Coach Hal We Clenents, Roclmart High School, Rockuart, Georgia. Dear Conch Clenentss . - tie have @ basketball filn called “tcodern Basketball Fundanentals" which.was filmed by the Eastman Kodac Coe | I show this film to my basketball boys each year and feel it -qontaine ‘very vaiuetie tenshing teoheiquess Sct Side ey to ented fren hdl ipitwaodiey cit fins | Extension Division or you may be able to secure it from most any University of College Extension Divisione If you are interested in renting the film from our Extension Dive ision you my write to Mire Fred Se Montgonerye Tam very lappy to Inow that you are reading "Better Basketball.” ee ee ee time it will be a pleasure to hear from yous. | Tank you for your Idind wore in regard to the Coaching Clinice Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coathe