Kansas Quintets Are Underdogs At Big / Meet KANSAS CITY, Dec. 18—For the first time in five years neither of. the Sunflower powers, Kansas and | Kansas State, will be favored to’ carry off the Big Seven tourna- ment championship when confer- ence squads converge on Kansas: City’s Municipal auditorium De-: }eember 27-30. . Not that the Jayhawkers and Wildcats, who have split the last four tourney titles, will be soft touches. Kansas, in fact, is unde- feated in four starts. Kansas State leveled its seasonal mark at 2-2 by- defeating Washington Saturday : night. The Jayhawks dismantled LSU, : 83-58, in their opener, wrought a - mild surprise by outlasting Tulsa, | Past Champions. YEAR WINNER RUNNERUP FINALS 195 Kansas Oklahoma - 82-' i K-State Kansas rs Kansas Missouri K-State Minnesota Missouri Oklahoma Oklahoma Kansas ue K-State Okla. A&M } SMU Kansas - 49-46 73-66, and swept a week-end twin- ibill from Rice, 77-67E, and 100-72. K-State rebounded from road losses to UCLA and Arizona with a 70-50; lathering .of towering Wyoming and an 81-74 win over Washington jin its first two starts before the home fans. © Missouri Is Potent But these are ordinary feats in the face of recent Missouri achieve- ments. The Tigers, mounting the nee team in Sparky Staleup’s 8- year tenure, absorbed a fearful 77- 49 walloping at the hands of Illi- nois in their opener, but since have vaulted high among the nation’s elite.