Me December 4, 1941 My. Ge Robnett 873 East 55th Street Los Angeles, California Dear Mr. Robnett, I have received no reply from you regarding your desire for a copy of my text, Better Basketball. I have kept your noney order for $1.00 and am wondering whether or not you plan to send me the additional $5.00 for the book. If you have decided that you do not want @ copy of Better Basketball, I will send your money order back to yous t would appreciate an immediate reply regarding this matter. Sincerely yours, ¢ | Director of Physical Bducation and Reereation FCA/pE 7 Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Novenber 18, 1941 Yr. C. Robnett 873 East 55th Street Los Angeles, California Dear ifr. Robnett, I havo your post oard detod Novenber 26 and your noney order for $1.00. _ &s you understané, the book costs $4.00 and by sending you the book €.0.D. it will cost you an additional 2627. I am de- sirous of saving you that mich money so I would like to suggest | _ that you send me the additional /5.00 and I will mail you Better Basketball post-paid. 5 pati Se ae ee cs 4f you would like any special thing said in the autograph I will be glad if you will indicate it. It will be a pleasure for me to send ite : Better Basketball contains the very best materials that I could gather. it has 163 photegraphs and 86 diagrams together with information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, eto. ‘The book also contains the "fales of Yesteryear” which are ex- periences of our Varsity when they met opponents who wore ex=- pected to win the came, but with a stroke of good fortune and a bit of strategy we turned the tables and won the game. I have written these stories so as ~ rene youth to greater and finer endeavor. : With al good wishes T am : | Sincere): yours, Director of Physical Bduostion and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach | ce ERCP SE Shep , ee hes” GO OID” PV oe coms KGwter es. VO fot theo etek Bub tray ela fr 724 lee Ae flor Zz Mtr? Case tg oe Es Vel, ae : : Gli. Palance 9729 08 pte irtege Mr. Lawrence Servais, — Gove Rural High School, Gove, Kansas. Dear Hr. Servais: | I regret that I do not have any us "Better Basketball", nor do I lmow of any second-hand copy for sale. | While the book sells for $4.00, I believe that you will find it very much worth that price. It contains all of the plays that I use in my coaching at present time. In addition to the fundamentals and the play situations described therein, I am sure you will find the chepter on the treatment of athletic injuries very valuable. ? I have a few copies of the book in my possession, and if you should desire an autographed copy I will be very happy to mail it te you postpaid upon receipt of your check or money order for 94.00. , Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. BOARD OF EDUCATION FACULTY oe. GOVE RURAL HIGH SCHOOL HEN APSE science J OE S. LOSEY, Secretary MRS. NORA H. MOORE, Treasurer CLAUDE SIMMONS, Custodian LINDSEY R. CLARK, PRINCIPAL LAWRENCE SERVAIS COMMERCE AND IND. ARTS Ath., Commerce and Math. DOROTHY SCHWARTZKOPFEF Musie and English FLORENCE WEBBERT Eng., Home Ee. and Science GOVE, KANSAS November 24, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: Do you have any second-hand copies of your text "Better Basketball" that you can seil for half price? I would like to get one if I could get a second hand copy. I have several basketball books and they run into much money at $4.00 apiece. The books are worth $4.00 apiece to me, but I just cannot afford to pay that much for several books. Maybe I could use a second hand copy of your "Basketball Bible" too. Sincerely, own © i ae Lawrence Servais Dr. Julius McBride, 1710 Yale Street, Houston, Texas. Dear Dr. McoBride: I am very happy to have your inguiry about my text, “Better Basketball". ‘This book has an extensive chapter on the treatment of athletic injuries. "Better Basketball” is on sale for $4.00 at most of the leading sporting goods firms and beok stores. I have a few copies in my possession, and if you desire an autographed book I will be very happy to send it to you on receipt of your check or money order for 94.00. The beok will be sent to you postpaid. I am enclosing some printed material which de- scribes the book. I shall be very happy to hear from you again. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. DR. JULIUS MCBRIDE Osteopath TAYLOR 1850 1710 YALE STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 11/20/41 . Dear Dr. Allen: Please tell me where it is possible to obtain one of your. new books which deal with athletic injuries. [I have" my Basketball Bible". One thanks you in fi My it advance. November is, 1942 Coach T. E. Cravens Department of Education City of Chattanooga Chattancoge, Tennessee I have received your letter dated Nov. 4. I have written ea text book entitled, Better Basketball, which contains the very information which you indicate that you desiree In it I describe & mamber of plays which we use here at the University with our Varsity team. These drille and plays are thoroughly illustrated by 163 photegraphe and 86 di- agrams. In addition, the book conteins information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic. injuries, bandaging, emergencies, etce Setter setter? contains the very best materials that I could ga Also in this book are “Tales of Yesteryear” which are experiences of our Varsity when they met opponents who were expected to win the game, but with a stroke of good fortune and a bit of strategy we turned the tables and won the game. I have written these stories so as to stimulate youth to greater and finer endeavor. The cost of Better Basketball is $4.00. If you will mail me a check for $4.00 I will be gled to auto- graph and mail you a copy post-paid. If you would like any special thing said in your autograph I will be glad if you will indicate it. It will be a pleasure for me to send it. By sending this book ¢.0.D. it would cost you 25 or 50g more than under this method. Iam desirous of saving you that much money. I am enclosing some material which will help you to see 7 what the contents of Retter Basketball are. