gave Oklahoma terrific outside scoring against one of last year’s conference co-cham- pions which has the same , Squad back. Missouri, ranked seyen tionally in the last Associated Press poll, broke loose early in the second half to beat Ne- braska, 75-58. Norm Stewart led Tiger scoring with 26 points, Gary Renzleman was high for the Huskers with 19—all in’ the first half. Cyclones ys. Kansas. Tonight’s action pits Iowa State against Kansas in the & o’clock game with guest Cali- fornia meeting Kansas State in the second game. _ Undefeated Kansas, defending meet champion, will start four sophomores and guard Dallas BIG SEVEN— Continued on Page Ten. * * kik * Kenko & Nebraska —88, ‘Missouri—_75, FT.F. Park:f Ekwall, f 2 Filbert, f Cc. Smith, f 0 Richards,f Doeble,f 0 Reichert,f vi) RUSE: 3 0 Blackman,f 3 Reiter,c Renz’ ‘imn, ¢ Roy, Matane, gz Buel,g Prokop,g Wells, Coufal,z Gibson,g Totals 162618. Totals 252523 aoe at half—Missouri 35, Nebras- OHSSamcouoHnoen be Fowler,g Bese c ca Progen L-Onmoaoooiwmmimericd mm 1 0 i 0 5 Q 1 0 as 0 2 a ka Free throws. -missed—Nebraska: Ek- wall, Smith 2, Doebles ® Fagler, Ren- zelman, Roy 2, Matzke 3, Coufal 2; Missouri: Park, Reichert, Rust 2, Blackman, Reiter 2, “Smith. ¢ Officials—Cilff Ogden of Wichita; John Lloyd-of Kansas City. I a ae i3. yj 8 a2 No tj Jeang’ard,f Ranglos,f Halderson,e Hannah,e | Harrold, CORR RHODOKR | SHARAN WON ck,g ie Mowbray, S15 a 2 1 Totals 23 25 Sore at bale ecipeadi 37, Okla- Regulation—Colorado 68, Oklahoma, Free. throws -missed—Colorado: Coff- re Jeanegerard 2, Ranglos, Haldor- son Mansfield 2; Oklahoma: Thomp- son 3 Hart 2, Muller 7, Lane 2, Peck, . Officials—John Frasher of Ilinois, Alex George of Notre Dame. hom. Peck’s Heave Wins, 73-71; Tigers Rip Huskers, 75-58 “BY DICK SNIDER Daily Capital Sports Editor KANSAS CITY, MO.—Oklahoma’s sawed-off Sooners. pulled one of the prize upsets of Big Seven tournament history here Monday night when they stunned Colorado, 73-71, on Jimmy Peck’s jump shot three seconds before the end of the first overtime period. j Missouri gave the favorites an even break for the night when -{t rolled past Nebraska, 75-58, in the second game of the opening doubleheader of the ninth annual classic before only ,about 7,000 fans in Municipal Auditorium. Plenty of patience, plenty of Peck, and an ev little Lester Lane rang the bell for Oklahoma, w game after four defeats. Even then the patience, in the form of a deey and lengthy stall, almost spoiled the brilliant Sooner bid. The Sooners, who had kept it close a th points back to tie the game at 68-68 \wi regulation time. It still was tied when the 3:23 to out. OU Coach Bruce Drake’s strat- egy called for a stall, and the Sooners really put it on. They held the ball for three full min- Tourney Scoreboard GAMES TODAY 8 p.'m,—Kansas vs. Iowa State. 9:45 p, m.—Kansas State vs. Cali- fornia, RESULTS MONDAY Ph aoa 73, Colorado %1 (over- Missouri 15, Nebraska, 58. jutes, using only two passes in the process. At one point, Peck stood near the center of the court and bounced the ball for a full min- ute. With 23 seconds left, OU called time out again, and then came back to continue the stall. With less ‘than 15 seconds to go, the Sooners moved toward the bas- ket finally, only to see their bid foiled, Lane was driving toward the bueket' when the buzzer sounded ending the regulation game. ' In the five-minute overtime, Lane hit.a long jump with 3:46 left to move Oklahoma