803 Blakely Stillwater, Okla. June 26, 1941 Mr. Gwin Henry, Athletic Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Henry: Are you interested in hiring a Health and Physical Education teacher who has had six years experience of teaching and coaching in the Stillwater school system, a person who has completed his work toward a Master's degree in Health and Physical Education and a person who spent his extra hours while in college studying under the great wrestling master, Coach E. C. Gallagher and Physical Education under Dr. N. S. Walke, formerly of Columbia University and Me. Kevin? I received my B. S. degree from Oklahoma A. and MM. College in 1935, I would like to add here a few of my accomplishments since I entered Oklahoma A. and M. in 1931. They are listed in order of accomplishment as follows: 1. Two times intra-mural champion (all that any one who letters is allowed). 2. Three times first place winner in the National Inter-Collegiates. 3. Made Dean's Honor Roll, 1934. 4. Outstanding wrestler of all college wrestlers in 1935. 5, Twice National A.A.U. Wrestling champion (1935- 36). 6. Outstanding wrestler of all A.A.¥* Wrestling Champions, 1936. 7. Oklahoma Olympic Regional “restling Champion (1936). 8, First place winner in Berlin Olympic try-outs, 1936, : 9, Second place winner in Berlin Olympic Games, 1936. 10. Captain of the U.S. Olympic “restling team which won first place. 11. First place winner of Pan-American Games at Dallas, 1937. My coaching career has been almost as successful as my own wrestling career. In the six years that I have been coaching, my teams have participated in 67 matches and have won 49 of them. ‘We have produced 12 regional champions and have placed several more. Three times we have won the Cimarron Valley championship, and twice we have been in the Northern Conference championship run-off. Seven of my boys have placed in the state wrestling meets. This last season we had one all-state champion and placed fourth as a team. Besides coaching wrestling, I coach track, have charge of all intra-murals at the Narth High School, and also assist in coaching football. I have been director of Stillwater's free public summer playsgraund programs the last three years. I belong to several civic and professional organizations, among them, the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Senior Cham- ber of Commerce, Lions Club, Oklahoma Education Association, Oklahoma Coaches Association, Oklahoma High School Athletic Association, and the National Recreation Association. I am thirty years old, happily married, and in splendid health, If you desire further information, you may contact the following: Dr. Henry G. Bennett, president, Oklahoma A. and M., Mr. Henry Iba, director of Athletics, Oklahoma A. and M. Wr. C. H. McElroy, dean of men, Oklahoma A, and M. Supt. E, D, Price, Public Schools, Stillwater, Ok. Mr. W. W. McCollom, Principal South High School, Stillwater, Okla. Mr. Art Griffith, Wrestling Coach, Okla. A. and M. Mr. William Clift, President of Public School Board, Stillwater, Okla. Mr. A. Frank Martin, Director Student Employment, Oklahoma A. and lM. Should you like to talk with me personally, I will be glad to come at a time convenient with you, sincerely yours, Ifoeo Lord Ross Flood _ RETURN IN FIVE DAYS TO Department of Educational Service Teachers College Building, Room 305 _ University of Nebraska LINCOLN, NEBRASKA roam THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICE & Name | Hobert UW, Raugh Date of bith sa Present Address I the (ines Permanent Addressed by Fetes Physical disability None Health Good Cea saa ea Shed Hie. elcid duck c acae cc wan Besides English is able to speak While attending the University took part in Received the following college distinctions Belongs to (clubs, fraternities or sororities, fraternal societies, church organizations, social clubs, literary societies, etc.) Can direct or supervise_} Is or has been matriculated in college_ Now holds or will receivex certificate