L. Ce WHIFFEN COies ‘INC. ARCHERY EQUIPMENT MILWAUKEE, WIS. It's almost vacation timel!! . This is the time of the year when many of you will be pre- paring your requisitions for fall requirements. We don't believe you want to read a long, technical description about archery . equipment and its construction. All we wish to say is that our bows have national recognition for smoothness, true action, attractive appearance and long life; and that we guarantee them. Others have found it advantageous to use our equipment, so why not start now? Send this year's requisition to us. Let us show you what real service means. Here are a few suggestions taken from the catelogue. They are items used by many of the other schools. They may help you in making up your requisition. *Sportster selected birch shafted arrowS...+..Doz. $ 2.85 | *Collegiate Port Orford cedar, spine matched arrows | finished with Pyrolyn or aluminum nocks...-..Doz. $ 4.50 *Collegiate beefwood footed P.O. spine matched arrows, Pyrolyn or aluminum ViGUNS (sive ches esDOee @ 6100 - *Collegiate guaranteed Lemonwood bows 5'6", 17 to 35 lbs pull. Combining exceptional cast with long life and attractive Finish ievereunes sas cee # 4.50 48" Standard compressed targets with face....kech $ 7.50 48" Tie-on type standard oilcloth faces.....ebach $ 2.00 48" Sew-on type standard oilcloth faceS......hach & 1.50 48" Full color creft paper Faces. Ea.DOGenseeDOZ. $ 5.95 Heavy wire ground quivers with bow rest....sebach $ .35 This equipment is designed and prepared for high school and college use. The matter of type of arrow to order depends upon several factors. We suggest in a general way, the birch arrows at $2.85 a dozen for high school use, and the Port Orford arrows for advance high school groups or colleges. We will furnish any number of arrows in a set that you wish. We suggest thet | you specify bows pulling between 17 and 24 lbs. Of course these. Collegiate lemonwood bows may be had up to 40 lbs pull, and they really ere beauties. SERVICE: Why not send in your old errows for reconditioning. - We will refletch, recrest, refinish and put on new points when necessary for 10¢ each. Just wrap them up and send them in. We will return them to you for another season's service. Ct fo