in front, 70-68. Nick Mansfield trimmed that gap to one point with a free toss with 3:25 to go, but Peck got that one back with 45 sec- onds remaining, Bob Jeangerard tied it for the last time with 30 seconds to go with a long jump shot, but that set ethe stage for the crashing Seoner climax, = yar ey igger dose of h won its first ay, came from six 3:59 remaining in ot the ball again with and they called time Once again they stalled until less than 15 seconds were left.) \Then they moved in, and Peck} fired the clincher from about 10 feet out, Colorado never had. a chance to retaliate. | Peck, 5-9, and Lane, 5-10, two lof the smallest in Oklahoma’s |stable of basketball runts, put jon. a great show, Peck hit 18 | points, ‘including the dramatic | winners, and Lane connected for |31. Lane, tournament scoring champion here last year, -hit 13 \field goals, most of them from \far out. | Oklahoma, which barely man- jages to muster a six-foot average for its squad, was whipped in. re- ‘bounds, 55-38, by the heavily fa- vored Buffs. But the Sooners hit 25 of 54 shots from the field for 46 per cent. _ sj After a tight first half in which Oklahoma led most of the time, altho Colorado owned a. 37-35 lead at intermission, the Buffs ‘built their biggest leads midway in the second half. These were brief margins of six points at 65-59 and 67-61. one : Then Oklahoma ‘closed in, and dealt the Buffs their fourth straight loss after a three-game winning streak at the start of the season. Missouri, winning its fifth jgame against two losses, built a |35-29 halftime lead over’ Ne- |braska, and then widened that| ‘to 21 points at 72-51 four minutes | before the end, : | The Huskers, making their! first appearance here under new (Continued on Page 10, Column 4) Big Seven Quintets Tip Off Pre-Season Tourney Tonight By JAY SIMON (Daily Oklahoman Sports Writer) anes CITY, Dec. 26—The ninth annual Big Seven basketball tournament opens at Municipal Auditorium here Monday night with guest team California apparently having the best chance to lift the championship from conference members since Southern Methodist won the initial meet in 1940. Coached this season by Pete Newell, who shifted from Mich- igan State, California has compiled a 7-1 record in pre-tournament action, including 57-44 and 59-45 decisions over Colorado, one of - the favorites to win the Big Probable Starters Seven crown. , OKLAHOMA Pos. COLORADO The Golden Bears, paced by all-America hopeful Bob McKeen, trimmed Ohio State, 3 US. Thompson f B, Jeangerard 3 Tate inane ad Suan: | EAL, ¢ Renae rro. tae first ieicats of the cone 5 gimmy Beck 5 Chas, Mock 60 paign. Cal’s only loss thus far | terium, Kansas City. was an 88-77 double-overtime NEBRASKA Pos. MISSOURI 6-2 Stan Matzke decision to College of Pacific. Kansas, which seems to have another title contender despite the loss of three reg- ulars from last year’s co- champions, enters the four- day mixer with the only unblemished record. The Jay- - hawks have rushed past Louis- iana State, Tulsa and Rice twice while remaining at home and preparing a deep squad of youngsters for the tournament and the league race which be- gins the following week. 6-2 Chas. Smith f Norm Stewart 6-4 6-5 W. Fagler f Med P 6-5 G.Rentzelman c 5-10 Duane Buel ¢& g Red. Reichert 6-1 TIPOFF—9:45 p. m. The Pairings Here are first-round pairings in bracket order with won-lost records of teams in parentheses: UPPER BRACKET 8 p. m. Monday—Colorade (3-3) ys. Oklahoma (0-4). 