McGrRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42np STREET NEW YORK,N.-Y. Just published the most up-to-date, complete, and practical guide for teaching and developing basketball technique BETTER BASKETBALL Technique, Tactics, and Tales By Forrest C. "Phog" Allen Director of Physical Education and Coach of Basketball, University of Kansas 490 pages, 6 x 9, 163 action photographs, 86 diagrams of plays. $4.00 WHITTLESEY HOUSE SPORTS SERIES In this complete treatment of a great indoor game, "Phog" Allen, famed University of Kansas coach, incorporates everything that a player, coach, official, trainer, or manager needs to know about his own special phase of the subject. The author explains graphically all the latest developments in the game, and through copious use of diagrams and photograph makes clear every detail of individual and team play. The material included is entirely new. Individual offense, individual defense, and team offense and defense are exhaustively treated. This involves discussion of such little-understood topics as how to work successfully through a zone defense, including both "set" plays from scrimmage form- ation and out-of-bounds plays. The author also gives thirty-four "set" plays and many out—of—bound plays against the man—for-man defense. There is a full chapter on the new methods of "screening," explaining just how and when to execute these plays to the utmost advantage. Stories of actual games show how contests have been won by the use of applied psy- chology. The author is master of the kind of psychological strategy which causes men to outdo themselves and upset an unfavorable score even under adverse conditions. A most comprehensive chapter on the treatment of athletic injuries is one of the features of the book and there is a special discussion of diet and conditioning. We are sure that you will want to examine BETTER BASKETBALL, and urge that you send for a copy on approval. Simply fill out and mail the enclosed order card. Very truly yours, Curtis G. Benjamin Manager, College Department (over)