COPY LOWE & CAMPBELL December 17, 1937. Dre Forrest Ce. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dre Allen: Following is a testimonial on your new basket ball book which has just been received thpough our Chicago store. I thought it would interest you and expect to use it in the next edition of " THE COACH"s "Please find enclosed four dollars ($4200) for payment of Forrest Allen's book BETTER BASKETBALL. I want to state right here that it is everything that a coach or player could ever hope to expect and I think it is a great monument to a great game. There should be a copy of it on every coach's desk, who pretends to be up on current trends in basketball. Sincerely, RONALD B. MYERS, Athe Dire Luther High School, Luther, Miche Perhaps you might want to forward this on to McGraw-Hill alsoe Very cordially yours, Me He Miller Editor, The Coache