November 26, 1938. irre Me Fy Director of Athletics, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansase T will be glad to Look at young lire Peterin most exy hime Tt will be « pleasure for ne to advise treatment after 1 have examined his arme fhe baseball arm is a lot more difficult than the sacro iliac to treat because a fellow walks on his leg and the strain in the sacro iliac shows up much more readily. if we é could start some of these fellows walking on their hands, then it would be easier to diagnose the trouble, but + is really much Me ST Teet tO Meee a pong ‘than it a bad imee or a bad lege bs i ° ‘Ole Have hin ‘ ‘ But you 2st Mr. Peterks ahead of time when he is coming. And ail. assure you I camot afford to let him d I will his friendly coumeillor, this guy Ahearn, who is * both Kansas and Missouri, whether he will be able to meals after I have treated him. Lots of good luck to you, *ikes ; me up. eadvis ~ oP) 8 ot Ni BE i f , ony Very sincerely yours, . - Director of Physical Education, FCASAH Varsity Basketball Coach.