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation © FCA/pg , Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CITY OF CHATTANOOGA BI N . THOMAS H. McMIL ag MISSIONER we Ul Sy 4 | : hes m 4 iN 4 = ‘adel A ecaut Nh AA ) : ; /| : / & 6 : fet Ma Sai ae gi Sa Hovenber 18, 1941 Goach Harry H. Higgins Palestine Public School | — Tllinois "Doar Coach | Riggine, I beg to acknowledge ints of your check for $4.00 for a ‘copy of my Rotter Basketball wittoh I am sending to you. T have euitographed the book and su nailing it to you with the hope that it will prove profiteble to you in many WaySe If ever at any tine T en in @ position to serve you I will be very happy to do so. ; With all gene wishes a ‘ema . Sincerely, | : Director of Physical Education and Recrvation Foa/pg Varsity Basketvall and Baseball Coach G. Bo CALVERT PRESIDENT: 222 ee ie Gl SECRETARY 5 4038 WEST GRAND PRAIRIE, 0 5c 5 SO pe ea a 1 SOO WEST GRAND FRAIRIE Palestine Public School HARRY H . HIGGINS, PRINCIPAL PALESTINE, ILLINOIS nov. 14, 1441 October 25, 1941 Mre Leonard We Sears | ‘ Basketball Coach Shopville, Kentucky Dear Mr. Sears, — I have your post ecard dated Oct. 18. | best materials that I could gather. It has 163 photographs end 86 diagrems together with informmtion on training and con- a@itioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, — ete. Cae ! This book also contains the "Tales of Yestoryeer" which ere experiences of our Varsity when they met opponents who were ox= pected to win the game, but with a stroke of good fortune and a bit of strategy we turned the tables and won the game. I've written thes@ stories so as to stimulate youth to greater and finer endeavor. The cost of "Better Basketball” is $4.00 and if you will mail © me a check for $4.00 I'll be glad to autograph end mail you a copy post-paid. If you would like any special thing said in your autograph I'll be gled if you will indicate it. It will be a pleasure for me to send it. By sending this book C.0.D. it would cost you 25 or 50¢ more than under this method. I am de- sirous of saving you that much money. I am happy that you are acquainted with Mr. Adolph Rupp who is a good friend of mine. —— Sincerely, ‘Director of Physical Education end Recreation FcA/pg | Versity Baskotball and Baseball Coach ir. Leo W. Snith Renard, Iowa Dear Coach Smith, Thank you for your good letter of the Zist instant enclosing personal check for $4.00 for my "Better Basketball". I've _ autographed the book and em mailing it te you with the hope that it will prove profitable to you in many ways. Thank you for your many expressions of good will and I desire to say that it was a pleasure to know you and to have the opportunity to talk with youe Yes, I do remember you and I wish for you every Success. If at eny time you desire to write me concerning plays and for~ mations, I*ll be happy to hear from you. Wishing you the best of luck I am Sincerely. o Director 6f Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Rinard, Lowa. October 21, 1941 Dr. Forrest GC, Allen, Director of Physical Education and Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. ‘Dear Dr. Allen: Enclosed, please find a personal check of four dollars (¢ pe 00) for your latest. Basketball book, I talked with you after some of the Lectures at the Iowa Coaching School which was held at Boone, Iowa this summer, and was ay hth impanee very much by your methods and philosophy on coaching. 4s a favor, would you please personally autograph the copy of the book? Hoping to have the opportunity to hear you again some time. Sincerely yours, Leo Hs, Sith Leo We Smith. September 17, 1941. Coach Lawrence Servaisc, Gove, Kansas. Dear Coach Servais: In answer to your request for basketball plays that are especially adapted to high school boys I am to you my text, "Better Basketball", which I wrote last year for MeGraw+liill Company. There is a chapter on Motivation written particularly for the junior and senior high school coach, and I believe you would find this interesting and valuable. A series of offensive end defensive skill movements are outlined as a class problem which enable the high school coach to teach his pupils mass fundamentals without each player handling the ball. | This text on basketball pedagogy is profusely illustrated with 163 action photographs and 86 diagrams of plays. I feel sure the text contains e11 the information you desire, and more. There is a chapter on the Treatment of Athletic Injuries which, in the opinion of many coaches, is worth the price of the book. T had in mind the high school Coaches when I wrote this chapter. Also in the back of the book I have incorporeted chapter entitled “Tales of Yesteryears". These are stories of great genes thet our teans have played against opponents that pro- dused thrilling, ohimeaes. The cost of the book is $4400, ond may be ebtained at most of the sporting goods houses. However, if you should desire an autographed copy I would be happy to send it to you postpaid upon receipt of your check or money order for $4.00. With best wishes for a very successful season, I am Sincerely yours, FCA:H _ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. SEP[4_ 4 -PM i944 f (THIS SIDE OF CARD: (ees ADORESS: . = Dr. Forest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas Gove, Kansas September 13, 1941 , Dear Dr. Allen: I will coach basketball here at Gove this year. I would like to have plays in basketball that are adapted for high schook boys. If you have pleys for distribution, Row much are they? Sincerely, Y ro mn ’ fi yg AAW LY LCE EL ' Lawrence Servais Mr. Lawrence Servais Gove, Kansas Dear Mr. Servais, In answer to your request for basketball plays that are especially adapted to high school boys I am recommending to you my basketball text, Better Basketball, which I wrote last year for McGraw Hill and Company. 