big seven tournament for ke star ‘noe 5S of 8 LoKe xs beak ex califom ia FYCHONEVECRR EH OA RVX BEAR S@OREBOARD Record to date = W6L£1 3 52 Oregon State 503 64 Orogon 52; 77 College of “acific 84 ( double overtime ) ; 64 St. “arys 513 57 Golorado 443; 59 Colorado 46 *etum ing lettermen = ( 6) = Bob Blake, f3; Frank 4ess, g; Bert Mastrov, f; Bob McKeen, ¢; Floyd White, g; Cliff wayne, g 1954 PCC finish - Srd southern division ,6-6 ; all games - 17-7 Previous tournament finishes - first year competing Reozl eke Sabine’ games = Dec, 21 Ohio State at Berkeley; Dec. 2 Ohio Statte at Berkeley | First round opponent = 9:45 pzxeme Yec. 28 ee California, hibbed a by a fearsome front line, will make the most series bikx Guest Team bid since “innesota reached the 1950 finals when the ninth amual Big “even basketball derby plays a — run in Munied pal auditorium next weeke : Of late, guest teams have not made much dent of the conference proper field. Washington lost all three games last years tole two of three the previous December » am Stanford , altho winning two of ‘three in 1951, was a first -round victime ka The bears, who meet Kansas State in the final ~ first round game Tuesday night.... the tourney opens dir cs could go all the way to the finals. Chances are they will be obliged to whip both the Sansas schools, if they do, a feat tmt hasn't been accomplished since SMU turned the trick in the meet inagural in 1946. KU wil! be favored over Iowa State in the remaining lower bracket contest Tuesday. BY Asse 44 IN WMNEd/e, 2222 The plein truth is tht Sal has enough power to sideline both Sunflower fivese In Bob Meeen, a 6-7 220-pound three-let tered eitas it symsx ex will present a center in a class with the loop's two big ma of the monent, Bob Xeiter, of Missouri, ani. Colorado's Burdette “sidorsone Me Keen outscored Haldorson , tho inconclusively, 33-29, in théir two-night duel last weekend at Berkeley. ‘Js is only three-tenth of a point behind Reiter at 15.7 on the Rvivx tournament -personnel scoring listss thru games of YMecember 18. 3 As a sophomore McKeen was a sec ond=st ring All-American. choice. He has been allesouthern division twicee “e will go into the 1955 conference season only 69 points removed from Hank Luisetti's all-time PCC wexoxdx career record of 612 pointse His sophomore seasonal averge of 17.6 is a Gal recorie And his 457 points tht year was a recordeeqaullier | fora Bear player. His frontline mates are Bob Rakbx Blake, 6-2, 180= poundsygvuamtx junior, am Larry Friend, 6-4$, 185-pound sophomoree The latt @& is averaging 15e2 pointse.-. good enough for 13th on the present _ al l-tournamnt scoring liste.... Blake 10.1. *riend was an all=soathern califomnta JC selection two years agoe Blake was an all-leaguer at Long Beach City college the same seasone oe ¥ ote Sewell, who ass med the Bear reins fran the retiring Nibs Price , isn't hurting for height nor talent elsewhere eitler. Reserve forwards Ey McKeen and Bert Matrov are 6=4_ Sec md-line centers Joe theler, amixy Aix ta ptundx« yxVeuturaxvGv up from kkx a freshman team that won seven of 10 , ami Al Asplund, Ventura JC transfer, are 6-7 , aml 6-6, respect ivelye DO0O A capable fleet of cuards also is available in Frank lati, 6e2, who ea med a,letter as a sop omore last year; Clif Moyne, 3 5-11 senior; Gane beptlega, 6-3, who led last year's fresh on 157 points; and Mike Diaz, Noe 2 ater tSinn scoeer at 151, Cal pulled itself sharply into focus over the weekend when it swept a twoegame series from Colorado, the Pig Peven's defending co=- champion , which retums every starter froma club god enough to post a 102 league record last winter Tis x37 SoresvwerexHRax SXvet¢yvamivx idmutiea Both vict orien were acheived by 135-pdint | spreads, 57-44, and 59-46. If the Bears earn as much as a split with high-flying Ohio State Tuesday and Wednesiay in Berkeley, kenvnextheteyvkensasx even Mis aul ee Uses e top club at this writing , wkirexhaninie recognize a severe challenge e In addition to the two wins over Colorado, the Boars also beat Oneg on State am Oregon on the road am St. “arys at home, It bowed, 77-84, to GOP in double-overtime » for its lone loss tavadukexvx up to the Buckeye serie Se | TOP TEN SCORERS TOURNAMENT CAREER ( Rotumées in caps) G FG FT PF TP Clyde Lavellette,,c, Kansas 993 36 33 209 Jesse Prisock,f, Kansas St. 949 37 32 135 Jim Buchanan, g,Nebraska 9 58 18 15 1354 Dick Knostman,c, Kansas Ste 9 46 39 22 %8%x 131 Jim Stenge, Iowa Ste 9 40 38 28 ons Delmar Diercks,c, Iowa Ste 935 43 37 113 Bill Stauffer,c, Missori9 39 34 xk30 112 Bil Jotmson,c, Nebraska 9 32 47 27 111 BURDETTE HALDORSON,c,COLO. 738 32 19 108 LESTIR LANE, g, OKLAHOMA 9 39 29 32 107 - Qe be & S: Seana LER ee SD tone: ae PRESET “Revinboa i leas f4 re = ads kes, y-7 ~Off cud St. in —a @ll Cais ee Line as ayer ari ide ~ 8 i & Key) big seven preview for ke star Colorado “Kansas Missouri California © Iowa State Nebr aska Kansas State . Ok lahoma 77 College of Pacific a7 Wyoming 50 67 Wosconsin 56 BIG SEVET TOURNAV ENT SC OREBOARD — (thru games of Dec. 14 ) ae W LE Sea Pts. Ope Piso 3 0 1.000 219 159 1 0 1,000 83 58 3 tf - ovee 276 287 3 1... 