ORLABOHA and shot Muller 1 hand push Lane driving in Tap teceon MeEachern £o.ty Teft l-j PINALS, BIG 7 TOURNEY Jones £, by Davenpert 1-) ot DECEMBER 30, 1953 4th quarter 52 689 KANSAS Oklahoms missed 53 nissed Wolf f. by Lene 1-2 missed Brainerd f. by Kuller (ghooting) é1 and shot 55 63 Davenport long 1 hend sat 65 Patterson stcllen bali. fast bre sy 67 Keqiey jeng 1 hand © f. by Thempason on shot 5 60 Time called by Kansas Blue l,hand jump baek ft cire Blue f, by Alberts 1-1 2nd shot Hart f. by Alberts iol ana shot MeBachern f. by Kalf sand shot Jones 1 hand push Lew 7 Brown hook shot Brom f£. by Brainard 20 d shat Hart £. by Patterson aad shot Hart f. hy Anderson : : 2nd ghot KANSAS 1, missed 4iberts £. by Jones i-} missed 2nd shot S& 70 Alberts un@er basket 62 V2 Patterson from gorner a 3 TIE 9232 93 2h, 8:46 S: 3h Gi? 7351 343 7323 7212 627 6224 6s iz £356 mo Sx205335 5303 ooo Brainerd f, .- Lane sinengyEyeens 77 4st9%en’) “Time called by Oklahone nissed Beainerd’s £% 73 2nd shot 7h, Brainard £. by SoBLRe deh sissed 75 Brainard f. by Brom lx} 76 Patterson £. by Bine (anquEENe) 2» o Brainard f, by * eumen Time called by Kansas 7? ~«=6—Brainard’s f%'s 738 and ebot é9 missed Davenport f. by Jones 79 2ad shot 7... SO Davenport f. by MeZachern Rissed and shot 72 73 Si Brainard f. by HeZachern (#e*ou7) 82 and shot Rissed | OXLAHOHA 73, ##eee PRAY, aaaeG bse &204 1M 302" (ous) 2737 asl2 i358 4258 1:41* (out) 2:34 ae3h 2300 ¢ 5 * (ent)