9:45 p. m. Monday—Missouri (4-2) vs. Nebraska (2-3). LOWER BRACKET 8 p. m. Tuesday—Kansas (4-0) vs. Towa State (4-1). 9:45 p. m. Tuesday—California (7-1) vs. Kansas State (3-2). Missouri, claiming three triumphs/ over Big Ten quintets; Kansas State, winner of its last three Atarts over major foes, and Colorado, which didn’t lose a single’man from last year’s team which tied Kansas, all must be gonsidered serious challengers along with California and Kans Oklahoma, still seeking its Iowa State and Nebraska, b all are capable of springing for the title. Iowa State, guided byfiormer Colorado A&M coach Bill Stran- nigan, boasts a 4-1 récorg, but hasn’t beaten a real good team yet. The loss was to Bra by 12 points. EBRASKA, which stands 2-3, riddled Bradley 93-68 at Peoria but in turn lost to Memphis State as well as Iowa and Ala- bama. The Huskers are coached this season by Jerry Bush, who fashioned winning teams at Toledo before moving into the Big Seven last summer. Oklahoma, which has bowed to Ohio State, Wisconsin and Baylor twice, tips off the tournament at 8 p. m. Monday against Colorado. The second game Monday night matches Missouri and Nebraska. The first-round will be completed Tuesday night with Kansas and Iowa State colliding in the opening game and California op- posing Kansas State in the other. Semifinals are slated Wednes- day night and finals Thursday night. The four first-round losers will play consolation bracket games Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. : After Southern Methodist won the first Big Seven tournament title in 1946 the only guest teams to reach the finals were Okla- homa A&M in 1947 and Minnesota in 1950. Both were beaten by Kansas State in the title match. Last year’s guest team, Washing- ton, failed to win a game. _ Oklahoma was runnerup to Kansas last year, the Jayhawks winning in the finals, 82-73, for their second title. Kansas State... owns three tournament crowns and Missouri and OU one apiece, rst victory after four starts, and rebuilding under new coaches, prises, but do not figure to contend 10, | “The Sie Dally Capital, Friday Dee. 24, 1954 oe gees But the little guys are going to have a lot to say about what ° j cee and Iowa State’s Jim Strange, 6- %, who also played - Kansas, 82; 1951—Clyde Lovellette, © center, have been notable backliner's. Knostman, C,’ ‘Bansas State, a ~ = & ae championship on 64 points. ‘feet—or, in the case of Colorado, one under 6-0, and an little men can play the front line of defense, against the ‘enemy’s smaller men, thus keeping the big players against are: 4, Chuck Duncan, c, Iowa State, 17.5; 6. Rex Ekwall, f, ee ies old ‘ourney’s Key Tal | Men May Take Back eat In Big Seven Cage M Meet LY DON. PIEKCE : Special. Correspondent NY BASKETBALL coach still will welcome a 6-9 pivot man when he goes after the Big Seven tournament title. team captures the ninth annual meet, which opens a foumday run Monday in Kansas City’s Municipal Auditorium. Fact is, the: ever-increasing fleet of little men in the mid- lands circuit is threatening to swing much of the spotlight away from the towering denizens of the keyhole. Oklahoma’s Lester Lane, a nifty 5-10, 170-pound guard, may have signalled such a trend last year when he won the. tournament scoring In so doing, he outdistanced | Kansas’ All-American B. 8. Born, 6-9; Burdette Haldorson, Colorado’s 6-7 center who later won the conference point