1 think yoy would find that this text contains the information you desire and more. Better Basketball contains 163 action photographs and 86 diagrams of plays together with information on training and conditiong, treament of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, and so forth. Also, I have incorporated a chapter in the tack of the book entitled "tales of Yesteryears". These are stories of great games that our teams have played against opponents that produced thrilling climaxes. The cost of the text is $¥.00 parcel podst prepaid. If you will mail me a check for $4.00 I will be happy to send you an atitographed COpye Sincerely yours, Mr. Tony Russo Box 167 Newell, Pa. Dear Coach Russe, I have received your letter dated Octe 25. I have written a text book entitled, "Better Basketball", which contains the very information which you indicate that you desire. In it I deseribe a number of pleye which we use here at the University with our Varsity team. These drills and plays are thoroughly illustrated by 163 photographs end 86 diagrams. In ; addition the beok contains information on training end conditioning, tpeatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, etc. “Better Basketball" contains the very best materiale that I could gather. Also in this book are "Tales of Yesteryear" which are experiences of our Varsity when they met opponents who were expected to. win the game, but with a stroke of good fortune and a bit of strategy we turned the tebles end won the game. I've written these stories If you will @ check for $4.00 I'11 be gled to autograph and _ smil you a copy post-paid. If you would like any special thing said in your autograph I'll be glad if you will indicate it. It will be @ pleasure for me to send it. Ry sending this book C.0.D. it would | eest you 25 or 30¢ more than under this method. I am desirous of Saving you that mich moneys : : I am enclosing sone material which will help you to see exactly what the contents of "Better Basketball" is. Sincerely, pivevion af: sical Education and Recreation FCA/pE | : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach 3 \ 4 aa November 12, 1941 Principal Harry H. Higgins Palestine Public School Palestine, Illinois Dear Mr. Higgins, I have your letter dated November 10 regarding my basketball text, Better Basketball. This book contains the very best materials that I could gather. It has 163 photographs and 86 diagrams together with information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, etc. It also contains the "Tales of Yesteryear" which are experiences of our Varsity when they met opponents who were expected to win the game, but with a stroke of good fortune and a bit of strategy we turned the tables and won the game. I've written these stories so as tos timulate youth to greater and finer endeavor. fhe cost of Better Basketball is $4.00. If you will mail me a check for that amount 1 will be glad to autograph and mail you a copy post-paid. If you would like any specialthing said in your autograph I will be glad if you will indicate it. It will bea pleasure for me to send it. By sending this book C.0.D. it would cost you 25 or 30¢ more than under this method. I am desirous of saving you that much money. Sincerely yours,. Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach G. B. CALVERT, PRESIDENT L. K. MAGILL, SECRETARY 403 WEST GRAND PRAIRIE 500 WEST GRAND PRAIRIE a Palestine Public School HARRY H. HIGGINS, PRINCIPAL PALESTINE, ILLINOIS November 10, 1941 Mr. Forest C. Ailen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas... Dear Sir: Please send one copy of Basketball of which you are the author. Yours truly, HHH/ AD October 23, 1941 Coach EKleinsasser Cavour, South Dakota Dear Coach Kleinsasser, I have your post card deted Oct. 20. My basketball text, “Better Basketball", contains the very | best materials that I could gather. It has 163 photographs and 86 diegrams together with information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, etc. This book also contains the "Tales of Yesteryear" which are experiences of our Varsity when they met opponents who were ex- pected to win the came, but with a stroke of good fortune and a bit ef strategy we turned the tables and won the game. I've written these stories so as to stimulate youth to greater and finer endeavors ; The cost of “Better Basketball" is $4.00 and if you will mail me a check for $4.00 I'll be glad to autograph and mail you a copy post-paid. If you would like any special thing said-in your autograph I*ll be glad if you will indicate it. It will be a pleasure for me to sené it. By sending this book €.0.D. it would cost you 25 or. 30¢ more than under this method. I am desirous of saving you that much money. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Beseball Coach Physic vt Education Dept. gel hay Fyove 2 Siem SI io iG THIS SIDE OF CARD R ADDRESS fe. FeAares Ff ( Aifen Yrjot R st te of NMawas LA WRC E | KABWAS. Dear SYR. Allew - gmecesved your book. Thawk you, LAm jwd eed howored Fo Ae TA C-Ow weR-o77 ~sock A-s pléenad/ d-spor Ang Book, Tha whine g FOU AGA ROR yovrcourteces attenten and Splendid Av 40g RA ph. LoorRs sv Sports . SAOMm AS IN LRAT