npr col lect, sports desk, daily capital, topeka, kan. ; kansas citys... for once phog allen s analysis of his twamtyx basketball! ome victory was no more pungent than the time of days " well, we won't have to play in the aftemoon -@nyhow", he only half-kidded when asked for nis gvnutustonyx quick conclusions foliowing ku's 79-62 thumping of colorado in the opening nvmadx bout of the 1953 big seven tournament. "we've had experionce with those aftemoon games and we don't like it ", he continued. BUXVEUMEXVHUSVX youvwinxv we like to play 'em all at night over here, " what the doetor meant was Soins boa Gcweein loser s avavdumpaux play matinee contests, the consolation bracket being unravl led all the way by that mthods the Jayhawkers have lost only, once in first round veers bowing 4.G—58, to kansas state in the 199 aifairg “ wez a couple of our regulars, born Bans ) and patvcerson ( harold ) were not up to par , but some of our sophomore xuywdax playeu well . any game you win is a good game, right now i'm hap, y. i'l. thimkxuboutxthexvtbarxthinguvsumvx wai t until tomorrow to t hink of the bad things. " | the veteran mt. oread wizard singled out three sophomores for shiny mention, ‘aviiauxdubszx guard dallas’ dobbsj and forwards hmuxvx gary padgett and harold neelroy. dobbs niavevevqutvkvavaisvinxvhexthtxdxvartoav sexes whisked two. successive 20+ ot. right hand. sots early .in the third period to help demolish the buffaloes! sagging defense, and overall collected 13 >oints, his seasonal highe he eo Soy nine shots from the ield in scoring six goals.