REE Se aaa ee RE To Hea gy pe Tie ce ae Mat . aay Acca pees ars PAN: e 2 a i : ni een ae ¥: st December 8, 1938 Mr. Arthur Griffin Centerville Maryland — Deer Mr. Griffin; Replying to your posteard of December 5, we are very sorry that we do. not have anything illustrating and des- oribing basketball plays. You see, we devote our efforts ereinesvei? to the care and conditioning of the players I am taking the liberty of passing your card on to Dr. F. C. Allen of Kansas University, as I feel sure he will want to explain his new bovk to you. I have a copy of it and I find thet it is by far the best basketball book ever written. It hes much inspirational material which you can pass on to the players and this, in my opinion, > just as important as the technicality of teaching plays. : I em sure you will hear from Dr. Allen within a few days. | | ‘