September 26, 1941. Bre Le Fe Fowler, Principal, Marthaville High School, Marthaville, Louisiana. Dear Mr. Fowler: I have your letter of the 22nd instant, and am wondering which of my books you have - "My Basket~ ball Bible”, which was published in 1923, or "Better Basketball”, published in 1937. If you have “Setter Basketball.” the answer to your question on a blocking defense is definitely in that book. If you can't. locate it let me know and I will give you the pages for diagrams and description. With best wishes for the success of your tean during the coming season, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. *% Marthaville High School Marthaville,La. Sept.22,1941. Mr.F.C."Phog" Allen Basketball Coach University of Hanaas Kansas City,Kansas. Dear Sir: I am principal and coach of Marthaville High School in Louisiana. This year I am coach a group of basketwall boys who should win the State meet if I can give the proper information. Would it be possible for you to take a few seconds of your time and draw out me a system whereby a blocking offense could be used to go against a man-to-man defense. High school boys find it difftcult to set up different plays, so I thought you might give me some good points or a system that would be a continous one in which plays will naturally come. I will appreciate it very much and consider it an honor if you will give me what you think high school boys should use in going through a man-to-man defense I have read and own your book,but I thought you might give me something for my case. Thanks a million for your time and trouble. ek . 4p a Y L.F.Fowler, pe Principal. Ur. Jo Ee Clowdis Box 84 Wilstead, Ga. Dear Mr. Clowéis, {am mailing to you an autographed copy of "Better Basketball" aiden aoe GEL prove a 0d oats ad ie reading. Thank you for your money order. With all good ZT an | Sincerely, - ips Director of Physical Education and Recreation - Foa/pe Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ‘t1eteaa, ms 3 Cet. 28, 1941 Me Forrest ©. Allen _ Lirector_of Thvsical “ducation Nersity Bs sket bell and VYoach WNekr Son? Presse send me your book On Better Basietbhald. Eneiosed y you will find a money order for four dollars. ($4, 00) Sincerely yours. ye. A,_AuptlA ae J, EL Clowdis on Of Miistead, Ga. = (i~ Ante ORL GS October 28; 1942 Mr. Thomas McGrath 4806 i. Roosevelt Blvd. | Philadelphia, Pa. . Dear Mr. McGrath, I am mailing you a copy of Better Basketball which I hope you will find provides beth enjoyavle and profitable reading. Thank you for the check. If at any time I an in a position te serve you I will be happy to do so. With all good wishes I am Sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach thomas 4° Lead Yo Ee. PooseveLt BL u o- Phily, Pr: yr Forres? C-AlLlLew University of KAA s LAawRENCE, NAMAS. Dear l0)n- ALiCv. Thave recerved yeoUR letter An Fed Oc fbea 1% F4. T9177 GSA fevanswered my pos Acard E wc/os ed, vou will pied ne Check Jor four Des Goo). You Can put Ghia Au wo gra ph sa ping, which Mee SAK Isa ppRopRinte por +he OCCA S/ONW | JT wish you the greatest Success, /w your striving tow ® ra : stimu LA +in 4 Youth +o qareatea and Yiper-E Vde@ARVOR. Thawking you J oR foerR coofeRATtiow awa adten pow. SOURS 1 SPoRAS - 74 omas/Ne LRArh October 18, 1941 Er. Thomas McGrath 4806 W, Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, Penne Dear Mr. McGrath, | I have your pest card dated Oct. 15 which was forwarded to me from Kansas City, Fansase I em glad that you like “Better Basketball” because I put the very best materials that I had into this book. It has 165 photographs and 86-diegrams together with information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandeging, energencies, etc. This book also contains the "Tales of Yesteryear" which are experiences of your Varsity when they met opponents who were expected to win the game, but with a stroke of good fortune and a bit of strategy we turned the tables and won the gam@.s Itve written these stories so as to stimulate youth to greater and finer endeavor. The cost of “Better Basketball” is $4.00 and if you will mail me a check for $4.00 I'l] be glad to autograph and mail you a copy post-paid. If you would