npr collect, sports desk, daily oklahoman, okla. city,cklas ‘initia asl deoe 21 { ‘gurflay copy) ess ttuvavx opponents will tell you its a good thing kansas end kansas state mvavinxthex were draw in the seme bracket for the sixth big Soren basketball tournament . beginning a four-day run in kansas city wrtnnstey eat way the carnage will take Place in only one tiers 2h there never has noes: mere solid fuxx pair ef favorites i meet hist ery then the current jayhawkers md wildeats okhx phog allen's troupe tackles colorado in its first assignment wednesday e . the purple meets nebraska ds timrsday's lid-liftere kievetxtntndex beth are expected te win yy and if so, will collide in the second round of the Rx upper brackete the wiseacres say this will be ‘the finals one night earlys ; : throvgh games of december 21, the twe ountione: titems had dropped only cone game between them in 13 startss kansas went inte saturday night's tussle with use in lawrence working on a six-game winning streake statextmadxbawsdx invaded bloomington, inde to foe the hoosiers is with a 6-1 markethe wildcats have fallen only ‘before Seugh san francisco, : 52-55 6 they snapped an Slegame hone gourt winning streak in tueson by whipping ' arigona, 76-57, in the leadoff game of the same tripe they whacked hemlin' 8 natvxringezvx towering naib kings, 8-75 in man ha tt am, to esth lish a new school ee sc ore marke be | both clubs ‘are weleg the same fumux fumux formulae that ‘markedt heir ‘uae on as the big seven' s 1-2 quintets last yeare the Sayrawks Xt always anchor their winning hopes to ‘the nation' s most murderous one-man scoring threat, clyde ( mount ) lo¥ellle tte : : this is a simple cut te a winner but it‘ has worked well for the kansens for three seasons. and the old battle wagon is rolling at an even more heated pace as he begins his senior hitehe his 27e8 scoring average on 167 points currently tux /tops the nation's major collegiate