scepter; Bob Reiter, Missouri’s 6-8 hook-shot artist; Nebraska’s Bill Johnson, 6-7, and Kansas State’s brace of Roger Craft, 6-7, ‘and Jerry Jung, 6-11... + For seven years previously pivot men—none of which” = stood less than 6-4—had monopolized. _ individual: tournament scoring crown... Lane, and his stablemate, the 5-9, 155-pound Jimmy Peck, typify the backlines that most conference | teams now have : - in operation. Iowa State will come in with a pair of compara- : KENT POORE .. e A K-State Shorty tive midgets in Gary Thompson, 5-10, and Larry Wetter, 5-10. Kansas is mounting Dallas Dobbs, 5-11, and John Parker, — 5-11, in its backline. Colorado floors Charles Mock slightly out of the midget class at 6-0, and Tom Harrold, 5-11, Kansas State. alternates three; Kent Poore, 5-8%;. J. R. Snyder, 5-104, ank Pachin Vicens, 5-9. Nebraska’s regulars are Duane: Buel, 5-10,.and Billy Wells, 5-11. Only favored Missouri and California, ‘this year’s guest team, will not start backlines containing two men under six tourney are > Gel Frank Hess ‘of California and the 6-14 Lionel — Smith of Missouri. ; As reflected in Lane’s 1953 tournament scoring champion- ship, the shooting shorties are not without imposing credentials. Thrift pre-meet games of December 18, that same Lane leads. ~ all teueneereat scorers ‘with a 24,5 average. This has been Mon 98 points in just four games, all of ‘which the Dob bSeis “mecond at 18.7, and Thompson, a sophomore, third oat 1, Haldorson is no better than fifth at 17.2. Reiter is Riinth at 16.0. Bob ‘McKeen, » California’s 6-7, 220-pounder, is exactly at that level. 1 Ar tenth. at 15.7. Craft and Jung are not among the top fifteen. This trend can be traced to three points: 1. The nimbler little men can bring the ball up quickly and fh efficiently, especially against various pressing defenses. 2.3 FOR THE RECORD the remaining members of this elite the board for rebounding. This serves a dual.outlet for the ‘Nebraska,.17.0; Jim Smith, f, Kansas State, 16. 3; 8. Chuck fast-break. 3. The advent of increased importance-of speed in Smith, f, ‘Nebraska, 16.8; 11. Norm Stewart, f, Missouri, 15.2; the game has forced all coaches to, employ more small, elusive 12. Larry Friend, f, California, 15,2; 13, Med Park, f, Missouri, scooters, ae Or ae oi 13.2; 14. Lyn Hart, f ens 12.5; ae pene, Elstun, a ha : if ot 1. Kansas, 12.5. Urey se IME WAS WHEN the aeend was joadad ‘with’ towering It Lane is “ele to retain his’ scchieg ‘title, he: will be the first 4 guards. Fifteen years ago Nebraska floored. perhaps the and only repeater since Clyde Lovellette, the old Kansas tallest backline tandem the conference ever has seen, in Don mastadon, was. winning three in a row from 1949 thru 1951, Fitz and Don Held, both 6-4. Missouri had the 6-4 John Here is the roster of tournament point kings:, Lobsiger in its rear defense. Iowa State boasted. the 6-5 |. 1946—Gerald Tucker, c, Oklahoma, 64; 1947—Bill Waters, Carol Schtieider. Kansas State carried the 6-3 Larry Beaumont. c, Oklahoma, 40; 1948—Gene Peterson, c, Kansas, 51; 1949— Since the war Claude Houchin, 6-5, and Bill Hougland, 6-4, of | Clyde Lovellette, c, Kansas, . 