like any special thing said in your autograph I'll be glad if you will indicate it. It will be a pleasure for me to send it. By sending this book C.0.D. it would cost you 25 or 30¢ more than under this method. I an desirous of saving you that much moneye Sincerely yours, a } | } : { b Norge Birector o 4eal Education and Recreation FCA/pE Varsity Bak 7 Coach thomas 11° LratA “4 706 EF. Roosevelt Phi lade |phin, Pex = TPM = % THIS SIDE OF CARD DRESS aera Cfo FORREST C. Allew Univer sity of Kawas Raps, KAVA S Lawrence Dene Mar. A lleyw ae T-have-yust-tinished Rea ding-AdDoORROW ec copyop-yovr Son - * ei 7 ee BaskeS baLl” T would Like to buy Your book, But, I dowst Kwow the AddRess Of “The whircles ef House Cock Compan, 7 FF keg cman fae read nme -A book C.0-D. Twill appReaase ad SCAS OVW it-VUtR rmwucsé- - nish pour success pul i femas Oe Gants Novenber 14, 1940 lire AeVe Isbell Agle, Texas ‘Dear Coach Isbell, te reine Fo tball Bible. This book is now out of print. es tcbhoiiesi tite. pack die Mtoe wahpamsithteh tne Gingunee published a new book for me entitled Better meee t, which 163 action photographs and 86 diagiias oF PIsyes together with information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, and so forthe | This book contains such a vast emount of basketball information, that I do not believs you would need to look for other material. ae the eopersccnes sae Seeenenst are of & lifetime are ineluded in Better ee | ths Saud of the tend in 6.08 weed peat prepnie, if you will mail me a check for $4.00 I shall be glad to autograph ee | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation | Varsity Basketball Coach — FPCAslg oe Ad’ Je ae Aen A fJEALCO hap : Y. Att arorenendeke book! ent. CB. Be sd Crk th pe ae es He he WE C : would fo {fo ; Ce ny inde a on ee Love oO Coach Oliver Jochuns Mineral Comunity Consolidated High School Mineral, Illinois Dear Coach Jechuns: treatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, and so forthe The cost of the text is $4.00 parcel prepaid. If you will mail mo a cheek for $4.00 I shall be glad to autograph a copy for you and send it promptlys Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | MINERAL COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 142 E. B. LYON, President J. A. CARRINGTON, Secretary Jesse Downey, Chris Studley, Virgil Rodgers, Raymond Norton, Harry Madsen C. C. CLAPPER, Superintendent eu 4) a A er ; f, oo a ho Me ; ? tf Ye eo a pF on wee February 4, 194] Mr. JeEe Winter 6125 EBichleberger Ste Louis, Missouri Dear Mr. Winters T have your good letter of February 1 requesting information regarding my text My Basketball Bibles Uy Basketball Bible was written in 1925, and ran for fifteen years. Ye had a gale of over fifteen thousand copies. I believe it had the largest sale of any sports book yet writtene last year I wrote a new text for MoGraweHili and Company, which I think you will like very muche This book is entitled Better Basketball and has been replecing my first text. RBettor Basketball contains 163 action photographs and 86 diagrams of plays, together with information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, and so forths Also, I have incorporated a chapter in the back of the book entitled "The Tales of Yesteryears," These are stories of ' great games that our teams have played against opponents that produced thrilling climaxese I am sure your young friend will enjoy reading this section of the texts The cost ef the text is 4.00 parcel post prepaid. If you will mail me a chesk for $4.00 and give me your young friend's mame, I shall be glad to autograph a copy for him and send the book promptiye : | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FAslg Varsity Basketball Coach METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY FREDERICK H.ECKER, Chairman of the Board LEROY A. LINCOLN, President TELEPHONES: OFF........ ASHLAND 4-7000 JOE E. WINTER 1 Mapison Avenue - New York, N. Y. 5125 Eichleberger St. Louis, Missouri February 1, 1941 Doctor Allen Athletic Director Kansas University Lawerance, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens I have inquired at several book stores and sport shops trying to pur- chase your book "My Basketball Bible", however I have been unable to find it. : wa I have a goung friend who is a freshman in highschool and who appar- ently has a great deal of ability and who is a very promising young basket- ball player. I know that your "Basketball Bible" would be a great deal of help to him. If this is an appropriate Book for a boy of his age, would you kindly have one sent to me at the above address and I will send you a check for the amount. No doubt you will not remember who Joe Winter ise I might say that I was the former assistant manager for the Metropolitan Life Insurance. Coe of the Topeka office and had the privilege of talking with you on two or three occasions at which time we had a very congenial conversation about my cousin and your old friend Pat Crowell. Thanking you in advance for your trouble, I remain Yours truly, Je E. Winter 5125 Eichleberger St. Louis, Missouri C ‘March 20, 1942 Mire Jo Manners c/o Mrse James Pe Thanpson Lightfoot Read Hockingbird Valley Louisville, Kentucky Dear Mire Manners: Mie Lee Hamilton has asked that we send you one of our texts, Better Basketialle : I have autographed a copy of this book and forwarded it to you todaye I trust you will find the the text profitable in all respectse Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Saskettall and Basebell Coach FeAsig February 18, 1941 Ure da Ee Vinter Metropoliten Life Insurance Company Ste Louis, Missouri Dear Mr. Finter: I acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 9th instant, together with your cheek for four dollearse Thank you very muche I em very happy to autegraph a copy of Better Basketball and send it to James Rickard, 162 Alte Viste Street, Ottumwn, 1owae I will meke a reference in the autograph that. this ceme to him through your kind cenerositye . Thank you, and with kindest personal regerds, I am, fineerely yours, FOAtlg:min ae Director of Physical Fducation and “ecreation Yersity Basketbell Coach METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ; FIELD TRAINING DIVISION FREDERICK H. ECKER, Chairman of the Board CECIL J. NORTH Leroy A. LINCOLN, President Third Vice-President MAX C. FISHER Assistant Secretary NEW YORK CITY SG e Louis : Mo e Feb. 9, 1941 Forest ¢. Allen Department of Physical Educstion University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen; In regard to your letter of F.bruary 4, I wish Lo inform you that I am enclosing a check for 84.00 for which I wish you to send your book “Beuter Bas- ketball" to James RicWag®, Address, 162 Alta Vista Street, Ottumwa, Iowa. When autographing the book, kindly make note that it is sent at the request of Joe. E. Winter Thanking you for your favor I remain, Yours truly, February 11, 1941 fre Curtis W. McGraw BeGraw-Hill Book Company 330 Fest 42nd Street New York, New York Dear Mre McGraw: In reading my text, Better Basketball, on pege 3 in the last line of the first paragraph there is mention of the 37-yeer-old indoor game of basketballe This should read 47- year-old game, because when the text was printed, the game wes 47 years olde Will you kindly «ask your superintendent to change this line when the next printing is made? I do not mow how such errors creep in, but I imegine we elways have them in printing text books. . Sincerely yours, FCA *1lg:min Director of Physical Education and ®ecrestion Versity Basketball Coach February 10, 1941 Miss Jane Allen 3 Arts Club 13500 Ne Dearborn Ste Chicago, Tllinocis Dear Jeane; You are generally so prompt in returning things that it is not necessary for me to write yous however, you have one of our Better Basketball texts that I sent you for the girls to reads” Wont you get some cardboard, wrap it up and mail it here as this is Athletic Association property. Mark on the outside of the textbook, "No advertising”, because this beok weighs three pounds. — ee ee ee textbook rate. We read your fine letter yesterday and we were glad to know of your raise and your success. Give all the girls my kindest regards and tell then. that I always enjoy sitting in with intelligencia and pulchritude. Affectionately Your Dad (THIS SIDE OF CARDTS FOR. ADDRESS | Department of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas. Grand