TWO BITS WORTH By BILL TOBITT Dr. Forrest C. (Phog) Allen’s learned dissertation on basketball covers more than 400 pages in a four dollar book and it may prove very handy as an almanac—but it. doesn’t rate very highly with Cler- ence Merle Price, coach of the Cali- | fornia basketball team. : Phog, an erudite gentleman, de- | of his livelihood developing Uni- versity of Kansas basketball for- | tunes. He thinks so much of the | sport that he put almost as much effort into writing a book about it as did H. G. Wells in formulating his Outline of History. In fact, the two run parallel, Al- len’s tome talks enthusiastically | about the basketball world. from | birth, through adolescence to its. present state of young manhood. Wells’ opus carries man from pre- historic simplicity to the current complexities. Both are good hand- books for reference purposes. TOO MANY FORMATIONS Where Nibs Price cuts into this picture, though, is in the book’s lavish treatment. of basketball “for- mations.” Allen covers r SOL pages (at one cent per page ing offensive and defensi’ tions in which a team s could be drilled. “That's stretching it qué says Nibs. “If Dr. Allen ne the same amount of space to three or four formations and the funda- | mentals of the game, he’d really have | something every coach could use. ‘ “A young man trying to be a! basketball coach would have just as | easy a time teaching the game out | of that book as I would instructing | rope skipping from a manual on ships’ hawsers. “The game isn’t complicated enough for that. Even you could make up formations. You could do it with your eyes closed by jabbing five dots in a rectangle and calling those dots the positions your players would take. “It’s the fundamentals that count —passing, dribbling and shooting. Look at Stub Allison and what he did with a few plays for his football team. He just taught ’em how to block and tackle and then lined ’em up according to the rules and let "emo," JACKETS SAVE SHIRTS When Nibs Price takes his Cali- fornia basketball team a-tripping around the Nation, come Sunday evening, the boys will be wearing handsome new traveling jackets. They are wondrous to behold. Deep blue, with gold ‘sleeves and waistband and with the word “Bears” in gold script right ACTOSS the heart. “Isn't. that rather an expensive item, Nibs?” we asked... “Yes, but it’s worth it ‘for ‘appear- anccs—and not just for uniformity and color alone. “Last year on our hercstdbininay tour the boys thought they’d save on their laundry bills, so they went without shirts beneath their pullover sweaters. Not at all becoming to gentlemen of California. “Now they can go without their shirts and nobody will be the wiser. A zipper runs from their belt buckles to their chins.” ALLEN ~ You how to build CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS “Phog” Allen is perhaps the best-known basketball coach in the United States. At present Basketball Coach and Physical Ed- ucation Director of the University of Kan- sas, he has the longest collegiate coaching record in the country. In twenty-seven years he has turned out twenty-one cham-~ ionship teams, two of them undefeated. ow he makes all of his invaluable expe- rience available for you in his new book— BETTER BASKETBALL By FORREST C. ALLEN BETTER BASKETBALL is a complete, new, up-to-date, practical guide for teach- ing and developing winning basketball teams. eee starts from the ground up. He tells you how the game began, why it has changed, how to officiate, how to or- ganize a team and select the men, how to build team spirit, how to build box office appeal, how to dramatize team play, ete. Demonstrates every phase of Tactics and Strategy All the latest developments of the game are graphically explained. Hundreds of tested diagrams and close-up photographs show | clearly how to handle every detail of win- ning team and individual play. Shows how |to work through a zone defense, including ‘set’? plays from scrimmage and out-of- bounds; 34 successful ‘‘set’? plays and many out-of-bounds plays against the man- for-man defense; and innumerable other tactics. Also a whole chapter on new methods of ‘‘screening’. and how and when these plays should be used. Individua! technique and training stressed Every movement that a skilled player must execute is shown in detail. Also described are a series of ‘‘skill movements” or drills | invaluable in turning raw recruits into | champions. Moreover, the author shows how applied psychology can often win games, and gives examples. A whole section is given to the treatment of athletic injuries, whereby players can be kent in the game or brought back in the line-up ‘much ealier than under old methods. Diet and conditioning are given | Special a'tention. In