And _ for good favorites garnished mounting a 4-1 level vapieh the early going. Staleup’s club is built on solid veterans. Two of these, Bob. Rei- ter, 6-9 center, and Med Park, 6-2, 20:-pound forward, are playing their fourth season. The other reg- ulars are Norm Stewart, strapping 6-4 junior forward who ranked with! Kansas’ Dallas Dobbs as the loop’s ‘finest sophomore last ‘season; Red Reichert, lettered junior, and Lio- nel Smith, talented 6-14 sopho- more, who man the backline. Cal Is Guest Team Colorado and guest team Cali- ifornia both are regarded as better than the two Kansas schools at this, ‘writing. How good both might be \likely will be reflected from analy- sis of their weekend series at Berkeley. Missouri and Colorado are clus-) tered in the tourney’s upper brack- et which means, of course, that only one of them could reach the. finals. ' First round games in the upper) bracket pit Colorado against Okla- homa and.Nebraska against Mis- souri Monday, December 27. The next night, Kansas plays Iowa State and K-State meets California | in lower bracket play.