wine SHUFFLEBOARD (con't) from opposite ends of the court, one team using disks of one color and the other team the other color. : Object: The object is to shove the disks with tho eue so that they come to rest in'the scoring areas at the opposite ends of the courte ; ) Play: Tho first play is made from the right side of the court followed by a play from the other side. The players thus alternate. In subsequent games, the winner of the preceding gamo starts ) In doubles play, the two opponents at one end play all Gight disks, and then the other two play from their end of the courte , The players place their disks in thoir half of the 10-off space and play the four disks from this area*=the penalty for violation is five points off the scores Players are not allowed to step on or over the first line of the court-=-violation results in a penalty of five points off. If a player's disk stops in a scoring area, it may be knocked out of the court of into tho "10soff" aroa by his oppononte Scoring: A disk scores in the arco in which it rests after all oight disks have oon playeds Disks resting on a division line do not scores Disks that stop nearer to the players’ end than the farthest dead line are dead and removed at onces The goéme is fifty points. If both sides have fifty or more points the sid having the most points wins, In case of a tic, the eighth disk is shot twice each end and the sido having the highest soore winss FHA ERE FET TT TTT TABLE TENNIS (Ping-Pong) table is nino foet lorig and five feot wide, painted dark green with 4 r inch white line around the outside edges and lengthwise down - te thirty inches above the floors For } ) Table: The ‘Three=qua centers It some play tables eight foot long ond four foot wide may be uscd. . ue The net is of dark ¢reon material bound with white tape and is stretched cross+ Wise across the center of the table so that the top is six-and=three=fourths inches above the ta a galls and,Rackets: Official colluleid ping-pong balls are used. Tho rackots are of wood ond may be surfaced with sandpapor, leather, cork, or rubber to suit the preference of the players The blade is five-and-one-fourth inches wide, and six~ and~oneshalf inches long, attached to a fivesinch handles Choico of Service or Court: The right to servo or pp vo in the first game of Gach weteh is determined by toss. If the toss winnor chooses to be server or ros Geiver, his opporient has tho choice of court, or vice versie Tho player who serves first ot tho boginning of the first game, reecivos at the beginning of the Socond game. At tho ond of each game the playors change onds of the tables om : Service: Throughott the game except when the score is twenty all, the server bee Sonor the Fooediver and tho receiver becomes the server after each five points. When the score is twenty all, tho server becomes tho receiver and the receiver be= comes the sorver after cach pointe Tho sePyer stands behind his ond of tho table ond strikes the ball with his | racket so that 1% bounces from the table on his (the sorver#s) sido of the net and passos over the net and bounces upon any portion of the table on tho receiver's pidee . The server's yacket and the ball must be behind the end Lino of the server's court and betwoon the imaginary extensions of the sido Lines when he first strikes the balls should he itiiss the ball ontirely he loses the point to his opponente