September 28, 1958. Mre Je Addison Linscott, Coach of Basketball, : State Teachers College, ee er ore Linssotts Yes, Livleuh: 1 séanbieb Rumebit Sch ind Act Lawrence very well. a ere er ee Cee ane greet fellowse — 3 | Tn eadodibe te yi balding tee Game bela, T imve exactly the right thing for youe Thirteen years ago I wrote "My Basketball Bible”, and it had a sale of fifteen thousand copiese This year I lave a new book on basket- ball entitled "Better Basketball". ‘his is far superior to the other book. It is up to dete, explaining the new est develomments in the game, is profusely illustrated, and I believe you would find it very helpful in your coachings oe ——e, the contents of the booke The book “Better Basketball” is published by lc- Graweliili and Company, of New York, and is sold by most yg hw beg It is priced at $4000. If you to purchase a copy end will send me your check for $4.00 I will be clad to autograph it and cond it postpaid. ‘Thanking you for your inquiry, and with best wishes oe Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA SAT | Varsity Basketball Coaches