inreée year 7 Renewable for Life Certificate in Kansas Expresses the following preferences as to kind of work: Ist shletie-oegh ond _ut-gegue | 3rd_Setenees——___ GILMAN FANFOLD CORP. LTD. FORM 5-C COLLEGE PREPARATION Column A: College hour credits candidate has received or will receive at the close of the semester. Column B: Indicates the subjects candidate can teach. Column C: Indicates the subjects in which candidate has made special preparation (Major). A 8 A -B C A UB A B AGRICULTURE FINE ARTS MUSIC SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMERCIAL Drawing Band Civics Bookkeeping Painting Chorus Economics . ¢ gee Banking HOME ECONOMICS Orchestra History ‘ x law Clothing Public School Ancient ¢¢eee| 6 Geography Decoration Piano American, , peel @ Salesmanship Foods Voice Asiatic Penmanship Millinery NORMAL TRAINING English Typewriting Other Courses Pedagogy European 9496 6 Shorthand LANGUAGES Reviews Spanish-Am. — System... French PHYSICAL EDUCA- a“ Other..| 6 EDUCATION German TION aun 10 Library Work Administrations ga6 © Latin SCIENCES Philosophy g,eee) © Ed. Psychology @ @ 3 Spanish 4,4 eée iL6 Agriculture Political Sci. Elementary Ed. MECHANICAL ARTS Anatomy Sociology Hist. off Edaeceos 2 Auto Mech. Astronomy OTHER SUBJECTS Kindergarten & Farm Mech. Bacteriologyg g eee) @ M4i1t¢.Selence.16 Primary Ed. Cabinet work Biology i Practice Teach. Mech. Draw Geography, cian a GRADUATE WORK Ee Vocational Ed. Forge Geology Child Psy ch. 3 Secondary Eda. @«e6 2 Printing Botany x a Tax Other Coursesg «6 6 0 @ 2 Radiography Chemistry cncmede 10 ( ne is ae , ENGLISH x Turning General Science - UF Rhetoric & Comp. ee 9 Machine Work Hygiene # hours) Debating & Pub. Sp. -MATHEMATICS Mineralogy Dramatics Algebra thecundl & Physical Geo. Journalism Geometry Physics Literature @ o ¢: 0:6: 9 7 Trigonometry Physiology oe Teach. of Eng. _ Advanced Zoology 9 ge eeeel4 Other Courses Total No. Cr. FORM 5-D POSITION ADAPTABILITY COLUMN A: INDICATES POSITION CANDIDATE IS COMPETENT TO FILL. COLUMN B: INDICATES POSITION FOR WHICH CANDIDATE HAS MADE SPECIAL PREPARATION. A_B A_B A_B A City Superintendent Grammar Grades Fine Arts Science H. S. Principal Elementary Grades Dramatics Social Sciences Jr. H. Principal Primary Grades Debate History Supervisor Kindergarten Pub. Sch. Art Mechanical Arts Subjects 1 Pub. Sch. Music Home Economics Critic Teacher : . : eo Physical Training Commercial D ot _ Smith-Hughes Agriculture ‘cub ake . College High School Departments Music ae eee Normal School English Normal Training Athletics Mathematics Languages ACADEMIC TRAINING SCHOOL ATTENDED YEAR OF ENTRANCE LENGTH OF TIME ATTENDED YEAR OF GRADUATION DEGREE RECEIVED , Lincoln, Nebr. H.S. Univ. of Nebr. 1923 1927 4 yeors 1927 § years r ~=—s«1936 AcB. ACTUAL TEACHING EXPERIENCE PLACE DATES INCLUSIVE KIND OF FOSITION OR SUBJECT TAUGHT YEARLY SALARY Maxwell, Iowa H.5. Univ. of Nebr. Norfolk, Nebr. H.sS. Colby, Kansas H.S. 1955-1955 1935-1956 1956-1937 L9S7=1959 Selence, History, Coach Ass't. Fresh. Besketbell eoac! Supv., Tehrs.Col.H.S. Athletits Biolocy, Agsistant Coach Sele Soe.Sei.,tootball Coach, Ass'y in’ Basketball and ‘Track 3 D nh P INOUE NOTE—D-$1200 OR LESS, C-$1201 TO $1500, B-$1501 TO $1800, A-ABOVE $1800 PRACTICE TEACHING. EXPERIENCE WHERE WHEN NO. OF MONTHS SUBJECTS OR N AMES OF GRADES TAUGHT SUPERVISORS Form 5-E SUMMARY OF TEACHER'S QUALIFICATIONS BASED ON FACULTY RATINGS. MAJOR MINOR : INSTRUCTORS REPORTING ‘Blize Gemble Inetr., See, duestion Univ. of Nebr. Jd. M. Matzen Ass'ti Prof.,| Seh. Admin. Univ. » oF Nebr. Leura 5. Pfeiffer ‘ssoe. Prof.,,| History Univ..of Nebr... Ruth Odell . Instr., Bneli | Univ. .of Nebr.. N. A. Bengtson Prof., Geography : Univ ..of Nebr... (S) SUPERIOR—UPPER 10%, (G) GOOD—UPPER 25%, (A) AVERAGE—MIDDLE 50%, (P) POOR—LOWER 25% 1 2 Se. 4 5 6 To ’ Y INSTRUCTORS RATING | cnotanmwr | {ERs | TLRS | AUER [WSR | ae | Tami tease Gamble G+ s Ge oe 8 G+ Ge ('56 Matzen G G G G G G Ge ("36 Pfeiffer G- 8 G+ G+ 8 Ge. 8 "36 Odell G- Ss Ge s Ss G- Ss 77a6 Bengtson G G+ G Ge G+ Ge 8 "36 SUPERVISORS REPORTING : a 9 10 11 12 “18 14 15 16 17 masa eS RATING | RCInTING [IN cLassnoom|Es0uRceru.