ALLEN ~ You how to build CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS “Phog” Allen is perhaps the best-known basketball coach in the United States. At present Basketball Coach and Physical Ed- ucation Director of the University of Kan- sas, he has the longest collegiate coaching record in the country. In twenty-seven years he has turned out twenty-one cham-~ ionship teams, two of them undefeated. ow he makes all of his invaluable expe- rience available for you in his new book— BETTER BASKETBALL By FORREST C. ALLEN BETTER BASKETBALL is a complete, new, up-to-date, practical guide for teach- ing and developing winning basketball teams. eee starts from the ground up. He tells you how the game began, why it has changed, how to officiate, how to or- ganize a team and select the men, how to build team spirit, how to build box office appeal, how to dramatize team play, ete. Demonstrates every phase of Tactics and Strategy All the latest developments of the game are graphically explained. Hundreds of tested diagrams and close-up photographs show | clearly how to handle every detail of win- ning team and individual play. Shows how |to work through a zone defense, including ‘set’? plays from scrimmage and out-of- bounds; 34 successful ‘‘set’? plays and many out-of-bounds plays against the man- for-man defense; and innumerable other tactics. Also a whole chapter on new methods of ‘‘screening’. and how and when these plays should be used. Individua! technique and training stressed Every movement that a skilled player must execute is shown in detail. Also described are a series of ‘‘skill movements” or drills | invaluable in turning raw recruits into | champions. Moreover, the author shows how applied psychology can often win games, and gives examples. A whole section is given to the treatment of athletic injuries, whereby players can be kent in the game or brought back in the line-up ‘much ealier than under old methods. Diet and conditioning are given | Special a'tention. In short, BETTER BASKETBALL tells everything a player, coach, official, trainer or Manager needs to know about his own pen ee i the —— aoe has Oo make i the subject ever written, Pee eee SS ‘ +3 168 action~photo- graphs 86 diagrams of plays © $4.00 Examine it FREE ~ 10 Days! ~=+ : ST Oe Se ee McGraw Hill Book Co,, ; ‘ 330 W. 42nd St., N. ¥. C. 5 Send BETTER BASKETBALL for 10 days’ examination on approval. In 10 days I will cerd 84.00 plus few -cents postaxe; or return book postpaid. (Postage paid on orders accompanied by remittance.) . WANG siccitauncs Pe eeeeenrnereeeenrenareee Address steer ene e een erasenesessseseene City & States sss ecavewdoce css cseivctsee POSICION: 5. is Fay a ta ewanaea bess tA | School or Co...... Eda cece es s LAEL-LEROU te ee ee