6750 257 237 1 15557 2500 145v. 139 1 i eee 148 135 1 2 0333 208 222 0 2 .000 130 157 Gane Scores California: 52 Oregon State 50; 64 Oregon 523 84 ( double overtime) 3; 64 St, Marys 51 COLORADO; 88 BYU 663; 65 BYU 463 66 Colorado A & M IOWA STAB: 78 Carlton 603; 67 Bradley 79 KANSAS ; 83 LSU 58 KAN SAS STATE: 57 UCLA 86; 81 Arizona &&% 86; '70 MISSOURI: 49 Illinois 77; 63 Indiana 603 97 Iowa 94; NEBRASKA: 61 Iowa 84 3 87 South Dakota 51 “OKLAHOMA: 64 Baylor 803 66 Wisconsin 77 . Pee ee ee) etna appre RI ig teas, Aa i ae ~ é € Remain ing Games this week: ore = ell - a bs j pas (LE vs a Wedne é Trealies 6 at Mise cari Friday ?.Colorado-at Cay ifornia; Rice at “ansas; SAPS {se Bors Denver at Iowa State; EVAOWR awe PELL VTKY Kansas State; Rice at Satirday: Colorado at Californ ia; Washingtm at Kensa s3Ber dley at Nebraska; Ohio State at Oklahoma Boe ¥ eee ch pay ard heer 1 i fe | : p | : — | i . t ae | - 3 M.S fa LS a ss j ws : mae peek TEs ; oe : ai ie 7 = f t Sie ‘ Oe: a $ uote f * coe i PO alate: } 5 » : moked ag? Na a 3 : a sie bcd ta : are a : eee : ; i : oe 1: é p S eS u A. ~ | | Ee , , : BS ; a . , ! | alge , ae 4 : < 3 As : se a s hay * _ t* ~ - r%y % re oY ] + 2 2 se i OA esa ae : a | 20 Free Style ery . = . e : ee i : a i ee ri? THOT 42 G6 . Tigres yi Lee OY : r age a = 7 F a tra | | : 2 et CP ea ee : : « t 2 > : ’ : + a . ; “i wh * ‘ 4 * 3 ; , ree fe i : hs soe ‘ © ~ <4 ‘ee oc See j ee es : RereNe Oy Wee avot | : po ; = - . + omg ee — es Ses ee : : / Sane gee \ . ett Pd : fo ‘ : oe ‘ “ 3 | . = eo” < . ‘ ‘ . <7 ; } : - . =: > és A 3 i we. = - : | 7 7 ; 4 ” ¥ a e 4 % r , : $y are a be tage Gat ea ges op r ne pen re ie : Po Pr eer: i - < bs : ae i ; Phe x narrower deal ve “ meee , a z f 5 o Sere Nett oh “ Me a = ‘ + 7 soe : ¢ i * ag a es ie ‘ : oe z i Cys "7 3 ye a bat é Na e 7 . t * te s “st : : & > ¥ . . ee : - : pice 7 Ne Fo f i : Divin . weit ‘ : A oh =" © ert . A it | : “¢ : ; ’ ; = 2 * Z ” * 5 é 5 = 2 : ‘ A * e oe : : ti oS “% ree ws x 3g ’ ¢ * ‘ z ; . i 4 | 4 sea? 4 | : . 5 2 * e > : _ 7 ‘ ; : 2 | os ~ { ; z | { “= ene = =o : a 2 £ ; spat ; = i : | ; ‘ [ 5 . : 3 e to ty . ef ; Ane : ees! Nao a ee eS 7 1 : : : Ee Rea We ge ‘ beac - 7 } oes x \ : “s , : : ; ; ae — a nee a . ‘ % oo ; * + ‘ ‘ , + < - " J ‘ : “ =" a r ' : . F « i ee y Ms ; : 1a 7 : | | OTe C3 . ; ‘ “ke 2 k t i 4 ‘a [ : } i ; , i {= i ‘ : : aie 2 _ | f N ; » 22222 Coloraip will seek to establish itself somewlp re near th class of Missouri this weekend in its first gemine strength test of ties prodte =even t oumament schedu le « The Buffaloes will carry an unbeaten three-game stzeak of three games into Berkeley to meet California for a two night stand on tle Bears home courte To date, tle defending Big “even coe champions have run over BYU twice and Coloraio A & M, a&ksw2eyx®exkyxvawnnx Sixxtiuey Bi shtverkexy once. The Bears, playing their first seas n under Fete Newell, late of Michigan State ami San Francisco, certainly will pose a more severe test than either of tl Skylim Eight entries. Gal's record is just a step behind ttmvilerdxv that Only a double-overtime loss to Col lege of “acific in Berkeley last Friday, separates Sal from an undef eat ed season also. The "ear s fell , 77-84, in that one, then rebounded “aturday to whack S15. “erys, 64-51 © “arlie r they had beaten Oregon State and Oregon’ tk the road, an impressi w double. : i CU's test must be met on three frmts; 1) Playing a = PC team -n its home court long has been regaled as one of the mos widced assignments in col lege basketball; 2) Cal if ranked in a class with UCLA, whic h is undefeated in its first three games, including an 86057 menh ad ing of Kensas State; 3) In 6-7 , 220-pound Bob “cKeen, ths Beers will\ mount a fine match for Burdette Haldorson, tre Buffs’ 6-7 senior pivot and defend ing ecnference scoring chempione two years ego McKeen was a sec md-string All- American asa sophomore, scoring 254 @ points in southern division play , the most ewr notched by a ® sophomore and tl third highest of all-time in the lower bracket of the @oax PO's double -fronte His 457 points that season gave him co-owmership of th school single- season recorde 7 - ¢ “s ny Off end a) he — wall Cases | Eyeepling KB i 55353 Last year the huge pivot hit 437 points in 27 games to rin his £ three-seasm totale... he was eligible for vars ity play as a freshmane... . to 1179 points. “el open the conference season with 543 tallies, mly S@xtave 69 length) renoved from Hk Luisetti's all-time records tn Bob Kut wits Blake, 6-2 Junior cornet. and Larry F. “tea, &eSx 6-44 sophomore guert, McKeen boast s two capable aids who ere travell ing among the Top Fifteen in composite x individusel scoring of tournament teams ( see table below). Another item tmt projects this series as the week- ends’ sop feature , of course, is the fact, that Col @ is this year's tourney guest teat. if it sweeps both ends of th Goloraio set , or even earns a slit, it cn be ole ssea as good enoigh to reach the finals in Manet pal auditorium “ecember 30. The ninth annual af fiir opens a four-day run “ecanber 27. The doubleheader at Serk ley will mark GUes last action before it moves into tournament Play e Kansas aliso will recess after stamiing agains t Rice Friday ani Saturday in Lawrence Missouri, meanwhile, has wiped out any lingering doubts tet it merits not only the tournamnt