short, BETTER BASKETBALL tells everything a player, coach, official, trainer or Manager needs to know about his own pen ee i the —— aoe has Oo make i the subject ever written, Pee eee SS ‘ +3 168 action~photo- graphs 86 diagrams of plays © $4.00 Examine it FREE ~ 10 Days! ~=+ : ST Oe Se ee McGraw Hill Book Co,, ; ‘ 330 W. 42nd St., N. ¥. C. 5 Send BETTER BASKETBALL for 10 days’ examination on approval. In 10 days I will cerd 84.00 plus few -cents postaxe; or return book postpaid. (Postage paid on orders accompanied by remittance.) . WANG siccitauncs Pe eeeeenrnereeeenrenareee Address steer ene e een erasenesessseseene City & States sss ecavewdoce css cseivctsee POSICION: 5. is Fay a ta ewanaea bess tA | School or Co...... Eda cece es s LAEL-LEROU te ee ee “Phog’s” New Book Is Out. HE newest thing in basketball is Forrest C. Allen’s book, “Better Basketball,” just off the presses of the McGraw-Hill Book com- pany. Coach Allen’s first hook, “My Basketball Bible,” was published in 1924. . “Better Basketball” is profoundly llustrated with action photo- graphs and diagrams cf plays. Photographs follow diagrams to give clarity. Individual offense, individual defense, team offense and team de- fense are exhaustively treated because, upon the fundamentals of the individual are dependent the success of team fundamentals and consequent winning success. A most complete chapter on Treatment of Athletic Injuries has been presented to enable the coach to improve the condition of his men and further to aid him in treating such injuries that a coach and trainer should know more about. Often by simple and early treatment of a strain or sprain, a player is saved from a more serious complica- tion-and a possible loss of an important game. To dramatize a game and to provide excep- tional entertainment between halves many times determines the success of a coach. “Better Bas- ketball” goes deeply into this important phase of the pregame and between-game activities and Dr. F. C. ALLEN. shows the manager and coach many possibilities in Coach and author, Z drawing patrons to the games, . For the junior and senior high school coach a chapter on Motivation is highly interesting. A series of offensive and defensive skill move- ments are outlined as a class problem which enable the high school coach to teach his pupils mass fundamentals without each player handling the ball. Correct fundamental skills develop neurograms, or brain tracts, which are conducive to the making of fewer mistakes. Mis- takes are cailed fouls in basketball and fouls defeat a team that makes too many of them. Foul less and win more by learning correct funda- mental skills, the author advises. “Better Basketball” incorporates everything that.a player, coach, an Official, a trainer or a manager of a team needs to know about his own special phase of the game. Nothing has been omitted to make this text the most complete and interesting story of this great indoor game yet written. ; ‘1 3 S “4 . 9 . ittin In WITH THE ATHLETES Kallio and Conrad. Matmen Fade Slowly. John Pesek’s Test. | Fog Allen’s New Book. |, BY. SEC TAYLOR—— | THEY GO ON AND ON. “TROFESSIONAL wrestlers P seem to go on ee must brave ee least ago Register - ceived stories al- most every week about the ex- ploits of Earl Conrad of Thay- er, Ia. He was a lightweight then and claimed the world’s title in SEC TAYLOR. that class. He is billed to appear in a mat show here tonight in which he and Gus Kallio, recognized as the world’s middleweight champion by _ the National Wrestling association, will be featured although they will not meet each other. Kallio, an Americanized Finn, has been wrestling almost as long as Conrad, to my knowledge, and may-have been exchanging grips even longer. IT WAS AT least 12 years ago, possibly 15 or more, that Kallio came to Cedar Rapids to dispute the claims of Jack Reynolds, then of that city, to the welterweight title. I was asked over to referee. Kallio was too much for the Iowan and won decisively, al- though it took the Finn quite a long time to win the required two falls. After that defeat Reynolds left Cedar Rapids and, I believe,, has never returned except possibly | for a short visit. Since then Kallio has grown) heavier and now claims the mid- dleweight title. Wrestlers work as often and strenuously as any other profes- sional athletes but for some rea- son remain in competition much longer. Those who attend tonight’s show will see two men who are experts at the tug-and-pull game who will discard the tricks 0 the modern heavyweights fo good, old-fashioned holds. TEST OF GAMENESS. JOHN PESEK, named a coupl of months ago by the Nationa’ Wrestling association as its world’s champion, apparently has a press agent who knows how to get the ‘Nebraska matman’s name in the papers. . Among the blurbs sent out by the press .agent recently is this one: ‘A. ¢hap-who didn’t like: John} Pesek once met him on the sreet' and questioned his gameness. “You can beat me wrestling but I'll bet a thousand dollars you can’t stand up with me in any test of gameness, and I'll let you pick the test,’ he said. © * “‘O.K.,’ replied Pesek, TH put my finger in your mouth and you put your finger in mine and we'll start chewing: As soon as we chew off one finger, we’ll put in another. We’ve each got ten fin- gers. The man who quits first loses the bet.’ ; “youre crazy!’ the challenger said as he hastened away. “BETTER BASKETBALL.” DR. FORREST C. (Phog) Allen, successful University of Kansas basketball coach, is the author of another book, “Better Basket- ball,” which is just off the press. Several years ago Allen wrote “My Basketball Bible,” ‘but the present book is entirely different and is modern and uptodate in ev- ery way. It is divided into five parts devoted to Peace nique,” “Tactics,” “Athletic juries and Emergencies” and most interesting of all to me, “Tales of Yesteryears.” In the latter part the author presents some of the highlights of ‘games his teams have won, “not with any thought of capitalizing my contemporary ‘competitors’ misfortunes,” he explains in the preface, but “to recount them in their relationships to winning strategies.” Much of the author’s work is technical and designed expressly for coaches and players but there are parts that will be extremely interesting to the fan. The book, which sells for $4, is published by Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NYY Master coaching methods for training, tactics, and the physical and mental factors of better basketball —a complete, detailed manual for coaches, players, trainers, and managers BETTER BASKETBALL | Technique, Tactics and Tales By FORREST C. ALLEN Director of Physical Education and Head Basketball Coach, University of Kansas 482 pages, 6x9, fully illustrated, $4.00 For Sale by LOWE & CAMPBELL or any other athletic goods housée ) 163 photographs graphically illustrate the individual offense, the individual defense, the team offense and the team defense. 86 diagrams depict game forma- tions and augment the author’s clarifying discus- sions of many confusing and technical points. A eee guide for teaching and developing basketball technique, together with a complete discussion of how the game should be played. The author explains graphically the most advanced develop- - ments of the game, and through copious use of diagrams and photographs makes clear every detail of individual and team play. Technique Individual technique and individual training are stressed, as the fundamentals upon which the success of every team is based. Each move- ment that a skilled player must execute is presented in detail. ‘The author also describes a series of “skill movements,” or drills, by means of which the fundamentals of play may be taught to groups without each player handling the ball. These will be of special value to high school and junior high school coaches. Tactics The full treatment of tactics involves discussion of such topics as how to work successfully through a zone defense, including both “‘set”’ plays from scrimmage formation and out-of-bounds plays. The author gives thirty-four “set” plays against the man-for-man defense, and many out- of-bounds plays. There is a full chapter on methods of “screening,” explaining just how and when to execute these plays to the utmost advantage. . Tales Stories of actual games show how contests have been won by the use of applied psychology. These stories are full of human details that illustrate the kind of psychological strategy which causes men to outdo themselves and upset unfavorable scores and adverse conditions. Special Features A comprehensive, well-illustrated chapter on the treatment of athletic injuries explains to the coach-trainer how to keep his players in the game. The book also goes into the subject of pre-game and between-game activity and shows possibilities for drawing patrons to the games. In short, Better Basketball is a complete treatment, incorporating everything that a player, coach, official, trainer, or manager of a team needs to know about his own phase of the game, and to win more games. McGRAW-HILL BOOK Co., INC.. 330 W. 42nd ST., NEW YORK oii dese oo epee od ae ears sig saa as SoG ie ies for Coaches Players Followers of the Game 7 features of this book . Gives clear, fundamental in- structions on blocking, tack- ling, kicking, passing, and running. . Shows how to use plays as tools of winning football. . Emphasizes psychology and strategy. . Gives full season’s practice schedule. . Includes