| PHYSICAL | JUDGMENT |coorenarion INWORK | OF HUMOR | quacines [®YMPATHY) faring _ TEACHING MUSIC: VOICE PIANO Officials reporting: Workman, Supt Es Wa farmer, Prin.. DA RECORD OF CANDIDATE’S TEACHING EXPERIENCE Significance of numbers used: (1) “Superior” and should be used only for very outstanding merit. (2) Very good but not the best. (3) Average and subject to improvement. (4) Below average or poor but not failing. (5) Very unsatisfactory with little or no hope of improvement. Check used Bi: Colby, Kansas SCALE TRAITS A satisfactory teacher An unsatisfactory teacher ‘RESULTS. IOOO @QB@OBO BOMOO 4AOOOO SOOO Excellent or Acceptable Poor results maximum results results Little progress 1 METHODS: INO OO P@OBO BOBOO AOOOO SOOO Progressive and Conventional Perfunctory resourceful. Uses in methods, Without method skillfully the BUT GOOD best methods mwanacement (LL JC)(CJIL]) 2BOBO BOBOO 4OOOO SOOO na Efficient or- Satisfactory Poor organ- BEHAVIOR ganization. organization ization Pupils orderly and student Many disci- and industrious behavior plinary problems NV TEACHER IBOOMO eOMOO BOOoOO 4~OOOO OOOO RELATION Pupils like Pupils respect Pupils avoid teacher and teacher and teacher voluntarily occasionally seek help ask help “aeme =fBOOO eOoomoO Pomoo foOooo ~oOooo : ‘ atic aon Roce oe of Tries to ad- Not interested educational just self to in self im- objectives pupil’s needs provement ees 1BOBO eOOOO BOBOO AOOOO OOOO FESSIONAL SEEKS to Conpeencn ‘ on-cooperative nprofessio en Pee oo. Critical Promotes pro- fessional morale among teachers professional standards VII—PERSONAL QUALITIES 1B Bo Very attractive Prepossessing 20000 800 OW Pleasing LL SOO OU Negative Unattractive Form 3-B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Robert W. Raugh Eliza Gamble, Instr., Sec. Education, Univ. of Webr., writes: "Mr. Raugh hes e pleasing and sympathetic personality thet, I believe, will make him get along unusually well with high sehool yess In my elasses he hes also shown himself to be superior in ability to organize subject matter for teaching purposes, I feel sure that he will be ea superior teacher." 3 April 4, 1936 D. X. Bible, Director of Athletics, Univ. of Nebr., writes: "I am pleased torecommend Mr. Raugh. I heve known him for severel years, He is a thorough student of sports, an untiring worker and of pleasing personality. He is honest, loyal and will so- — in every way to promote the best interests of those with . whom he is associated. He hes had successful coaching experience, I ean recommend him highly for any position for whieh he feels he is qualified," , : | : | Merch 25, 1956 feacher Training, Univ. of Nebr, Ww. He Morton, Director of! writes: "Mr. Raugh has been coaching in the teachers college high — school this year and his work hes been very satisfactory, Boys like him and respect him, He-plans his work well end co-operated well. His influence is always good," | ae os | April 7, 1956 Don A. Workmen, Superintendent of Schools, Maxwell, lowa writes: "Mr. Reugh taught under me for two years, His teaching was very ;ood. He knows the laws end prineiples of teaching and knows how to apply them. He is one of the best high sehool coach- es I have ever scen. His team was one of the eleven undefeated teems in the state of Iowa, As a football eoach I cennot praise him too highly. He knows the gome thoroughly and loves 1t. I | recommend him for both teeching and coaching, without reservation," April 7, 1936 sa pgs. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Cont. ) Robert W. Raugh Mr. Haugh has a very pleasant personality, is polished, and a fine gentlem@n. He is an excellent football coach. His record here in two years is very outstanding and he has been reelected for the coming school year. He is agreeable to have around and is good company for the boys." R. L. Dennen, Supt. Colby, Kansas May 1, 1939 July 7. 1959 NE