favorite's role, but the Noe 1 billing for the league race as wells Since aRkexxbangivk reb bund ing from the 49e77 holacaust at Diinois, siexv Sg po xex bavxv x to clip Iniiena akx, 63-60, at Rissilingten, the Tigers have added two more Big ten victims in impressive fashione “aturday they out-shot Iova, 97-94, in a record artillery duel at Columbia. They followed by blliwting down Hiecekatn » 67-56, Monday. Iowa was second= ranked in the United Press poll when it came into Tigertom. Illinois now is rated Noe in the AP end by the UP. oA | : Off the strength of this string, MU ms vaulted all tle way to in the latest AP bellotting; in th UP. erg f (use one of foll ow! ng two grephs) Poe | oe Unt 11 Gol orado establishes itself snctank. Cole a= Sonsas is the only tier early ms ¢le-men ber of the league. The “ayhawks broke Tulsa’ s four-gan e vic tory string Tuselay night in Kieeeeee. . * lige dior kia viennws viedly shwonx Phog Allen. s elub had flashed. une : ‘empected power in demolishing LSU, 85-57, in its ga openers : ‘ : Other tournament menbers are travelling closming ts pred te ted f Cr Me Kansas, after scoring a surprising 83-58 annihilation of LSU in its opme ry fell to a 500 level Tuesday X when “ulsa chopped its fie 30-game homec our t winning s treak ’ » in Lawrence. Iowa State and “ebraska Inve divided two starts, while K-State ms captured one | of three and Oklahoma none of three . | f ," % 2 30 as pak an Ne SECRED Moma SOA RWIS al aA DIN A SENATE SI es fa The Tigers are expected to write a Hines gp high in tre polls wk by overrunn ing Arken sas. eee night in C-lumbia. 7 Trat gane wil Lelese. MU's pre-tournament playe -7- lower to within six inches of the ground on the count of four, spread on the count of five, brought together on the count of six, The heels never touch the ground, You can do at least twenty (20) of these. You will find this is a very difficult exercise for young boys. The number will have to be built up gradually from three or four and increased as they grow stronger, Running is an abdominal and frontal rectus femoris muscle action, This excercise builds these muscle sections. (3) This exercise we call "knee touches" done ina prone position, _ The hands are placed on the thighs and on a fast count of --1 - 2 you reach down and touch toward your knees, This sounds very simple but is a difficult exer- cise to execute for any great number of times, Be sure that the hands are kept sliding back and forth on the tops of the thighs and that the count is fast, 1-2, 1-2. When you can do from twenty to twenty-five (20-25) in succession you will find no. trouble with your breathing as the diaphram muscle will be much improved, (4) On alternate days do "push-ups" from fifteen to twenty (15-20) times one day and "pulleups'' on the horizontal bar ten to fifteen (10-15) times on the next day. (5) Work with medicine ballin pairs or in groups is very good. Pulleys for individual work are excellent and are highly recommended, learn pulley exer- cises from charts, Workout Schedule For the first two or three weeks of your work jog overdistance in gym shoes or rubber solid warmups easy with a change in pace and walking, CAUTIONe- DO NO SPRINT WORK WHATSOEVER, Early sprinting is the réason for so many shin splints, This should be emphasized to all of your boys. Appoint leaders to see that no sprint work is done out over the course. Up and down hill work is very important as a background for distance running, Sustained effort becomes monotonous, so lay out course over scenic route, or change course frequently, This will break the monotony and will encourage greater effort. After this preliminary work over a two or three week period, go into a schedule of supervised workouts, Monday Three or four miles in which the pace is varied, speeded up and slowed down, by the leader, and he directs the boys as to when this will be done, Keep Lest er Lane, Oklahoma's nifty senior ans; maintained his bulge over the conglomerate scoring field by. throwing in 22 points in the defeat by Wisconsin md more aga inst Baylor Tuesiay night. This gave him a mean of for three games » lengths over Burdette Haldorson, Coloraio'’s 6-7 center, who slid from 22.5 to notedring only 12 in the win over Coloraio Aggies. Here is the way the Top Fifteen lines up now: Nene ok, Pose Team G *% FT PF TP Avee Lester “me, g, Oklahoma : uw 6 45. 22.5 Burdette aldorson, ¢ ,Colorado ; 2c WwW 8 57 19.0 Dallas Dobts , Ss Ken sa 8 2 8 & 2 ‘18 18.0 Norm Stewart, f, Missourt 4 1 0 (BS Ciuck Duncan, ¢, Iowa State sw £ «4 a2 38 Rex Ekwall, f, Nebraska shee 7 30 25.0 “Bob Bleke, f, California uu ws 56 14.0 Gary Thompson, g, Iowa State . te. 8 30 15.0 Bob Reiter, c, Mis sourt cww wu = ae | Red Reichert, g, Missowi £3 - SS 6 ee | Med “ara, f, Miss or 4 inu»pym SS MS | Bob Jesngererd, f, Colorado Se ae Lyn Hart, f, Oklah ome 2 5 14 5 24 12.0 | berry Sen iit me Be (Oklahoma _ leis niece ae ae? 24 12.0 \V-nSe titead, fy Cattomia ‘, wom oe me ee Tt in 2 a. ha ten oie ri champions, having won with Drake in 1944, 1945 and 1946, before bringing Kansas homo first in '53. His 1951 Jayhawkers were runners-up. : : Behind Frame, every member of thts autumn's teameeesthrea of which were running the 4~mile course for the