many diagrams, and large, clear illustrations. . Gives many bright stories from the author’s coaching experience. . Discusses the worth of the game to those who take part and those who watch. Bh tes hee Psychology, strategy and technique From this comprehensive manual the reader will get not only Bernie Bierman’s rigidly practical methods for developing team and player skill, but also the keen insight of a veteran coach into psychological factors of winning football. WINNING BS FOOTBALL By B. W. ‘“‘BERNIE’’? BIERMAN WHITTLESEY Houser Professor of Physical Education and Head Football Coach, Big aon University of Minnesota 276 pages, 514 «8 with the collaboration of FRANK MAYER illustrate $2.50 : Foreword by JOHN L. GRIFFITH Commissioner of Athletics, Intercollegiate Conference F° the past ten years, ‘Bernie’? Bierman has been one of the country’s outstanding football coaches, turning out winning teams with amazing regularity. In this practical manual, the famous mentor describes how he whips his raw football material into the finished, balanced elevens which he always sends on the field. It is written to appeal to coaches and players, and also to interested fans. It deals primarily with strategy and technique. Bierman describes his methods of teaching fundamentals such as block- ing, passing, kicking, training, plans of battle, etc. All important points are fully illustrated with diagrams and photographs. The author stresses particularly the creation of successful offensive and defensive plays. A detailed schedule for an entire season’s practice is included. The book represents a new approach and pays full attention to modern advances in the game, including material and topics never before pre- sented in such a volume. There are chapters on the physical and mental conditioning of players, and on the value of the game in the light of modern society. The reader will get an entirely new viewpoint on foot- ball as seen through the eyes of probably the ablest coach of football today. These 20 practical chapters make winning football plain Fundamentals Help Blocking Paves the Way If You Don’t Tackle Let’s Run with the Ball Forward and Lateral You’d Better Be Able to Kick From the Ground Up 8. Blocks of Granite, et al 15. Special Problems g. The Fit Body 16. When the Play’s the Thing 10. Mind over Matter 17. Planning the Season 11. The Plan of Battle 18. The Practice Schedule 12. The Coach’s Game 19. Mr. Football Fan 13. The Key Man 20. What Is Football Worth? 14. The Quarterback’s Game A sensible and practical manual for coaches, players, and students of the game This book presents technique that is sound and practical—technique that will produce results if properly taught and _ correctly executed. It contains little theorization—it offers plain, sensible, definite plans, instruc- atria tion, suggestions, and advice, based on long Breaking away through tackle in a Princeton game experience. Practical Football BY H. O. (Fritz) CRISLER, Head Football Coach, Princeton University AND E. E. (Tad) WIEMaN, Line Coach, Princeton University Illustrated with play diagrams and photographs showing proper technique $3.00 Pe as a guide in teaching and developing better technique and better coaching methods, this book assumes a working knowledge of football on the part of the reader and omits all superfluous explanation and theoretical exposition. Ideas are presented concisely and briefly and only practical, ready-to-use methods are considered. Special emphasis is given to blocking, tackling, position play, the kicking game, the passing game, the running game, offensive plays, generalship and defensive planning. Dan E. McGuégin says:— “PRACTICAL FOOTBALL, by the two brilliant coaches at Prince- ton, is indispensable to the experienced coach who desires to learn and grow. It is so sound and comprehensive that a man who masters it might be a good coach without ever having played. It isa remarkable piece of work by two great teachers.” Dan E. McGucin Head Football Coach and Athletic Director, Vanderbilt University; President in 1933, American Football Coaches Association. Some special questions discussed in this practical manual— —Preparing for the game —Causes of injuries —Stunts for ball carriers —Coaching problems —Proper use of the forward pass —How to punt —What formation to use —Forward-pass defense —What to teach quarterbacks . Handling the ball —Specific defensive assignments LOU LITTLE tells the spectator how to get more out of football - - N this interesting book, the reader watches a typical college football I game with Lou Little, who explains as the game progresses the significance of the various plays, rulings, stratagems, etc. Mr. Little gives a shrewd analysis of defensive and offensive