tournament notes’ the meet will sport two of the netton' 3 17 remei ning & undefeated maj or teams in kensas end stanford... the jayhavks have won the ir first seven, the indians the ir first eigchteee. by whncingcx successfully defending its championship kansas state can become the first team in meet history to cop two itmcuxyawswsvevx straight cromSeeeece stanford will Bur vyvivev bustxyecortx enter the tourney with the best record among compee bing tesms, put its title chm ces can't be considered brightesess. no guest club ever has won the affair since au tock the opener from kemsas in 194600++ ami there were two invited fives that year since coloraie hn did not join the old big six until 204¥m¢8ux the beginning of the 1947-48 basketball seasoneesses oklahoma and Kenses state will go inte the meet atop the composite all-time stendings with 11 victories and four losses eache : don pierce