first Gime... «spun maximum performances. Jan Howell, Mas bavilie sophomore, finished Legh: Lowell Janzen, York, Nebraska, sophomore, 27th; Tom Rupp, - 28th * and Grant Cookson, Clay Center sophomore, 55th. Frame won easily at Ames in 15:16.7, a new course record, over “wa a 5-mile course, thereby crowning KU's eighth straight individual titlist as well as team champion. All of thase havc been accom plished under Easton, who's harriers never Uave been out of the throne room since he assumed command in the fall of !47, ' Janzen came home a eerhrise second in -15:45,1, Rupp was fifth t in 15249; Howell sixth in 15:53, thereby clustering every Jayhawk scorer among the first half-dozen. Cookson was 16th, high for a No. 5 man. He ran 16324. eis ' U's team score was only 14 points, 21 lower than second Siece Missouri. tas f Jayhawk freshmen completed a double by winning the conParénea postal cross-country title, with an overall wacord of 12 wins and two losses, the young Hewks completed a fino poSeat meet son doa. Jerry MeNeal, Minneapolis, Minn., recruit, won CAS’ PeecMi Le on= ¢ the-track title in 9340.8, sparkling time for a yearling. KU also grabbed the fourth, fifth, sixth and 15th slots with Bob Nicholson, Maize; Paul Baker, Dedham, Masse; Verlyn Schmidt, Hays and Bob Cormack, Abilene, tO score 16 points, 20 less then runner-up Kansas Statce . - BO ws Kansas Quintets Are Underdogs At Big / Meet KANSAS CITY, Dec. 18—For the first time in five years neither of. the Sunflower powers, Kansas and | Kansas State, will be favored to’ carry off the Big Seven tourna- ment championship when confer- ence squads converge on Kansas: City’s Municipal auditorium De-: }eember 27-30. . Not that the Jayhawkers and Wildcats, who have split the last four tourney titles, will be soft touches. Kansas, in fact, is unde- feated in four starts. Kansas State leveled its seasonal mark at 2-2 by- defeating Washington Saturday : night. The Jayhawks dismantled LSU, : 83-58, in their opener, wrought a - mild surprise by outlasting Tulsa, | Past Champions. YEAR WINNER RUNNERUP FINALS 195 Kansas Oklahoma - 82-' i K-State Kansas rs Kansas Missouri K-State Minnesota Missouri Oklahoma Oklahoma Kansas ue K-State Okla. A&M } SMU Kansas - 49-46 73-66, and swept a week-end twin- ibill from Rice, 77-67E, and 100-72. K-State rebounded from road losses to UCLA and Arizona with a 70-50; lathering .of towering Wyoming and an 81-74 win over Washington jin its first two starts before the home fans. © Missouri Is Potent But these are ordinary feats in the face of recent Missouri achieve- ments. The Tigers, mounting the nee team in Sparky Staleup’s 8- year tenure, absorbed a fearful 77- 49 walloping at the hands of Illi- nois in their opener, but since have vaulted high among the nation’s elite. And _ for good favorites garnished mounting a 4-1 level vapieh the early going. Staleup’s club is built on solid veterans. Two of these, Bob. Rei- ter, 6-9 center, and Med Park, 6-2, 20:-pound forward, are playing their fourth season. The other reg- ulars are Norm Stewart, strapping 6-4 junior forward who ranked with! Kansas’ Dallas Dobbs as the loop’s ‘finest sophomore last ‘season; Red Reichert, lettered junior, and Lio- nel Smith, talented 6-14 sopho- more, who man the backline. Cal Is Guest Team Colorado and guest team Cali- ifornia both are regarded as better than the two Kansas schools at this, ‘writing. How good both might be \likely will be reflected from analy- sis of their weekend series at Berkeley. Missouri and Colorado are clus-) tered in the tourney’s upper brack- et which means, of course, that only one of them could reach the. finals. ' First round games in the upper) bracket pit Colorado against Okla- homa and.Nebraska against Mis- souri Monday, December 27. The next night, Kansas plays Iowa State and K-State meets California | in lower bracket play. Prelim Contest A GAME matching two inde- pendent teams, the Edmond Ramblers from Central State col- lege and the Tulsa YMCA, will open the basektball doublehead- er set for Tuesday, December 28, at the Municipal auditorium. The feature game will have Marques Haynes’ Harlem Magi- cians playing against a team of Oklahoma All-Stars. The star-studed Michigan ros- | ter: is full of big names in basketball including Haynes, a- dribbling perfectionist in a long career with the Harlem Globe- trotters; Chico Burrell, Fred- die Pearson, Luster Burks, Rol- lie Harris, Troy Driver, Jim Hughes and Lawrence Kuyken- dall, the handless wonder. The All-Stars who will furnish the opposition will have several famous names in state basket- ball circles. Among them are Pete Darcey, Cecil Hankins, Claude Overton, Jack Ray, Mar- tin “Red” Loper and Charles Hall. Darcey and Hankins are for- mer Oklahoma A&M stars, also playing a couple of seasons of pro ball. Ray and Overton are former East Central college stars in Oklahoma’s collegiate confer- ence, pig seven tournazent preview Qnd inaseries of 5 © Any basketball coach still will welcome a 6-9 pigot- manzvauk vx when he goes after the Big Seven t ournament title. But the little guys are going to havea lot to say about what team captures the ninth annual meet, which opens a fouredey run Monday in Kansas City's Municl pal auditor iume “act is the ever-increasing fleet of little men in the midlands’ cireult is threatening to swing much of the spotlight away from tle ‘towering denizens of the keyholes Okla homa' s Lester lene, a nifty 5-10 , 170-pouni guard, could have signalled this tremi last year when he won tle toumament scoring championship on 64 pointse In so doing he mwhkyx outdist anced Kansas All-American B.H. Born, 6=93 Burdet te oe dors Of, Colorado's 6-7 center who lat@ won tke conference sonwiugvx point scepter; Bob *eiter, Mis sourt' s 6-8 — artis t; Nebraska’ @ Bill Johnson, &m&x 6-7 , and “ansa 8 State, 8 prace of Roger Craft, 6-7, ami Jerry Jung, 6elle For seven years previously a pivot-men... none of whith steod less then @vlvx 6-46... hal won the individual tournament scoring crowne Lane , ami his steblemte, the 5-9 , 155-ppund Jimmy Peck, typify the backlines tit most sfxtiex conference teams now have in operations Iowa Srete will come in with a pair of comparative midgets in ; ary Thompson, 5-10, ami Larry Wetter, 5-10. Kansas wktivmex is mounting Dallas Yobts, Sell, ani Jom ‘arker, 5-11, in its backline. Colorado floors on whey slit ghly out of the midget class at 6-0, am Tom ony cold, S-lle Kansas State alternates three ; lient Poore, 5-83 JeR. Snyder, 5-10}, and Pachin Vicens, 5-9+ Nebraska ,s reg lars are Duane Buel, 5-10, wi ami Billy Wells, S-lle | Only Missouri, and California, this m year's guest desis will 222 22 favored ae Only Missouri md Cal tfomia, this year's guest star team, will not Stkaxz bec klines containing two men under six feotess.. OF » in th case of Coborado, one uniier 6-0, ami anotler at that level. ; This ‘rend can be traced to three points: 1) The niftier , nimbler little men can bring the bell up quickly and more efficiently — agatx especially againt various pressing defenses; 2) The Little men car, Play the front line on defense, against the enemy's smal ler men > tms keeping th» big players against the wmidx board for rebounding . “his serves a dual outlet for th fastebresk 3; 3) The advent of inereased importance of speed in the gane has forced all coaches to Sexpivgvx employ more samkkx small, dusive . cooters « ‘ime wes when the league was loaded with tewering guards e Fifteen years ago Nebraska floored perhaps the tallest backline tanden tle conference ever has seen in Don Fitz ami Don thld , both 6=4. Missouri had the 6e4 Jchn Lobsiger in its rear eennaes Iowa State boasted th 6-5 “arcl Sclmeider. “ansas State cerried the 6e3 Sorry Beaumont. Claude am Bill Hougland, 6=4 Since the war ferermv Gatude Hoaghin, 6-5, of Kansas, ani * view hiangagvelex aryvienedvewverx Towra State, s Jim Stange, 6-7, who also played center, have bem notable backliners, : | In contasrt,the tallest guards slated to start in next week's tourney ave 6-1 Frank Hess of “alifomia and the 6-1% “1onel Smith of Mis sourle | As reflected in Lane's 1953 tournament scoring chan pionsh &p » the sheeting short Lee are not without imposing credentials. Thru games of Dece,ber is, that sane “ane leads all tournament scorers with a 24.5 averegee This has been accumulated -n 98 prints in just four games, all of which the Somers mve lost. 5333 Dobbs is secom at 1867, and thompson, a enynanints third at 178+ Haldorson is no better thm fifth at 17.2. Xoiter is ninth at 1600. Bob MoKeen > “elifornia's 6-7, 220 ~pounder, is tenth at 1l5e7-e Graft ani dvagx Jung are not “none the top fifteenkKe For the record the remaining members of this elite are: 4 Chuck Dunean, c, Iowa Stabe 1753 6 Rex Ekwell, f, Nebraska, 17003 7 Jim Smith, , f, “esas State, 1603; 8 Cire Smith, f, Nebraska, 16633 11 Norm Stewrt, f, Missouri, 26mGgx 15023 12 “arry Fried, f, » “alifornia, 15023 oe Med Park, f, Missouri, 15.23; 14 “yn “art, f, Oklahom, 1205; 15 “ene Elston, f, Sansas, 1205 | If “ane is able to retain his scor ng title, he will be the first and only repeater since Clyde Lovellette, the old Kansas masté@don , was wiming three in a row from 1949 thru 1951. Here is the roster of tournament point kings: 1946 Serala Tucker, ¢, Oklahoma 64 1947 Bill Waters, c, Oklahoma 40 1948 Gene ‘etarsen, c, Kensas 6S 1949 Clyde Lovellette, c, “eansas 64 1950 Clyde Lovelette , ¢, Kansas 82 1951 Clyde Lovellette, c, Xensas 76 1952 Dirk Knostman, c, “ansas State 71 1953 Lester “ane, gy Oklabomm 64 « 30 « hig seven roundup — for ke 8s tar . .. neb raske ss = 1) on “si 6 ft )0UT SR thle) lel . a f | mad ee r - ad 3 BY | sk J o : nf j opted iu 7 we ; paitentes ’ dias apace: tres: we ™ eine —— a‘ sa “* sibesia Eveaitie 4 CORNEUSCER R SOORE aero. > $ Record, to date = M2, Ler 6), Temas ety BY South ferote sls 93. Bradley 683 76) "Alabama Bex ge A ee Tt La oe “Oro. T= “ee ‘oturning zeit a ermen. - & 5) - “wi ard.’ ‘eclerses chuck sah Bee AEP TO * eee Smith, fs Sten. “ate, ees. unde dues et “Gary Ronzelme 5 ¢ ae = ‘i | 0 & 1954 Big > ‘oven fi nish sth, ae85 ‘elt gars, = B15 . Previous ¢ dimameat: Pin is Ins. 2. ro46~ Gths. 1947— 4thy iy ‘ antepucitrniainht ANAND Nae BO EES MERI ogew rn! ome setae 1948 ERs: 104= ens 1950 - ath 1981) - - 8th ; “lone = - thy 1953" - 4th s c RG CR RSNA Nr ns TRA tthe 3 ¥ SEI tin nex rein par et la EE AONE NIE ik doen inten 3 Renin ing Prost ournaiie Bt games - = Des 22, “omphis State opti 4 s ; ; ae ? ee ee ae a a ‘ } — : e , % 3 Z cmagt iia q ¥ 5 i . f . : b * E sues * we vst un 5 orbonenttietancny pF4hc Pony vy. | “ay “a ee caer ae re coerce Ti * oe 3 . Sere ents gan rry God r Ore gime , * Mobirask a was a~baske tball On) arrears VO team which made a a pmolice of. Faring poo in the Big Sova toarnamert with a low eed its*eo onference, ‘bettiren ‘ence ) league | 2 T — ge y neue aR FE TS witty race e Ode erie i cin a agi tg mk ESRI enone ices gt ages ornare ewes og aici nepaicnguent™ sags RPS SST AR ie eee a apne nat ee a op Hi ro, Pe rere ana NN 2 cress man asereanluasir assests aes se oa " i lL ery ly = } moe ai >. a 3 3 ° £ 5 i” : :Y As 1 eves ain . - anety te oomny Fi es ean wiisbanas erie wei oho tist APR rosy Saat Pye ARN S| Rani A ENE NES fem TRE NN AT AGAR SiR em stomp pane K ad een enone ee: ae mek tom nude om Wie nek tie, i ‘ourney” 7 pabenmye WEE HoT sh paws oo. aN yes ash ieceaatmaeemniieline ot ee) neater Stan sanennsatiae omega BNR nai nnd finis hes « But it ‘siared the champ donsnt > ter the fo ti conference islets oe RINE RA ORO ADA LN MRSS S5 or Aa EN Pee Law a= pcnceantine siesta: sila ee ANY pales MeSH shat Aya Tae Ty Ram race ‘once. ‘the. ‘yosBa 0 hanged ByxtO vc dst ‘after, t = = tim » Pact — + es cs oe »% : ARN Naeem Son 51 Fvaatyr, — Sa cer tes satay ra 1 Wa 9 GB ac ie donee: pn, t : i Cm “ Metre Sages eo eee The: Searle Behe kl Ta hie as amnion 2 the ers wa elim: Spey ond that cat ing th hele rerenes new coach tion Toledos nu lost ‘hts top ‘tie 820 Fred Seger, ani Don Weber, “via. 4 Pak uat tone: fia} edible sien 77 7. TS est are “illard Foalen, 6=<5 converted forvard | at center, am Chuck Smith, mobile = _ SES SS PE aI See a tt 7 ee ne ev es + his ae aie es i TS % | > ' ere eS F a oe ¥ ‘iy oP 4 # - Se en sd S ee oe awit lu. * 1 es ee eeeen | ‘ve i itahs ° se 7 lawrence, eens Decenber 4“, FT _® n 7. putea it Ss S is 4 * 4, Davenport, f v Gre et ~ £ gnaseey ing».f.yo Pad ett, £ Sea ali: z | Warren, ¢ Alberts, ¢ — Anderson, g Dobbs, eitho Llinge Johnston, ¢ ker, g olfs TEAM REBOUND KANSAS TOTALS en & © Downer, f hs ' Sy, g Ss &. SULSA TOPALS. | Half Time: Score: Ke a oe Officiala: - C222 event who has been shofted to forwarde There are only three other lettermen available » Which means the Searlet returns fewer than eny other keugnexx tournament teane ‘hough évkammx the 6Ge7 “ohvson, who led the league scoring race much of lest winter, before re third, is departea, Bush does have a big man of sov~ts in the 6=7 “ary Kenzelammxman, who is subbing for the shorter Segier. | Too, Kax the new bossman, a fiveetimes ali.-American professional selection during his post ‘grad degysx playing days, possess @ mex prolific -firing clucthe m&x performer in Sten “atzke, the reformed half-miler, ani two fine sophomore prospects, 5il ly Wells, 5-11 guard out of West "aa en, Inde, and Rex Ekwall, 6=4 forwar 4 from Holmes vii le, Nebe Strongest technical point in this club is its yebouniine thru the front linee Fagler is consid ered by many the best backboard man in thm league. Kengelman also is rugged in this devartmente Eywekix Smith, despite his 6-1g height, can dunk with both hands. Fkwall too is rated exceptional ane ties the glasse This 2mkx forte, combined with skilifal bell hwmdling and a 1668 avera thm his first five Zain es classes him as one of the best newcomers the conference will produce this winter. ‘He was a twoeyear all-staver in the “ebraska class D prep ranks e Wells, a good d efénder and jump-shooter, was pairing with Dune “uel, lettered junior, at guard, until sidelined by a foot ingectione liskekex He mj ssed the 87e5l win over South “akota and played breifly in the 76@88 loss to Alabama at Tuscaloosa Monday. : His slot was filled by “atake , who canned 14 points. The latter will be useful for releif tnx at both forward and anvil, altho he may start against Missouri in NU‘'s tourney opmer Monday nighte Bush has experimented more with his xkmmx pere sonnel than any other conference coach thru the early goinge Fagler. -—. & “ $3335 oe ou a fr el, ; FF? €2: CSN IOI AE a no run Aloes net figure to be as good as last year's Bo; ome ter than fifth in the eonferencr aces ; ae the defense certainly mst be ra MEPS big ones previous to tournament play, aingtyx to RIVE Pm 6 os to Iowa, mremivx as well as falling : : eo Rebyige asicieenee | Fy ps ® Se : 37 Go ass me \ a TEAM OFFENSIVE RECORDS | Tie fk Most neaeee game e 103 by Stanford vse Iowa : a ve ibe “tournament = 265by hanses State , —— & Career Most field lage - 591 by Kenses State oT : b ae rows game © 36 Renies VS © atineme, 1955 eZ SAE Neat free throne tournament = 90 by kansas , 1953 36Go PASS POMRiree throws career = 449 by 0, 1a homa 3 IGo fess VAR ‘ . . by ig x i Most fouls game «= oR Oklahoma VSe “ansas Kade ¢ TAR | Te Most fouls tournament\e 87 by SM ahoma 0 Kanbae? , 1955 Most Sorts Mews ron vw: A.S.U.C. ATHLETIC NEWS BUREAU 104 ESHLEMAN HALL BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA BOB RUBIN, Director AShberry 3-4800, Ext. | and 25 L-l, L-l, C-2, G-10, G-19, SP=3, N-2, Re2, M-1, 4-2, Mel keule nse Noe 351(5) BERKELEY, Dece 15---The nation's most snectaculer outside shooter, iobin Freeman, leads his Ohio State basketball mates against California in a pair of intersectional