64; 1950—Clyde Lovellette, c, Kansas, 76; 1952—Dick _ : neo See sae & ; in contract, the tallest guards slated to start in next week's — ___ Oklahoma, 64. jks ohn Sa aa sa : ts CEE we hh at ssp irate gpisteye sate te 4 times, okla. city,oklae npr c¢ ‘lect, sports de: kansas city,moe, dece 30... lesterkwmmayx lane@, quite likely the finest small man bruce drake has developed at oklahoma, will be shooting at two: tournament records here friday when che surprising sovners battle iowa state for whird place in the final night of the ninth annual big seven aleeke in municipal auditorium. most coveted within lene 's range is the single - tournament scoring mark of &% 82 , which kansas ' old mastadon, clyde lovsllette, has held since 1950. the jump-shooting sooner guard, _mow playing his fourth tournament, will move against che cyclones with a tuo-game eet total of 58 pointse this means he'l need 25 points to Werte lovelle:te's present standards and at the nhte he's sean: cvavelling all season that isnt asking too muche lane's two-game average here against colorado. and missouri, a € euliie « his overall mean for six games, four of them pre-tournament losses, now is 26. | | | second record in his sights is bill johnson's Romer tournament free throw record of lb7 , compiled by the 6-7 erstwhile cornhusker center, over the past three years. lane has scored Ly. charities to date to lift his tourney total of 3s he , of course, has had the advanaage of an oxtyi three games, since he is one of a handful of four~year men now seeing their final tourney action. the purcell gunner mischt own this new marx by halftimese : | lane also is striving for retention of his mee t scoring championship, which he won last wt december on 6l, pointse &hsx no previvus scorer 4, save lovelile te, who oa that crown ali thres years of his ec mpetition, ever has scored a repeat of this bauble. MISSOL iT PussER PaRK -Rerepskt | Rerrér Seth S‘EWAR?. }ILBERY? jenny {RARAM ToPiss | OFLAHON.! PEAZER Burr. . TacwRs oN NyGGER LANE Pecr MeBpRa HamILTon WHEELER ‘Har? .- ABBEY ise ToTaLs ist Habr STa?fisvtics MISSOURI OKLAHOMA BIG 7 TOURNAHEN KANSAS CITY, 12-29-54 iat Semzt-Fiwat Gane | MISSOURI VERSUS ‘OnDaHOMA | Guna sor stariszics 20 12 ee he oS 4 Bs AWOKNMYYO ROW inna MONSOON © = 2 “eg 56.1 ae Of MAKOOMARWON + a "REBOUNDS 14 2 14 WO MOOR %o ad } i ue ee 33 £8 eea2 lane will be paired with his most threatening pursuer for both the si ngle-tournament scoring mark md this year's meet scoring crown, in the cyclones! sv¥Sveeavarxy chuck dumcan.e the : hugkky 6=5 pivot comes tnt the final night trailing the flashy sooner guard by a single point. his 34 in the 82-81 upset of kansas tuesday , is the tourney}s 1 faeries tiin high to date, and he added 23 more agavms t wednesday as the cadinal and gold fel. before kansas state, 60-70, following ou's narrow 87-95 loss to. missouri in the opening semifinal. missouri guard norm stewart and burdette naldoren, colorado's 6=7 center, are the closest to the top pair with 5S eache the ioomanint never has seen as many good little men. no tournauent in nine years has seen as many good little men os the present one. yet lane, wd his sophonore stablem~ ate, jhaay peck , “ust be considered the best of these backline shorties. consider this: oklahoma had scored 160 points in £hsx its first two tourngey starts. of this total, lane and peck. have accounted ‘or an even 100, or 62 percent of the redshirts' entire offense. they collected 51 between chem as ou pressed brawny missouri all the way and reaped 9 1S nex tuesday's 73-71 first-round overtime upset of eclowaaes no other backline is.within whispering distance of such a feate | the sigervx.muissouri-kansas state scrap for 7 the flag will be the first