October 18, 1941 Er. Thomas McGrath 4806 W, Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, Penne Dear Mr. McGrath, | I have your pest card dated Oct. 15 which was forwarded to me from Kansas City, Fansase I em glad that you like “Better Basketball” because I put the very best materials that I had into this book. It has 165 photographs and 86-diegrams together with information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandeging, energencies, etc. This book also contains the "Tales of Yesteryear" which are experiences of your Varsity when they met opponents who were expected to win the game, but with a stroke of good fortune and a bit of strategy we turned the tables and won the gam@.s Itve written these stories so as to stimulate youth to greater and finer endeavor. The cost of “Better Basketball” is $4.00 and if you will mail me a check for $4.00 I'l] be glad to autograph and mail you a copy post-paid. If you would like any special thing said in your autograph I'll be glad if you will indicate it. It will be a pleasure for me to send it. By sending this book C.0.D. it would cost you 25 or 30¢ more than under this method. I an desirous of saving you that much moneye Sincerely yours, a } | } : { b Norge Birector o 4eal Education and Recreation FCA/pE Varsity Bak 7 Coach