cage clashes at ee Gymnasium for Men Tuesday and wednesday, otarting time for both games is 8:30 nem. Both Rear-Buckeye basketball games will be broadcast over Station KSFO, with Jay Jacobus at the mike Tuesday und Jack Shaw describing the play on Wednesday. In 6:30 oeme oreliminary contests, the eatifomta olues will face west Contra Costa Je Ce Tuesday and Modesto Je Ce wednesday. Freeman, a 5-foot, ll-inch junior, is unquestionably one of the most amazing court figures to hit collegiate circles in years. A "shortie" among oresent day cagers, Freeman does most of his scoring from outside the foul circle, Still, in the Buckeyes' first three ganes this season, all of them victorious, Freeman has averaged 39 noiits a game. More spectacular has been his accuracy, Freeman having scored l3 field goals in 82 attemts for a 52h accuracy vercentage. His chief weanon is a fabulous fadeaway jump shot from as far as 35 feet away from the basket. Coach Pete Newell of the Bears, whose Michigan State quintet met Freeman last season, says of the Buckeye star: "Freeman is beyond question the best jumo shooter I have ever seen on a basketball court." The Buckeyes are no one-man team bi any meands, as their record to date clearly indicates. They've won their first three games of the season in the following manner: Ohio State 98, “ittsourgh 67; Ohio State 98, Sutler 80; Ohio State 91, it. Louis 86. The Buckeyes, coached by diminutive Floyd Stahl, were to nlay Oklahoma at Norman, Saturday before their set of games with the Hecors, Stahl will oxen with three regulars of Lust season, another letterman, and an untested center. The returning resulars are lorwards John Miller and Don Kelley, who California fields 42 teams in 22 sports in 497 contests yearly — the greatest intercollegiate athletic program in the United States O22 22 2222 008722 2022 Release No, 351(5)) have averaged 21 and 15.3 points per gume, respectively, this season, und Freeman, who overates from a guard slot, The other letterman is Cuard Charles kllis, who has scored at a 10.6 voint ner game vace to date. The buckeye center is Charles topes a 6~foot, 5-inch senior who was a junior varsity performer a year ago, Meanwhile, the Sears, who were slated to meet Colorado in another intersectional series this weekend, will probably go with the same lineuo that has started in all California -ames to date. Following are the vrobable starting lineuns for the Ohio State~California games: OHIO STATE POS. CALIFORNIA John Miller (6-l) Don Kelley (6-3) Charles Roves (6-5) Robin Freeman (5-11) Charles Ellis (5-10) Larry Friend (6-)). Bob Blake (6-2) | Caot. Bob McKeen (6-7) Mike Diaz (5-11) Frank Hess (6-1) f2 qa yy BIG ONE FOR MU. Tiger Basketball Team Takes| On Third Big Ten Power, Iowa, Saturday. HAWKEYE SLATE CLEAN Kansas State Can Regain Pres-| tige by Taking the Meas. ure of Wyoming: BIG SEVEN TOURNAMENT SCOREBOARD. TEAM ‘STANDINGS. (Through games of December 6.} Fj : , F Pts. California —<:...0.. nes 116 Colorado ..rcccscconses Iowa State . Kansas Missouri . aoe i Oklah Kansas state GAME SCO RES. California—52 Oregon State 50; 64 Célorado—-88 Bits ke OOS 2 60 B. YU. 4 Towa. State—78 Mg he 60. Kansas—83 “L Kansas StateS7 UW) Ge tA. 86! a Arizona 86. Missouri—49 Illinois 77; 63 Indiana 60. Nebraska—61 Iowa ae a Oklahoma—64 Bayl THIS WEEK'S Sc EDULE. » Dec. 10 College of Pacific at Caktornia. Dec. 11 St. Mary’s at California; ee State. “at Bradley; South Dakota at: - braska; Colorado A. & M. at Binradas Wyoming. at Kansas State; ae at Mis- souri; Wisconsin at Oklahom SoonHHinns Gu eesest Missouri continues to hold the| spotlight this week end as Big, Seven basketball, teams, plus) California, this year’s tourna- ment guest team, dive into their) ‘second flurry of pre- -meet| games. The Tigers, early favorites for| the conference and tournament championship, play their third consecutive highly-regarded big “Ten foe, Iowa, Saturday night ADDITIONAL SPORTS ON: _ PAGE 56. in Columbia. Sparky Stalcup’s _ band raised eyebrows in both its -first two outings, absorbing a 49- (7 thumping at the hands of Illinois last Saturday in Urbana, then rebounding with a 63-60 ‘victory over Indiana on the “Hoosiers’ ‘home court. ; n't Locate. ‘Hoop. A Indiana “ ‘rated sixtM in the latest A. P.ypoll; Ilifois four- ‘teenth. “The ‘defeaty at Urbana wasn’t a surprigé, but the ‘enormity of it was. The word is that the Tigers played good _enough all-round basketball but ‘simply couldn’t get the _ ball ‘through the twine. They didn’t register a field goal until nine minutes deep in the first period and shot only 18 per cent for _the night. Off that pettorifaricd M. U, scarcely was accorded a victory} chance at Bloomington, although regarded good enough to make it tight. Nobody thought the Bengals’ inherent all-round ex- cellence .would allow another debacle. But they weren't pre: pared for a_ victory on_ the oosiers’ home floor, one of the ‘Kougnest spots in the land for visiting fives. But M. U. broke rough 11 ties and six lead exchanges for the conquest, If it an blow down Iowa it certain- by must be accorded high-rank- ng in the national polls, The Hawkeyes ‘currently are ‘travel- fourth place. They'll come into Columbia unbeaten in three games. Nebraska was the latest victim, 61-84, Monday, lowa. previously ran over Wash- ington of St. Louis, | 80-61, and} Loyola of Chicago, 80-79. Furthermore, it is the Big Ten’s ranking pre-season favorite, : Some Other Surprises. _ Tilinois’s wide triumph over the} - Tigers was no less surprising than U. C.