npr collect, sports desk, the times, okla. city, okla. tepeka, kan., ( change dateline to Ko» MOe ) ® dec. 31... oklahoma placed one man, forward sherman norton, on the sixtha anmal big seven tournament: all-ster team, released . ‘here menay after a vote of sportewriters and spertscasters. the hawk-facei sharpshooter, ‘who established two new tourney records, WaU Xpaex earned & Slot on the seeond team along with jim remstead, stanford center; win wilfong, sensational eee mi ssourd a and Kansas state’ 8 jaek carby and di ck knostman, we ‘horton electrified « neaf-sellout nouse in “thureday night's first round when he rolled home 39 points. .o.. 16 % of then on wide-open crips out of the now famed"Bruce Drake #Shuff1e " gi in: £0F a new single game point mark, the xf rmun vase of VE9: