npr collect, sports desk the times, okla city,okla, Ler Kansas City, Mos, dece 29ee6 there will be more at stgike” then the third-place leavingswhen oklahoma tackles kansas state here friday night in the final session of the big seven tournament at munkepakx municipal auditoriume | the winner will take over the top rung among conference clubs in the alitime tuuvnvvx meet stan@ings, sm m actually holds the no. 1 spot having won its only tournament appearance in 19),6 for a 3-0 recorde : “ OB and kestate bavhvsax came into the affair with identical 11-l, marks fo# five appearances, after losing semifiml encounters to ‘wesenrd and kansas, respectively, susyxwitivevikiaev friday nicht, this means they both now are soorting 12-5 standards, the winner, of course, will We 13-5, and no other keague club can match this even by with a clean sweep, | : stave wilt be havily favored as it left little to be desired even in Losing to tenses, 8690, in the most riotous battle of a as wild a third day as the : | : oe tourney ever has see@ne oklahoma, hitting a cold streak of only six goals in the f final half, toppled before the tigers, 49-61. the sooners showed little of the fire amit they disegarged in boloing favored stanford , 77-71, in the first round, they will have to be at the best tm even to stay close to the flying wildeats, who fought back from two 19-poing deficits to force lu into overtime, | phog allengs troupé will be farored over missouri. but a large le t-down is certain after the win over their kaw river rivals and, off the basis % of their excellent play against ou,the bengals SHSUxY*wsv* mist be conceeded a 0-60 chance, | | sparky stalcup inmvmogduedx introduced a new star agains t oklahoma in the 6, frame of mytx freshman art helmse twax he pitched in 12 4 | points and alded bill stauffer wkkkx on the boards wktexi3vx by collecting 1 3 caromse however, the tigers,ynoted for skumixvx tenacious defenseg | “gine stalcup assumed the reins, never have suceeded in slipping the manacle |, on clyde lovellette, keu''s giangantic all-american center. in four starts against mi , cloudburts clyde has put together point explosions of 29539918, and 2he this is 110 or an averge of 2Vsfxvx 2705 per outings | “held to five points through the first half by kensas state, Lovelette broke loose for ‘29xinvxvevfineivharex 20 in the final half and five in the overyime to take over his accustomed spot atop the tournanent sevntugx individual scoring races combined with his 23 point total against colorado in the opener, his two-game ageregate now is 50. ‘xtineup MUStXULVehEVEKpErtsvx with his tallest regukar measuring brig staloup virtually mist choose from three choicese 5 he ean employ a 6-8 fre shman, bob reiter, as an individual picket. he can alternate twovavk vevgvivsyxvesguiarszvx the same 6-4, tandem that limited ou's sherm norton to 13 points, gene Lagdolt and art helms. or he can. throw out @ zone. os | one almost certain bet is that the missouri bossman won,t putvki stauffer , is top scoring threat, into the lovellette * barricade. ouxx ku and mu are billed at 9%)5 p.n, » following the 8 peme tipoff between the sooners an: wildeats. 45.4 2 , ee ee os -~ * ee trot anil DUR epi a. STE tournament notes: although nabx nebraska has lost its first two games,ycornhusker guard jim bikchanan is one of the meet's top handse.esaside from being a prime play-maker he has scored 7 peints eere Ops sherman norton not only will go into the final night as the _tourney's top pvntpvx pointsmith but he now gen owns the meet record of at consecutive free throws.,... his seven a for seven against missourl ran his string to 20, thus snapping his tie at 13 with bob petrsen, iowa sta state guard who has held the standard since 1948,.... rorton canned 13 without a miss aga. nst stanford in the opening roundeesess OMEXvVEXV the experimental rule played in the losers} bracket did not gain much suppory from the coachssess "4 think anyone who is behind might favor the rule", said shick suthelrend of iowa states... " the present two-shot foul is too cheap ", opines nebraska's harry goodess. " but this penalty is too mxpanmst expensive « competitive “ghooting is still the basis of basketball , and this puts the penalty pust the emphasis on non-competitive ( free throw) shootinge" don pierce npr collect, sports desk, the times, okla. city,okla. kansas sity,mo.,dec. 27ee~e now firmly established. as tournament favorites, kansas state may make a more impressive debut thursday nicht in its fits round thrust ag al nst oo did oklahoma in upsetting stanford in wednesday's feature here « but the wildeats won "+ .show any more scrap, havi sv saavresonves Luly x def tness ata will thet did » bruce drakes, soonerse | the purple pillagers from manhattan set sail for their second successive big seven meet title at 8 Dele againva if they win they'll move aya imei x opposite kansas in an upper bracket sen’ final friday night. wissvurt and iowa state complete sri s le rere : at 9°45 pem. ou gets the winner of this Ones it is doubtful if any team will cause a bigger stir in this year's four-day affair than did the redshi-ts in nudging the he avily-favored indi ms iuxupinesviayts x Ii=7i. heart-stoppere stanford not only was slated to win » just about as it chose, but was regarded as the meet's best bet for a fimalist. | thanks two sherman norton's two-record scoring ~ performance and stan grossman's four-goal passing in the last frantic six minutes, the tournament newxisvwitioutvavx will see the guest team in logers' bracket playe the cardinals caine into the meet with an unblemished 8-ga x0 viet ory stresa&, ou came in bx somewhat bloody from three road lacings at the hands of gone aby iowa and nyUe the drakas went to the post hey had won only one of five starts uhtil their suspséyenepngnt findérdogad cetnuce ° not only snapped ou'g. three=came < the victory i ? % losing streak, but it handed the conference a much need pretige hike in ncaa circles. up to wednesday league clubs had lost 15 of 30 starts against major Opposition , here are the records the lathe-like norton wrote 4 point | a a ‘low single gams tournament record. formr mark was 38 sot by in his 39 point spree* , maynard Sobce an tant xyourx of minnesota last year against colorado « 2f most free thréws single gane( 13). former record was k set by dave eatherby, kansas state, against arkansas, in 19.6, and leo vanderkuy, mich igam, against cknaas » 1949 — : i a ssusixvx ou point record. former mark wis established by carats tucker in 193 against nebraska in norman ye new school free throw record « former mark was set by tucker ‘ag alnst nteestet in 197 at norman. . " they just threw me the ball, norton explained after the game in isheitea’ of an Mngerstesoninte och we ee a good teins noWe we're alright." os the lean forward from lagrange, illes is a petroleum . engineering major who originally wasnot even on a. scholarships "he actually was worried about shooting too much", satavatenicax laighed drake . ao it wiceté be noted that numhanx norton , who recently pocketed 21 points on fara, fired only 16 times from the field to coxllect his 13 goalse he was perfect at the charity spripe in 13 s lifts. this mms Ne bucketed 90 percent of all his shots for the nighte "itwas , of course, our best gape € Grace eee eo al though we looked ragged the second half," +" we simply we're able to keep oklahoma from doing what 2 it wanted to do, explained stanford coach bob burmette. we are not a good defense club and oklahoma has a gumdx very clover offenses sherm didn't even know heté broken the record until a sepietes told Him in the dressing room ‘etter the ans the ancular tuntv wuss vvaitay x senior wasn” ‘t even a regular Last year althoygh he rimaed 119 a in playing wliske of all 2h Gare Se "it was, of course’, our bost game’, smiled drakes * the boys were much improved although they were ragged the secom half," the sooner bossman pointed cut that eight of his 15=man ee squad isvpYayimavx are playing their first year \f varsity bauketva " we simply we're sble to keep oklahoma from doing what it wanted to do",explained stanford bossman bob burne tte. | kansas, ysviervivxs now unbeaten in eight gases to. date , and treading » string of 10 ina row counting two wins at the end of last season, was far less ~impressive than OUs the jay hawks whacked undersized colorado,s76-56, but played only ohne minutes of good basketball. they roared into a-9-0 lead ig the first four mimites and broke loose for 20 points in the final hee | ae | | - tournament notes’ sherm norton's 39-point. cannade aa dwarfed fine nights from other scorers including bob kenney, kansas, 213 clyde lovellette,kansas 23, and jim vanrtied. stanford, Zeeee bubx stanford coach bob burnette, wasn "ts entirely oblivious to norton’ ‘§ putunviet pobinitialiticacs. he had heard about him from his is ( norton's? neni walter who spent two days at palo alto last spring looking over the campus eee the latter now is a freshnian at yaleeces stanford*s defeat marked the ‘second. time in s{x tournements® that the guest tean has fallen in the first round of plays ee... harvard was the cite vietin in 198. don pierce | npr rn sports desk, daily Y ONT! OR okla, WESTERN U PRESS MESSAGE W.. P. eee PRESIDENT Fan clity,moe sdec. 26seeriding home on Poll record= shattering scoring burts of 39 points by sherman norton, oklshoma! s valient sooners up=ended staniford » (771, here wednesday night in a hectic first rounl big seven tournanent game that left 8500¢ ee auditorium fans panting. : running their " drake -shuffle" to perfected in the ft st running vitew tm iunavermusvdegeecvatihx . running the indians cross-legged with their patented drakewshuffle for a h2—26 halftime lead the sooners hai to com from behind in the late minutes to sew it ups uvanieyxyrosumeny sprit kexkticnx with his mates tratling,62-6), — with six mimtes left,stanley grossman, sprite-like 58 redshirt guard , came off th bench to spark the Winning surges he fired no less than four scoing passes in tle clutch and contributed one goal to rally inka vaaxyingx the fast-flagging | Sooners who were dangling on the ropes umler the pressure of havx stanford’ S ceaseless fastebred and full-court Presse it w.s norton, of course,who made the difference. the angular forward from lagrangeyi11,,banked home 2) points in the first ' half to gixexthex forge outs wide bulge then whisked in what proved to be he climher with Just 22 seconds remal ning. his 13 goals,eight were set-ups, and like number of free aren "se tone ete one-year-old single “gam meet scoring mark, which the een post-man xkx broadsided colorado last year, first add final night lead sports desk,daily oklahoman, okla,. city, okal. WESTERN UNION . PRESS MESSAGE W. P. MARSHALL, PRESIDENT norton was so deadly he a collected his 13 goals on just 16 shots from the field for afantastic percentage of xfixx .81. he canned every one of hig 13. free throws, which also toppled anotler tournaent record, the former maxkximvx standard in this dep rtment was ii,held Jointly by kansas state's dave weatherby and leo vanderkuy of michigan. the surprise win, not lifted the surprising drakes into the second round agd nst the winner of thursday night's Lowa state= missouri scuffle. it also snapped a threeegam losing streak to giw : oklaoma a 2=5 2 early avavn season record, the defeat flung stanford fron the nation s major unbeaten ranks after eight straight wins. r ripping loose for 20 points in the final kex é minutes, kansas felled hustling colorado in the night's opening game » 7656. the jayhawkers thus moved opposite the kansas state-nebraska victor .« . the latter two cluts meet at 8 Pete to the secon half of first round wa ring. minygumix the tigers and cyclones are booked at 985 Pelle second add , final night lead, sports desk,daily oklahoman, ‘okla. cave WESTERN UNION PRESS’ MESSAGE W. P. MARSHALL, PRESIDENT “ae furious was the milling after stanford kankedx me | abrvask overhauled the sooners , 62-60, with 6335 remaining that the e lead changéd hands seven times and the score was tied fiimx ‘on five occasions during the pulsing stretch rune econ OE o / grossman xa propped his weary mates the first tim he got the ball,hurling the leather three-fourths tle length of the who - court following a ramstead tip-in to the fleeing bob wal. ler cas an imotted tle count at 6-6. with a wide-open sax 2 tine = ps cardinals | the Beudinaiz got a 2l.=point detonation themselves from | ‘jim ramsteadsa 6=5 , 190=pounl kangeroo,who Gheaved both boards all \ntent in addition to his shooting blast. St WEETERNURION PRESS oe W. P. MARSHALL, PRESIDENT the xix tiny brooklynite hit the same target on outs next sally for another set-up,sto mount a 666, redhsirt leade : but guard jim walsh hooked home a short righthander to comtnrex re-lace a 66-66 knot at 3. "15.6 | grossman then calmly dropped home his fourth shot in as many attempts » a short righthander from tre corner, and ou was once again on top.e remstead xtoftedx southpawed a missed w.lsh's leg @ moment later for another tie at 68-68. limping on @ sprainked ankle,’ - indinan forward ron tomsie stuck the west coasters on top with a free throw off a norton foul. | nortanxthenvivsicxax with tes stanford pressing almost _ ¢hest to omy grossmen cut another set-up flip to norton and it was 70=69 with 23 $@ remaining, the lank forward was fouled by ramstead on his afivivx goal and canned the bonus effort as welle tomsic aml oleg sugdaleff got this back with two euek throws in the next half minute then the letter forced john rogers into high pass from the packeourt and stanford mirsed the ball with just 1:38 left. : tt TEEN UNION PRESS MESSAGE WwW. P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT however, the pacificans got too eager with 30 seconds left and walsh fired one ~la nded from 22 feet. waller, who along ‘with norton, played a superlative rebund game, cleared the rim and the oklahomans swept down for the climhere : 23. f et after three eieries rogers: peg from 23 feet wkshxaxtrifiavx hit the front of the rim but & norton wrestléd the carom away from two opponents and rose te plant home his final points with just 26 seconds remaining. wa ler and bill cummings 2 got svkvupsx quick set-ups ¥ pad the spread , the #ix former taking another grossman bullet "after the =r guacd stole astanford passe behind 18-19 at the first quarter,ou soed into & 35-24 lead wu during the seconi period with norton rolling home four buckets. ‘he gathered fiw es points before halftime to erect ou's Lésdigit & cushion at intermission. uvanftordvx wheeling eternally « on the wriihigevsaitard uvovaux roared outwofxtiuxdressing vevemxwithx through the third quarter for 2h points while ou was getting but sevens oklahoma braced in the final two ntsetbiie of the period to lead, 58=56, but WERX were huxied shoved behind on ramstead's tip-in = four minutes after the final stanza opened, ‘ fifth add , final lead, sports desk, daily oklahoman, oklas eity,xla KS TERN U NION PRESS MESSAGE W. P. MARSHALL, PRESIDENT bob kerney,burr-headed forward from winfield, sparked ku's terrific last ditch rally as the kansamw reaped their eighth | straight triumph x to remain undefeated for the season made colorado their eighth straight victim against no defeats. | the veteran 185-ppunder bang d in six of his 21 points in this sioating sake after the herd had pulled to with eight points at “— with only 4.232 rem nings had it not been for this am sgmix cu sinking spelis pick up third graph first night lead beginnings... " had it" | kill first two graphs and final graph first night leads. npr eckiois sport desk,daily anes. ane. ioK™ WESTERN UNIO PRESS MESSAGE agresssive buffaloes,uns cr way, before kenney's late/flurry sparked the jJayhawkers out of danger, — had 1t not been for this ,and colorado sinking spells bt hi outset of each quarter,bebe lee! 8 rocky mountaineerg might have made it much closer. the herd fell behind » O-9 gmkx in the first slo of play, stumbled wihtout a point through th first 5 minutes of the seconl quarter ,and pleyed 5854 in the third quarkew chapter before net Sotto a field goal. these lapses let the kansers escape fram short leads of 3 20-13, at the end of the first quarter, and 35-27» at halftime, sveux wheuxtheyvx kenney pulled the mt. oredans out of dn ger when kh cu crept close for the third time at —— 5648 with only 4332 remaining, alternating three centers and doubling in from the weak side, the buffaloes managed to limit clyde lovellette, the nation's leading scorer, to 23 points. the huge kansas center was resturiex restricted to seven in the first half,his low since oklahoma handeuffea him with four in the opening stanza at norma two years ago, it was sevediaste'e am of the reer but nee his seventh consecutive conf “WESTERN UNION PRESS MESSAGE seventh consecutive tournament game of 20 pax or more points. kemey akmostx stole the night ‘s lairels with 21 tallies. brudé conway was high for the kuz wildeshooting herd with noo. more 10 points. wwe, WESTERN UNION PRESS MESSAGE W. P. MARSHALL, PRESIDENT kansas cityymo.,dec. 294..staford's guest team beat down a late rally by colorado to cop fifth place in the sixth annual big seven basketball tournament here friday,hanging up a75<69 | victory in the closing half of an afternoon doubleheader in muncipal “giattoriuns the win handed the fast~bredking indians a2=1 meet mark, which texusvgueadx matches that of the second place finisher, however, the west coasters are ranked down the line since they won both their " pracket play after nowene before , 71+77,to oklahoma games in losers in ihe usiieudiny? s opening round, iowa state shoved nebraska into the cellar with a 76=55 win in the day's first game. this gave the eyclones sixth place at 1-2. the cornhuskers Zeukx absorbed three straight dru bbings. center jim ramstead led te stanford's wutriwhnivatsanvx reckless attack with 19 points to run his siniPicunent total to 68..xvaviigure contain vioxbavsumyxhevs vavar i ig c. , a! gden coe “ WESTERN"UNION ° a PRESS MESSAGE Wir: MARSHALL. PRESIDENT kansas citysmoe,doce o8i. & anford and iowa state inpavetiog the wildest battle in bigvsex the six year history of the big seven basketball tournment here friday, the indians Pee in svuertinex bus vauromix alosers' bracket overtime affair. this lSeminute landlside toppled records on every side as the two clubs ripped out of their sta ting blocks from the Speinkvie —— to put up 203 shots from the field and notch 76 roalse buthvpviutsxtataisvetp the contest was : both teams eclipsed kansas state's one-day old single= game point mark of &9;vavuexx 87, erected xusvxm thuraday night against nebraska. the combined total of 205 bettered by 51 points sy k-state- nebraska Lhepoint markx two-team single game mark. these figures were etched under the auspicious of rule experimentation with the free throw, which gave the ball to the offanded team out of bounds after successful charities. but the two raceshorse quintets didn't need much helps stanford hit 38 percent of its 109 tries; state 1.0 xx percent of its Ih. kuavx both clubs notched several important 3-point bunuses off this scheme, but stanford actually won by taking advatange of the rule in another mamers. with gyvaviuxfivx all gratis flips mandatory under the sp experiment, dave epperson,6-6 subs titute cardinal center, of in the regulation time broke an iowa state stall in the last 17 seconis by the simple method na of bear-hugging iowa state's jerry davis and the balle XVKVAVRE hi with the eight players scored in double ficures with the e cyelones' george hess and jim stange showing the way at 27e WESTERN UNION PRESS MESSAGE W. P. MARSHALL, PRESIDENT — with state leading,97=-95, davis was forced to shott his free one. he missed > epperson recovered and fired far down court to temuate ron tomsic. the big forward planted a leaping right hander just before the final buzzer to send the game into extra t Ai es be F 560 Maases State Pec tn Me L {Ti fi a(\) > |& mh G, I~ SI | m O dn he w|0 * ¥| = FT eon J s. Z i én i ci md 4 HEITHOLT é Love lle ie ar = ak At t iE teak fo = Houghland # er si Sr ts |> [> [ts | | wlole 4] f [4 hel |e 5 m1) ay r sh] jolp] Ke co Seuiges. ope] teh Pie] 2. / #€ a rp Ss o 33-24-23-4 2 —#¥- /e- ue Half Seore~ 4/9 = IC Ue Free-PliroweeMissed f 2 je , fh ; _ ; , Nousas Slow AG ~1G@-Ro-ags- F Aan £45 Ym LOE ~ Afl-+ ~16- # a YY e CVBés %ENDeHT m kansas city -- neither team surprised the other, but they both surprised themselves and both jolted a packed house of nearly 10,000 that strained its collective vocal mimmim chords right down | to the final gun, | that, in one sense, is the story of kansas university's e ectrifying 90-88 victory over kansas state friday night in the semifinals of the big seven tournament, , did the full-court pressing defense employed by k-state surprise or bother kansas? no, said phog allen, veteran jayhawker ~ coach, | & "we could have written ‘em a it letter and told ‘em when they'd start that press," boomed mhnogmatiian the beaming phog after the game. "we knew At was coming, and we imam were glad it was, I thought we could “ao imamh the best against them if they used the press." and did the fast break and overall speed of kansas surprise kansas state? no, said a gloomy but not bitter coach jack gardner when the milling was over, "no, we knew that if we pressed they'd break against us, and we had them figured on speed just about right.” still, ecch team surprised itself and its coach just a little, and the most surprised, perhaps, was kansas and allen, "I wasn't nervous about the game," said phog, "put I did figure we were going to throw it away. we've been throwing away so many opportunities, and we kept kicking over the anple cart every time we got ahead in this game, I thought we'd give it away. but we didn't, and I was very proud of the way we kept fighting after iampmanmabahe the agzies came back and tied us up,” WESTERN UNION 222 topeka gardner, taking the defeat in stride, said he was "really proud of the way nannhens fount’ back after being behind most of the way. when a team hits more than 50 percent of its shots in the first half and has a l4-point lead, there's not much you can do but try | to fight back, we did that, and almost made it." there were plenty of tears in the k-state dressing room, but gardner had this message for all his tm charges: "remember, we get two more cracks at ‘em this season, and we'll get *en." jack carby, on whom the costly technical foul was callea in the overtime period, said he mum didn't swear at the referee, "I was just cussing mm myself for committing the foul," he said, but mostly the wildeats were a solemn, bitterly-disappointed ‘buneh, and had littie or nothing to say. naturally, it was a different story in the jayhawker dressing room. it wan laughing, shouting, hapry bunch that quickly donned street, shoes and headed to tin a downtown hotel to dress, big clyde t lovellette, the goat turned hero in the game, said "44 was a great game. they've got a real fine ball club, that (jess) prisock is one of the best. in another year, nobody'll stop him, and they’ re alla great bunch of guys, I erijoyed playing ngatimabhinm 8 them." bob ‘kenney, who turned in’ another brilliant cher talked fast as he tore tape off his injured hand. "we should have beaten ‘on a lot worse, we gave ‘em too much, but they're easily the best ball club we've seen all year, they've got a fine bunch of boys." WESTERN UNION the Sany allen agreed the viatery was "one of the greatest”. of his career that spans some 0. youre in the game, he also agreed that his squad was nothing short of terrific, "that dean kelley played the greatest game of his career," said phog, “he su plied the spark that I thought would be etubies because we had to play without charlie hoag, our great natural leader, but kelley gave us the spark, and we just kept fighting." gardner likewise had nothing but praise for his squad, "I thought they played very well, considering that they were giving away so much height and experience, and they way they fought back after being so far behind would make any coach proud,” immediately after the game, gardner mimmiamm strode across the short space of floor separating the two benches and ami shook hands with allen, then he went immediately to the wildcat dressing rOOM, while phog stayed on the floor to greet a horde twenty allen of reporters and well-wishers, tunmahp minutes later, bm was still trying to m get past reporters and radio announcers to his dressing room, : | then the happy phog had one last word for his audience: "Sust say we're just like casey += only we came back and really hit a homer," and don't blame phog for being happy. after all, it was his — his 691st victory since he started coaching back in 1908, and, by his own admission, 1t was one of the greatest... snider WESTERN UNION 5