tournament meeting between the two teams, state never has been beaten in a king-row test, having one ait three previou s trips to the finals. missouri is.1-1 at that tivel, having edged past oklahoma, ij-4\2 , and bowed, 65-75 , to sansas, in 1951. PERSE Ee e ST EnIAA = ZDNET PPE ne epi Page 1 BIG 7 TOURNAMENT SEMI-FINALS | Kansas City, Mo., December TIME | MISSOURL — ~. TIP TO:-Missouri 18:46 Reiter hook off post 2 18:25 ua 18:06 Smith f. by Peck 3 2nd shot 4 LT: Soe 3 : weed 17:39 #£Reiter f. by Muller 5 A 2a shot 3 17:28 Park ft. ty Muller 7 a 2nd shot ; 8 . 16: 56 Stewart 1 hand push 10 16:44 et} Missed 16:27 Smith i000 from side 12 16:03 4 = « : od 7 15:49 Reiter tip in oes Lh 15:34 ee ; 15:29 Park f. by Thompson - : ‘PIM QUT OKLAHOMA Park's f.t. Missed 15:25 Stewart hook off post 16 15:11 es 2), 14:57 Smith jump from side 18 14242 | . 13 14:22 Smith under basket backhand 20 14209 2. | a meee ly : ee Missed 14:03 Missed 13:23 Reiter heok off post — ee na he by Muller on shot 23 12:52 2 ‘PIMg OUT OKLAHOMS 12:44 LS es 16 12:00 ok 18 11:17 20 10:31 22 10:27 Tims OUT MISSOURL 10:12 Park f. by Burr 2h : 2nd shot 25 10:01 al, 9:47 Reichert under basket | 27 9:14 Park driving in and under 29 S36 —C , : ae 7:33 | Stewart from side — 31 ; 7:08 Stewart driving in ae. 7:02 Tim& OUT OKLAHOMA 6:38 | = 5:5, Park f. by Hamilton (2) Missed | 2nd shot eeeeee 3h 534i 30 5325 Reiter f. by Hamilton - 22 ee 2nd shot | 36 3:47 ey ee : Missed fe 29, 195k MISSOURI VERSUS OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA Muller, driving in | Muller f. by Stewart on shot Lane 1 hand push from side Peck f. by Smith Peck push from side - Peck ft. oy Reichert 2nd shot Lane push from side Muller tip in Lane f. by Smith _ 2nd shot Muller f. by Reiter — | Peck f. by Reichert 2nd shot Thompson , driving is Burr long 1 hand from side Lane jump | shot a ». Lane dribbling under Burr lay in Thompson side jump Hamilton jwnp from f.c. Lane f. by Reichert 4 - Bee S9333 toueney dribbles: «anaes svate's appearance in the fineleceasiaet misgsourL wil mark the fifvh consecutive season one of he sunflower powers has) reached che finalsxvK@WBaBX e-.+ 2AaNSAS and k -state have siit the last four championshipSe.-«. ou h lds a 3-1 tourney edge ofer iowa state ees. only cyclone victory as wrought in 1952, when state pushed te so ners into the mect cellar with a 79-76 winee.-.- kansas state's wusvx semfinal victory over iowa state may have been. costly... jim swith, sta ting widleat forward, wrecked a knee in the suevndx first hali’, and maybe hung up for two or JhreG W@C@KSece.s tex winter's other starting forward, joe .owell , didn't lay ayamstx aga nst the cyelones .because of a sprained ankle,.-. and gene wilson, a 8 frontline starter the first two games, is cut with .a broekn bone in hi s lert hand. po don pierce 5s ell chclcsnetashs cascada Sis i ie is BIG 7 fOURNAHENT KANSAS CITY, 12-29-64 SEMI@FIvaLs MISSOURI versus OKLAHOMA ist Hatur Suot StTavisrics MISSOURI — PLAYER 7 7c GH RT FTA FIM REBOUNDS Park 4 1 ao g 8 11 | RezrcHere Z i £4.58 0 0 0 REITER it é 56.4 10 7 6 SMITH 8 5 57.8 @ 5 ae STEWART 6. g 66.7 0 0 5 FILBERT : 2 < 50° 0 wiih) Z | Team = = ~ @ | Toraus : 58 L4 §=6: 5-8 23 18 55 OXLAHOMA PLAYER : | | BURR. 2 2 100 0 0 3 Ta omPSON 6 2 55.8 0 0 5 MULLER 4 2 50 4 1 3 LANE i4 5 5507 5 g 1 Pack 8 i 12,5 7 6 vss 0 Mopra i 0 00 0 0 i HamirLToN 2 1 100 O 0. 0 WHEELER | 0 0 00 2 1 : | : | e : | : iat ">" = ‘Forans a ee” ae ee ee