Mate Francis As Betts, | Knox Reeves Advertising, Ince, 307 Fourth Avenue, South, Mimeapolis, Minnesota. Dear Mr, Betts: I thank you for your kind communi cation of the 27th instant concerning your client, General Mills, Ince, sponsoring your “Breakfast of Champions" programe | | i ain oles oki we oe or en a ee Whenever it has been possible for me to originate, invent or in- prove upon a basketball commodity « whether shoes, ball, basket, scorebook, or to write a text on basketball = that I have been glad to do. ae ee Postum endorsements. t trunk tke you Witt nob ei that I on eding Wide” hat, or giving your idea a slap in the face so far as other coaches are concernede I have been both Director of Athletics and Physical ee ge oe aa ea - deavored to give to the youth of the instructions cas as cheat oak Oras Oc dines ws Ghee wits Wee ote ototaatig aes and I want to thank you for your lindness in writing mee However, as I have stated above, it is impossible for me to accept. | In 1923 I wrote a text on basketball entitled "uy Basketball Bible". This book had a tremendous sale of 15,000 copiese last year I wrote another text for MeGraw-llill Company entitled “Better Basketball". I am sending you some of the printed material on this texte le! : If there is any way that I can serve you at any time without merely selling my endorsement, it will be a pleasuree With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, é Director of Physical Bdueation, Varsity Daas Coache