“ Syd in a series of 4 Most important itemxexpected question expected to be answered in the eighth amual Big Seven tournament, opening Saturday night in Kensas City, is a forecast of how much tightening will be for hcoming imx from top to bottom in ths 1954 conference racee It already is being conceeded that the twin Sune flower powers, Kensas and Kansas State, will not hotdxthedyx be able to restrict the fl ag chase to a private affex duel by mid-season as they have done the past three seasonse “t also is bel elved that Nebraska, Oklahoma ami Missouri will be impr oved. The question thus resolves into these points;l) How much weeker are Kansas and KeStat ef 2! Can thax NU, OU, and MU improve enough to overheail them ? First test in this department will be provided by Kansas State am Nebraska which lead off Monday's first-rouni set at & pm. Oklahoma is matched against this year's guest five, Washington, at 9:45 th same ewninge eb. Kansas meets Coloraio in Saturday's 8 Pelle lid~ lifter wi th ‘Wis sour 4 ami Iowa State following. As Phog Allen, Kunsxex coach of Kansas' defending league menpion , pointed out «+... " Apparantly there is no cutstandin g team in ow conference at present. This means a tougher tournament in Kansas Citys It could be the best we've ever had. " This thought can be transferred wholesale to the '54 conference race. For in five of the seven previous meets, the tournament chanpion or rujner-up hxsxgtmevatay thavweagvtextkex also has captured the circuit races The only emceptions were 1946. when SMU ed ged Kansas in the f inal, and 1949 when Missouri clipped Oklahoma