-L. A.’s fearful 86-57 whacking of Kansas State Satur- day and Kansas’s unexpectedly easy 83-58 lashing of -L. S. Uz Monday in Lawrence. gee; Th Aas thee Bee second-ranked favorite behind U~ S. re; and, aithoueh favored Bob. Pett®, its all- America een- over the Wildcats, was not ex-|ter, was rated’even with Kansas, pected to hand the Kansans such{which stapted four sophomores. a drubbing. State hung close to} Moreoyér the Bayou Bengals the Bruins ony anew the ra wee beaten by second-ranked six minutes, ~ ~~ 4a entucky -only sixteen points ‘NS: ‘U., although bereft “Of Saturday. K. U.’s edge was —s — AS CITY STAR, WE] ‘twenty-five. And Phog Allen ‘used nineteen men. Elsewhere tournament teams followed form in their initial) ‘trials of the season. K-State, ‘rated behind only M. U. and| ‘Colorado in pre-season prognos-' ‘tications, regained stature - by playing Arizona tough at Tuc- ison Monday before falling, $1- '86. The Arizonan’s lair is a no- |toriously rugged winning ground ‘Bears, Win on ben. | Meanwhile, Colorado and Cal- ifornia performed somewhat lmore impressively than antici-| lpated. The Buffaloes, defending| |coriference co-champions with} |Kansas, whaled B. Y. U. twice, | lat Boulder, 88-66, and 65-46, an) jaggregate of forty-one points.) i The Bears whipped Oregon {State, 52-50, and Oregan, 64-52, both on the road. The Beavers) jdid not have Swede Halbrook, | itheir 7-3 center who won't be| eligible until the semester. Ona pre-game- average basis, | jthe pre- tournament scoring lead with a 23-point fussilade in the} Sooners’ 64-80 loss to Baylor at} Norman Saturday. Here is. the| we Diet ONO Bop Reiter, Mie aeaieae 6 Bob McKeen, c, Calif... The eighth annual meet begins| a 4-day run in Municipal Audi-| torium December 27. | The 1954 Giants won the Na-} tional league race like true] | champions. They defeated all jseven loop rivals in the season’ s e AIR OO 3 5 2 3 2 5 4 36 2 3 2 0 8 5 oi fod ph or Records of Big 7 Tourney Teams. TOURNAMENT SCOREBOARD. t? Nebraska’ at A rrow: Colorado at He c L. Sta oes o- State -at t Iowa S ‘ednesda Nebraska at Mem his State ; Ohio State at California. : e: ‘Thursday: Missouri ‘at Houston U. oO WUDNNNAIOWWONKTO IO: 4 4 4:: 5:3 ‘ 1 34 5 2 6 3 oo. 2 6 3 : S d 2 CorPrrid sry - a | Beene 12345678910 12345678910 on} 1 beh} ALS q E pave 0-0} 0-0/0} /| Of 12345678910 12345678910 12345678910 3 of Proeres ® pL O-OD 0-0 2 § f , oO ; **19345678910 12546678910 12545678910 . 5678910 12345678910 12345678910 ie | Oil I 1 3 aT So 5-6 - 7 Olo 2. 12545678910 12545678910 12545678910 | | iS MARSIECL 6-0 a o1o ( 12345678910 12545678910 12345678910 8 hee €sow O-bD C-o oO o oO ~t 15676910 12345678910 _ 12345678910 SOUNDS fj] 0-0)}0 | Fi Oo DRE BY QUARTERS IS-SY| /b-2Y x : 3 | Z| 5 ~ [eqn T- Ta] T32t $7] av» | 67 [Cua | ~ | ae YE | HALFTIME W-3f | oe | 3S | a ae —_= oo California vs. Cor OLADO — pate: Dewr7,/7S4- — atTeNDANCE: 44 000 <8, name: (2 Ae FOOM 1ft FOULS | FG-FGA | FI-FTA | PF | REB.| TP fk Rat CO 1s ir Prarie 129345678910 12845078010 - a 3-10 | O-2| | |7 © pr 3-U |P . Pm 12345678910 12345678910 ne +f - G | O-/ uy 5 & Wekee Sif if, ' . 78910 12545678910 | ' ¥-| $ 4-7 of ig Al 2-6 TY Qassq@Jeel0 12345678910 12345678910 i 3-9 O _ { of. 6 () H fs35 Csr ORE {-¥ Age 3 g a _ Eearee 12545678910 12345678910 PER -C, “6 3 | I| (DETR S an Cuts . | sgosero 12545678910 12545678910 l-2|O-0| 4.22 | asi 12345678910 12345678910 Oo - | O- of O / O "E-MREEN ¢ CHO i a 2 3| | @2345678910 12346678910 12545678910 _ i 3101: ~ he 12545678910 12346678910 0-0 |O-0/0 |O|O (Vi derfov © , | | | 12345678910 12545678910 12345678910 O-O |0- 0O|0|0 O 12545678910 12545678910 12345678910 12545678910 12545678920 se7so10 TE il | SCORE BY QUARTERS | wu 50| 9-231 15 | FY 57 CALIF, 24 24 4g » | 39% ocoenne 19 26 MALTIME| % | 8-30 | oe 29 | 29 OFFICIALS: Baur mace & \CHOMKTZ.. eae | California vs. Coccavc pare: Dec. 14, (98Y ATTENDANCE: 4] 000 REB. | NAME: Corea ee : | FOULS | FEFCA | FIFTA | PF nen, TP IN) TT Varo COD RR a. : | on eee 12345678910 een 0-3 : = 4 o 3 -6 2 6 | RIGO Tecan cera ae 1 ‘ | ASb648769% 76345678910 12345678910 o4 S28 / I. | 2-2) 3 q ¢ whe 22 HALDORSON oe OF Bhs, CI ¢ SY 31; D:)3 | | ee _22848878910__ 12346678910 21 | = L p Hpeperssne 12345678910 19545670019, a | 3 i FAKZLOLD af, - : | 94 YebsB SO BOLO 12545678910 12545678910 — | a S O-| 2} 0 ¢ ae Wt 4 Mowsea4 COBO ht a yf a ppsecevosio - ssnerente saeron 0-3 |? 7} 2)s as as PEM | presto 12345678910 12345678910 on ae a-S d-L Oo}! 6 a - | WELOS Ti hfs Qg4ds5e78910 12545678910 _ 12345678910 tv 2- 4 O~© | 3| 3 4 < 30 HAMPAA 7 O-v | o--| olo!l af & Lesenereana 12345678910 12545678910 Oo 2.3 ee % a 12345678910 12345678910 12346678910 Oo-G | Oe F. | * iS MAaSreD | a ©O-0 | x21 0 © 12345678910 12545678910 12345678910 fe 28 + | 22345678910 12345678910 12345678910 | O SCORE CY QUARTERS, am 14-40! 6-2-6 [S| V3 caur. | — | ov | - 28 4% : Crcenco| ——| 19 | - Y HALFTIME | £-26 | Vis | ¢ | If AWM. inte s (lid etianiaor any,