KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS MANHATTAN, KANSAS October 20, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen Coach of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"s Usually a man receives e letter from his friends when they are in need of assistance. I hate to admit it but that is my reason for writing you today. We have in college here a young man by the name of Peterka who has been suffering for about a year with pains in his shoulder, elbow, and wrist. He describes this as a steady, even sort of pain that seéms to be with him all of the time, but not always in all three places. Usually the»pain will be localized in the elbow, shoulder, or wrist. He has ambitions in regard to becoming a pitcher on the varsity nine, and unless something may be done to counteract the pain in his arm he will have a tough time trying to pitch games against the University of Kansas and Missouri. He has already tried out different physa¢ians including an osteopath and @ chiropractor. The chiropractor has worked on his vertebra and diagnosed the trouble as being caused by a pinched nerve. The M. D. is of the opinion that he is suffering from rheuma- tism. The arm bothers him both in winter and summer so you can understand that it is not a seasonable disease. If Pete should pitch a ball game today he would have difficulty in even raising his arm tomorrow. I em wondering if from these meager details you would be able to inform me as to wheter or not a treatment from you would be of any benefit to him. I have great faith in your ability to cure these athletes, and I hope you will write me if you feel that you can give this boy some encouragement with regard to getting his arm in | Shape for baseball season next ae I watched the Kensas-Oklahoma football game as a guest of the Department of Athletics, and had as my companion Dr. F. D. Farrell. He seemed to enjoy it very much and I was happy to-have him attend a Big Six game where our team was not one of the contest- ants. The “Sooners” have ‘a powerful aggregation, and I thought Kansas University put up a plucky fight in the face of wage looked to be pegedmelanreames obstacles. ee looking forward to the time when we will be able to have another golf game, and I trust that all/is going well with you and yours. et ide Fidei ke Me F, Ahearn oy ee Director - MFAtLR Saree