Concerning... BASK-O-LITE (In Goes the Ball— On Goes the Light) Questions and Amswers Published by THE BASK-O-LITE CO. New Albany, Indiana Q. A. Q A > — > — > Questions and Answers Explain the construction of Bask-O-Lite Goals. Made of the finest cadmium plated steel and with the most expert workmanship in welding that it is possible to obtain, Bask-O-Lite Goals are built to the highest quality standard. Below the standard iron ring is a slightly smaller, secondary iron ring. A net and rods are used between these two rings. A trip arm at the bottom of the basket retards the ball as it goes through. Incidentally, this trip arm operates with a feather weight action eliminating the possibility of a ball rebounding out of the basket. A knee action device is used so that a high, bounding ball hitting the basket frame will not cause a vibration sufficient to “turn on the lights.” A steel mercury switch is used. Thus, when the ball goes through the top ring, the trip arm momentarily retards and releases the ball and the mercury switch causes three lights to flash. One light is placed directly behind the basket, to illuminate the ball as it goes through. Two lights are sus- pended 12 inches above the backboard. They may be seen from any part of the gymnasium. . Is the Mercury Switch dependable and long lived? . Yes. It is the most dependable switch made for light loads. It is used in railroad crossing signals, automatic canning and filling machinery and in many other devices where absolute dependability is needed. . Why did you select red lights for signals? . After many tests with various signals such as horns, bells and sirens, lights were found to be the most adaptable. They may be seen from any part of the gymnasium. Red color is used because it excites the optic nerve more than any other color. . Are all ““mechanical bugs” eliminated from Bask-O-Lite Goals? . Bask-O-Lite has passed all experimental tests necessary to a new mechan- ical product. Original ideas have been changed and construction details improved to make Bask-O-Lite Goals absolutely fool-proof. . Will the ball rebound out of Bask-O-Lite Goals? . Many tests have proven that a much less percentage of balls rebound out of Bask-O-Lite Goals than from the conventional type. . Do Bask-O-Lite Goals mark a definite step in the improvement of the game? . The Peach Basket was the original basketball goal. After a goal was made, someone climbed a ladder in order to take the ball from the basket. This showed the spectators that the object of the game > > > > — > had been accomplished. The next development was to eliminate “the ladder.” Someone actually thought of putting a small hole in — the bottom of the basket and using a broom handle to poke the ball out. The Peach Basket Goal soon gave way to an iron ring with a closed bottom net, which was a marked improvement, because it allowed the spectators to see the ball in the basket. Of course, a net of this type was not satisfactory. When a long, high ball would hit the net, it would be torn from the ring. Then the present iron ring and open bottom net became the goal of the day. If the net was properly adjusted, it would momentarily retard the ball as it went through the basket. This was not satisfactory, because the net needed to be adjusted too often to obtain this result. And now a perfect basket called BASK-O-LITE, which momentarily retards the ball and illuminates it, so that everyone can see the real and only thrill of the game—“SEEING THE BALL IN THE BASKET.” BASK-O-LITE is a logical development and improvement. . Is an electric basketball goal a new idea? . No. The original patent was filed in 1924. Since then about 15 different design patents have been registered. The Bask-O-Lite Com- pany experimented with 25 different designs before the present Bask- O-Lite Goals were perfected. . Have Bask-O-Lite Goals been put to actual playing tests? . During 1936 more than 200 gymnasiums installed Bask-O-Lite Goals. Outstanding schools were accepting them after exhaustive tests. Now, Bask-O-Lite is destined to replace conventional type goals in every gymnasium. . Have they been approved and legalized by He National Rules Committee? . Yes. Rule 3 of the National Rules Book of the National Rules Com- mittee gives official approval to Bask-O-Lite. . Do the new 1937-38 Rules increase the importance of Bask-O-Lite? . The new ruling eliminating the center toss-up after a goal is made causes a fast, continuous play. From player, official and spectator standpoint, it is even more important to know when a goal is made. . What do spectators think of Bask-O-Lite Goals? . The answer to this question is one of the paramount features of Bask- O-Lite. Spectators everywhere are unanimous in their choice for these new, modern goals. The object of the game is actually ac- complished. THEY SEE THE BALL GO THROUGH THE BAS- KET—THEY KNOW WHEN A GOAL IS MADE. They get new thrills from the game. They like the color Bask-O-Lite adds to -each game. They enjoy seeing from any part of the gymnasium when a goal is made. FOOT IOI DIDI DI DDI DDI DID DAI IAD DADA AANA AAD OA AI I IK Q. Do players prefer Bask-O-Lite? A. Players say that Bask-O-Lite is a better target to shoot at. It is easier to hit because it always looks the same, is more rigid and looks bigger. They say that the three lights, flashing on when they have scored, seems to thank them for their accomplishment. . How do officials regard these new goals? . The answer to this question presents several most important points: 1. Referees have much more freedom to watch the players when a goal is attempted. They know that it will not be up to them to — decide whether the ball actually went through the basket, as was often the case with the conventional type goal. The ball cannot hang in the net on top of basket. The net is always in the proper position. 