vob jeangerard, colorado, £ tt Se ah Re dou eb ry nebraska, Bo 0 3 bob roiter, whssourl, c me oo ae pill JOMNSON, Hebrackuge (20 R Le bob wellevy oklahoma, ¢ | j S oY LS al ke liey, kansas, r ee is i "3 3 . © @he geoncrs and jaybauive re will atage a rouatch of the ir rage ed, raging ume kv ina x tournaua 1 imax monday , nighe da when they. open the conlerence rate as norrmane if it £3 anytatac Like NOC dnussdayts welee, antvaws tity sv mte oread x& student ¢luslog ours wil need extensions tha two elude fought. for tuo Puli hours here strewntag @ uew record of TY Youle vhrough Gnoe heetic mil Inge : ae ! cislakgm’ lost six men on fouls during she affair, the, first of which , Nuk Weex concer ocb waller, was the most danaging » be tert with 7sl2 roemgining in the third cuarter and oxlan, tai grad i HEE erie into def at from ghat pelnte waller scoved only 4 pelate, but tic was she biz aan on- tne. doards akvhixunvay emguyodvavieuavadgakvx was diroetly reaposible for ee early fouls on hig 49 rival, belts porns tho latter alas wag waive out Wilii big fifth. inf: ee at ok before the third ‘ perlod elised, oe hatusdarihbuggedciudndtp1avectii thn at “Fae pGubakb hepa: oF nebraska La wednvsday nighisS opemt prel imenary. sansag atate whacked Lowa state, $¥ 9U-77, fae Livth, anda colorado blasted wash ogtom, 81-60, for seventh, in afteraon alvairgse— den “plerce