December 14, 1937 Ure Be Ae Thomns Commissioner, -.5.H.G.AsA. Toneka, Kansas Dear Friend: May I suggest that you give "Phorm" Allen's new besketball beck an item in an early issue of the Kansas Athlete, In our school we have been #0 enthused thet we bought four coples in spite of the price. The first day the books wore in the Library the librarian reported thet — had been worth what they cost beenuse one of most sone boy customers hed been ing in one cf them and had kent quiet. Our head English teacher has eprreved the book for use in English elesses. Besides containing vlenty of good technical information, with mumerous drawings end pletures, the book abounds in good psychology. “srecielly to be commended to the high school student ere the eight game short stories, e are very enthusiastic about the book and think that the teachers and students of any high school should be. We have been sorry to heer of your {liness and trust that this letter will find you fully recovered,