- Waller £. by Born (shooting) 2nd shot Caan fue soy fo by Born en shot Jones fast break xobound Lane £. by Dobbs 2nd shot : Lane 2 hafad push Jones £. by Dobbs I~} Lene fo by Agberts 3-3 Muller 2. by Alberts ( Baller out of bounds play ra r f _ Hemilten long 1 hend eet i Jones 2. by Davenpes® An} Homiiton stole bali and drove under 36 ae \OZLAEOH iA Wie BZAHSAS nal FLESLS Des BIG SEVEN TOURNAMENT December 30, 1953 2nd Quarter ae 18 2 Kansas fip off toseco Chishona 16 27 Bobbs jump shat Kelley f. by Eckachern del Eelley 2 head psi 8% 888 7 Kelley jump back ft cirele 8 Bp NS ByS R RVR BE Squires f, by UeEachern lei and shot Hertia 2. by Hartin li 2nd shot 34 - Brainard heok of post 35 £. by Jones on shot 37 Brainard off post 8 BS o wy B EB af Time called by Oklehona Hart £. by Kelley bd — oe SANSAS 42, 39 Kelly jump shot side “ 4 Brainard 2, by Galler i2-}, 39 41 Kelley 2. by Hamilton 42 Padgett 2. by Hanfltea 22 OKLAHOMA 39, HALF TIME 9:43 9323 9:12 6:39 8:29 8:16 725k 7325 7244 6:59 6:38 6:06 5253 5230 5318 ‘4359 4326 4:13 3235 3333 #320 3:80 2255 2230 2:18 i342 2:33 308