Rapids, Mich 8/2/41, rer Dear B1KS ten eon Kindly. send. me, any. arhnceceee or Ligteradate, advertising etc on the book or ee al on oes ach ing by Dr, Phog —- fob fe a (Basketall Coach “quinas College) 2025 E Fulton St : Grand Rapids, Mich, February 7, 1942 Mw Roger Skimer Tuwnley Metal end Hardware Company 200 Walnut Street Kensas City, Missouri Dear Rogers Thanks very much for your good letter, the bank draft; and the clipping fron the Examiners 7 I am mighty happy that Rebert and Roger, Jre dominated the scoring for the Chrisman Cubése Please convey my kindest regards and best wishes to Roger for his § points and to Robert for his 6 pointse Trusting that you and yours get some pleasure and benefit from Better Basketball, and wishing you and your famiasy all. the success in the world, I am, with kindest personal regards, Sincerely yours, Director cf Physical "ducation and Reereation Varsity Basketball Ccach ALL, ARE STARS AS BEARS WIN Conference Victory Over St. Joseph Lafayette Attained » At the Expense of a Thrilling Comeback. William Chrisman High School’s up-and-coming basketball stal- warts stood atop the ladder in the Pony Express League today as local fans proceeded to give them ‘credit for exhibiting as startling a comeback as has been seen ina basketball game here in many a day. The victory over St. Joseph La- fayette 30-27 at the Memorial Building Saturday night not only gave the Bears their first confer- ence victory but-also demonstrated that the 1941 Bruin edition is a) “best seller.” It’s no happy mo- ment for a team when the second half of a ball game comes» around at a time when the team has only} half as many points as its op-| ponents. -But on the other hand, Chrisman was. no ordinaty team Saturday night. To be Sure, the boys had a little trouble during the first_two periods figuring out what kind of a defense Lafayette _ had set up. That was why they) stood on the small end of a 17 to 8 score at halftime. But once the third quarter began, they opened © up their big guns for a bombard- ment of the Lafayette goal which rivaled that delivered’ at Turner the night before when the Bears built up a 15 to 0 lead in the first thirteen minutes of play. The Bears scored twelve points in that life-saving third period and limited the upstate boys to one solitary counter. It gave them a 20 to 18 lead at the start of ee fourth quarter. The Bears scored five points in the last quarter but the Lafayette boys managed to drop in seven to bring the score to 25-all just as the whistle sounded. But before the whistle sounded a Lafayette guard, Wayne Hinkle, had been fouled as he attempted a shot. As he stepped up to the line for ie . two attempts to scdre, the} weight of the game rested on his shoulders. — That realization, coupled with the fact that there was so much booing by spectators|- that the boy was practically knocked over by the blast, was just too much for his nerves and both shots were bad. Johnnie Stecz and Jack Eskridge scored five points. for the Bears while Lafayette was scoring two _ in the ere oe “ " to ax ay “one boy |" -conscit cA Perhaps ‘the: “Three of the boys, Steer. Titus and. Eskridge, played perhaps their pest ball of the season,” Huhn]}) said, “But.all of the boys knuckled down to real work when the odds} were against them, and-to all nine}. ‘men should go the credit.” Steez was high for Chrisman ' with twelve points.) Eskridge col- - lected seven, Titus seven and Rea- win and Reavis two each. a he second team game saw the kinner twins, Robert and»Roger, dominating the scoring for Chris-| man as the Cubs won 26 to’ 18. Roger Skinner scored nine points!’ while his brother, Robert, was|- counting six. _ Chrisman’s season record now shows three victories and. a pair]. of defeats. They have lost to} Rosedale and Central, but have won from Southeast, Turner and Lafayette. Friday night the Bears play host to Rockhurst High, the team which} Saturday night bowed to North- east 23 to 25 in an overtime. ~ ~ s ‘ = z Z sy a] & == i : | q 8 =] lesa TELEPHONE MAIN. O200 200 “WALNUT STREET R.MORRISON, TREASURER KANSAS Ciry, MISSOURI DeSean Bebed eee “ ceteetence Jjacws) flea — = | hat Jee