“— adda WEOTERN UNION city,okla, — 1 PRESS MESSAGE W. P. MARSHALL, PRESIDENT lovellette was banished with 3:03 left on the clock an® the kansans holding a 72~61 margin, butxttvioukxupeschenvx the huge frenchman, who collected 26 points dong the way, apologized ne 2 every bengal in might after the game, but the crowd maintalned Sg, volley eG atser—the-gane- despite speeches from mrusax oklahoma coach bruce drake » necaa rhles comalttee chairman,and tiger tutor spraky stalcup. the bax scrapping tigers pressed tie victoss from the outset, persuing from a rmge of 3 three to five points until midway through the final quarter. thanks to gukx leaping pitches from the outside by center bill stauffer, audxfresemon wilfong and axkx Rx gene landolt, mi crept within two points, h2