pig seven tournazent preview Qnd inaseries of 5 © Any basketball coach still will welcome a 6-9 pigot- manzvauk vx when he goes after the Big Seven t ournament title. But the little guys are going to havea lot to say about what team captures the ninth annual meet, which opens a fouredey run Monday in Kansas City's Municl pal auditor iume “act is the ever-increasing fleet of little men in the midlands’ cireult is threatening to swing much of the spotlight away from tle ‘towering denizens of the keyholes Okla homa' s Lester lene, a nifty 5-10 , 170-pouni guard, could have signalled this tremi last year when he won tle toumament scoring championship on 64 pointse In so doing he mwhkyx outdist anced Kansas All-American B.H. Born, 6=93 Burdet te oe dors Of, Colorado's 6-7 center who lat@ won tke conference sonwiugvx point scepter; Bob *eiter, Mis sourt' s 6-8 — artis t; Nebraska’ @ Bill Johnson, &m&x 6-7 , and “ansa 8 State, 8 prace of Roger Craft, 6-7, ami Jerry Jung, 6elle For seven years previously a pivot-men... none of whith steod less then @vlvx 6-46... hal won the individual tournament scoring crowne Lane , ami his steblemte, the 5-9 , 155-ppund Jimmy Peck, typify the backlines tit most sfxtiex conference teams now have in operations Iowa Srete will come in with a pair of comparative midgets in ; ary Thompson, 5-10, ami Larry Wetter, 5-10. Kansas wktivmex is mounting Dallas Yobts, Sell, ani Jom ‘arker, 5-11, in its backline. Colorado floors on whey slit ghly out of the midget class at 6-0, am Tom ony cold, S-lle Kansas State alternates three ; lient Poore, 5-83 JeR. Snyder, 5-10}, and Pachin Vicens, 5-9+ Nebraska ,s reg lars are Duane Buel, 5-10, wi ami Billy Wells, S-lle | Only Missouri, and California, this m year's guest desis will