“Phog’s” New Book Is Out. HE newest thing in basketball is Forrest C. Allen’s book, “Better Basketball,” just off the presses of the McGraw-Hill Book com- pany. Coach Allen’s first hook, “My Basketball Bible,” was published in 1924. . “Better Basketball” is profoundly llustrated with action photo- graphs and diagrams cf plays. Photographs follow diagrams to give clarity. Individual offense, individual defense, team offense and team de- fense are exhaustively treated because, upon the fundamentals of the individual are dependent the success of team fundamentals and consequent winning success. A most complete chapter on Treatment of Athletic Injuries has been presented to enable the coach to improve the condition of his men and further to aid him in treating such injuries that a coach and trainer should know more about. Often by simple and early treatment of a strain or sprain, a player is saved from a more serious complica- tion-and a possible loss of an important game. To dramatize a game and to provide excep- tional entertainment between halves many times determines the success of a coach. “Better Bas- ketball” goes deeply into this important phase of the pregame and between-game activities and Dr. F. C. ALLEN. shows the manager and coach many possibilities in Coach and author, Z drawing patrons to the games, . For the junior and senior high school coach a chapter on Motivation is highly interesting. A series of offensive and defensive skill move- ments are outlined as a class problem which enable the high school coach to teach his pupils mass fundamentals without each player handling the ball. Correct fundamental skills develop neurograms, or brain tracts, which are conducive to the making of fewer mistakes. Mis- takes are cailed fouls in basketball and fouls defeat a team that makes too many of them. Foul less and win more by learning correct funda- mental skills, the author advises. “Better Basketball” incorporates everything that.a player, coach, an Official, a trainer or a manager of a team needs to know about his own special phase of the game. Nothing has been omitted to make this text the most complete and interesting story of this great indoor game yet written. ;