tactics, discusses the factors that make for good football, and includes a brief outline of his own methods of building a team. The reader will enjoy any future football game the more for having read Mr. Little’s explanations of technique and the fine points of the game, which the average spectator normally misses. How to Watch Football | The Spectator’ s Guide By Lou LITTLE Head Coach, Columbia University With the collaboration of ROBERT HARRON 315 pages, 514 «8, fully illustrated, $2.50 A WHITTLESEY HOUSE PUBLICATION I’ addition to the action of the game, the fea- —the care taken to safeguard the player tures of the play which are determining factors physically. in the progress of the game, Lou Little discusses The plays described are perfectly illustrated by a —the practice of scouting and the influence series of distinctively sketched diagrams showing scouting has had on modern football; the action of each player. In addition to these . —the work of the officials; unique diagrams the book includes many still and | —the evolution of football rules; action photographs emphasizing points discussed —the training of the player; in the text. ———Read this list of chapter headings———— What others say about this book I. Before the Whistle Blows “Tt will be read with absorbing interest and take II. Looking at the Football Offense ; : soutis ‘ ) III. We Examine the Defense its place in the reader’s library as a ‘handbook’ on Tv Credic Where Credicae Due American football.” —WatTer R. OxeEson, Chairman V. Judging the Generalship Football Rules Committee. VI. The Power of the Foot in Football VII. The Play That Revolutionized Football VIII. The Fundamental Virtues “This is the most interesting and valuable book on IX. Not the Muscle But the Mind i X. Scouting and the Spectator : football that I have ever read. It tells you what you Mi, The Oficiale= Footballs Mobile Judiciary | want to know, what you need to know, if you hope to aoe See of the Rules ‘ : $ ; III. Building a System get the fullest enjoyment of what is rapidly becoming XIV. ‘The Couch on the Campus the American National Pastime—rugby or more XV. Professional Football—Its Place in the Game ' accurately, American football.’”—Bi._u Corum, sports XVI. The Care of the Player columnist, New York Evening Journal. McGRAW-HILL BOOK Co., INC., 330 W. 42nd ST., NEW YORK Printed in U.S.A. 298 pert 5 eda, zu Aaah hati seen yeansteae neti tga a eB se el aaa ah Dis sete he 2 se ae TURTagET AER BETTER BASKETBALL, INCORPORATING TECHNIQUE, TACTICS AND TALES By Forrest C, Allen This owmivets new teat on basketball pedagogy is not a rewrite of "My Basketball Bible", published in 1924, but is an entirely new book graphically explaining — in minute detail all of the latest developments in the evolution of the game. A new presentation method has been attempted, that of showing the diagram, the photograph and the exposition or explanation of the play, all in sequence, In this manner it should be an easy matter to follow the minutest step in every play situation. Many things left to the imagination of the reader are now cleared up. "Better Basketball" is profusely illustrated with 163 action photographs and 86 diegrams of plays. Photo graphs follow diagrams to give clarity. Individual offense, individual deyense, team offense and team defense are exhaustively treated because upon tHe fundamentals of the individual are dependent the success of team fundamentals and consequent winning success, Technique is individual offense and defense. Tacties are team offense and team defense, while Tales are in- spirational stories of great games played. The psychological ingredient - sometimes a laugh = sometimes a tear - make these stories not only intensely attractive but open up a new field to new coaches by using this highly interesting phase of basket- ball pedagogy in actually winning games that otherwise might be lost. By turning adverse situations into favorable game winning surprises is the purpose of the author in presenting the chapter on Tales, A most complete chapter on Treatment of Ath- letic Injuries has been presented to enable the coach to better the condition of his men under his charge and further to aid him in treating such injuries that a coach and trainer should know more ebout. Often by simple and early treatment of a strain or sprain, a player is saved from a more serious complication and a possible loss of an important game. Two entirely new braces are introduced to the coaches and trainers in this text. A sacro-iliac belt made inexpensively from a Ford inner tube and a brace for a dis- located shoulder is also photographed and the making of it described for the reader. Photographs of the injured player are shown and manipulations for corrections of injuries are described which enable the coach to become more expert in treating such injuries, = 2 wo In the opinion of many, the chapter on Treat- ment of Athletic Injuries is worth the price of the book. Cer- tainly a coach who is well versed in caring for his men will win more games than the coach who neglects this very important feature. To dramatize a game and to provide exceptional entertainment between halves many times determines the success of a coach. "Better Basketball" goes deeply into this important phase of the pre-game and between-game activity and shows the manager and coach many possibilities in drawing patrons to the games who might not continue to come for the game attraction alone, , For the junior and senior high school coach a chapter on Motivation is highly interesting, A series of offensive and defensive skill movements are outlined as a class problem which enable the high school coach to teach his pupils mass fundamentals without each player handling the ball. Correct fundamental skills develop neurograms or brain tracts which are conducive to the making of fewer mistakes. Mistakes are called fouls in basketball and fouls defeat a team that makes too many of them, Foul less and win more by learning correct fundamental skills. "Better Basketball” incorporates everything that a player, coach, an official, a trainer or a manager of a team needs to know about his own special phase of the game. Nothing has been omitted to make this text the most complete and interest- ing story of this great indoor game yet written. * ss & & & Publications of Dr, Forrest ©, Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. _ BETTER BASKETBALL, Incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, 3350 West 42nd Street, New York City; 1937; price $4.00. MY BASKETBALL BIBLE, published by Smith-Grieves Company, Kansas City, Mo.; 1924; price $4.00, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS, pages 562-599 in "Higher Education in America”, edited by Raymond A. Kent; published by Ginn and Company, New York; 1930; McGrRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42np STREET NEW YORK,N.-Y. Just published the most up-to-date, complete, and practical guide for teaching and developing basketball technique BETTER BASKETBALL Technique, Tactics, and Tales By Forrest C. "Phog" Allen Director of Physical Education and Coach of Basketball, University of Kansas 490 pages, 6 x 9, 163 action photographs, 86 diagrams of plays. $4.00 WHITTLESEY HOUSE SPORTS SERIES In this complete treatment of a great indoor game, "Phog" Allen, famed University of Kansas coach, incorporates everything that a player, coach, official, trainer, or manager needs to know about his own special phase of the subject. The author explains graphically all the latest developments in the game, and through copious use of diagrams and photograph makes clear every detail of individual and team play. The material included is entirely new. Individual offense, individual defense, and team offense and defense are exhaustively treated. This involves discussion of such little-understood topics as how to work successfully through a zone defense, including both "set" plays from scrimmage form- ation and out-of-bounds plays. The author also gives thirty-four "set" plays and many out—of—bound plays against the man—for-man defense. There is a full chapter on the new methods of "screening," explaining just how and when to execute these plays to the utmost advantage. Stories of actual games show how contests have been won by the use of applied psy- chology. The author is master of the kind of psychological strategy which causes men to outdo themselves and upset an unfavorable score even under adverse conditions. A most comprehensive chapter on the treatment of athletic injuries is one of the features of the book and there is a special discussion of diet and conditioning. We are sure that you will want to examine BETTER BASKETBALL, and urge that you send for a copy on approval. Simply fill out and mail the enclosed order card. Very truly yours, Curtis G. Benjamin Manager, College Department (over) Che World-Herald MORNING - EVENING - SUNDAY WMuarld Publishing Cortana HENRY DOORLY, PRESIDENT H.E.NEWBRANCH, Vice-PRESIDENT & EDITOR J.M. HARDING, Asst. To PRESIDENT M.B.M¢NAB, SEcy.-TREAS.& Bus.MGR. WALTER E. CHRISTENSON, MANAGING EDIToR OMAHA,NEB. May Twenty-third Dear Phog: Here's the piece. The girl had to organize a searching party no less pains- takingly than if she were going to follow Sir George Hubert Wilkins into the polar regions. But the girl succeeded-- and that's what counts. It is, she says, the last Sunday sports section copy to be found around this plant, outside the files, Sincerely,