2. The Scorekeeper knows definitely when a goal is made. . Coaches hail Bask-O-Lite as a lifesaver where income has not been sufficient to meet all expenses. They say that not having to change nets frequently is an economy feature. . Is Bask-O-Lite recommended by Dr. Naismith, the man who invented basketball in 1891? . Yes. Dr. Naismith says, “It eliminates the objection I have had to the present net.” . Is attendance increased where Bask-O-Lite Goals are installed? . Coaches and school officials tell us that Bask-O-Lite has increased their attendance from 10% to 25%. Smaller schools have found it possible to pay for Bask-O-Lite from the added profits from one game alone. . Are spectators demanding “a better show’ at basketball games? . It has been definitely proven that where added features are used, at- tendance is increased. Some schools have added Ping Pong, Bad- minton, Tennis, Boxing and Wrestling between halves or before the ame. Bands, orchestras, audience singing, play their part in making a better show.” Some schools start the game by turning off all the lights and, with appropriate music, raise the American Flag in a spot- light to the top of the gymnasium. During this impressive display, the players find their respective positions. The lights go on and the a starts instantly. Bask-O-Lite fills the need for A BETTER SHOW. How may we purchase Bask-O-Lite Goals? . Leading Sporting Goods Distributors covering the United States, Canada and foreign countries are handling Bask-O-Lite Goals. Go to your distributor for complete information, or write directly to the Bask-O-Lite Company, New Albany, Ind. WWII III IIIA IAAI AI IIA ASA ASAACSAA IK Decenber 1, 2987. Mre Perey Parks, Coach, alt sp ae i end it ny aaa li! | H : ui iit ‘hile ul uP le Hi ie if paged ii ih ait u3y fd jai Me na ee) EAE aH $783, jee ae oe Another thing - Frenk Root told me about three or four years ago Quigley was refereeing the game at Lincoln between Kansas State and | , and Nebraska shot a long ball that looked like a swishers Quigley rules it a goale Frank and Brownie were sitting on either side of the scoring table and both knew the bell did not co in the basket, but they did not stop the game, and when the game was over the Nebraskans had - beaten Kansas State by two points, and nothine was done about it. : : This is my bution, Percy. I think it is a swell thing. I hope that you will grow to like ite } With every good wish, I am = Sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach, | Director of Physical Educations - Mir, Re EB. Korte, The Bask=-O-Lite Go., 421 &, Spring st. Hew tivene, Snthate. Dear Mr. Korte: This is merely to acknowledge receipt of your good letter of the 28th ultimo. ¢ I stopped at Lowe & Campbell and had a Gay with their salesmen, I talked about forty- five minutes at the request of the Lowe & Campbeil people to their salesmen who were asseubied the ‘ for their sales meeting. | We are just in the st of enroliment at the University, se will make this short indeed, hoping to elaborate on the matters brought out in your letter as well as the additional subject of working on a little pamphlet for you. You will hear from me again in the very near future. Very cordially yours, FPCA:AB Director of Physical Education, Tht BASH-O-LITE C0. Ge 421 E. SPRING STREET NEW ALBANY, IND. i Be \ Van > y » —\ A Great Innovation to the game of Basketball “In Goes the Ball .. On Goes the Light” August 28, 19357 PY. Forrest ©. Alien, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Friend:- I am fust leaving on a trip through the South and our Mr. Cory is also taking a two weeks trip through Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and Oklehoma. After we have made these two trips we will hav e covered about two-thirds of the United States, leaving the tsetritory west of your state as the only territory not worked. We are doing our best to cover it by mail. As I told you at Spirit Lake I am anxious to get out some kind of sales information to the dis- tributor's salesmen and the thoughts I gave you there were part of what I had in mind. Have you had time to look over this data and rewrite it for me? I also be- lieve thet this short story of yours on "How to add thrills to a basket ball game might be used by these salesmen to advantage. I am leaving today and will re- turn September Sth. If it is possible to give me any- thing on these two subjects by then I will appreciate it. We attended Portsmouth, Chic, Logansport, Ind., Indianapolis and North Western Coaching Schools and the reception from the coaches was extremely good. there is no doubt in my mind now that Bask-O-Lite will be very popular. I understend that Dutch Lomberg is one of your boys and if any chance presents itself try to heap us sell him Bask-O-Lite. After you have had an opportunity some time to talk to Campbell or Royer at Kansas City and have told them the reaction you get from the coaches and your thoughts on Bask-0-Lite drop:me a line and let me know their feel- ings in the matter. I believe they are hunderd percent sold but am not cuite sure and would like your opinion on the metter. Thanking you for your cooperation at the coach- ing school and hoping to see you in the next couple of months, I remain ‘ Yours very truly Yenc . ey = a a. / IK PORT SC (fp) 6 IK Ds il sees Int BHoh-O-LITE C0. | (49 E. SPRING STREET. : NEW ALBANY, IND. fat RTs A Great Innovation to the game of Basketball “In Goes the Ball . . On Goes the Light” 1 4\- August 4, 1937. \" i Drs Forest CG. Silten, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Mr.Allen:- inelosed find check for $100.06 and one of our new folders on Bask-0O-Lite. You will notice we have included your color idea. We are doing very well with Bask-O-Lite and expect it to be a real success this year. What would you think about a small book- let written by you entitled "How to add.more color and thrills to basket ball gsmes". Of course em- phasizing the use of Bask-O-Lite. This folder would not have to be very large and could be gotten out very inexpensivelly and we would distfibute about twenty thousand over the United States. This is just an idea, think about it and I will see you at Spirit Lake Coaching School this month. Thanking you Ter ali the nice things you have done for us, I remain fours Very trucy, REK/c THE BASK-O-LITE CO. o REASONS for BASE =§ O- Bits the NEW OFFICIAL GOAL BASK-O-LITE CO New Albany, Indiana. On account of the regulation floor, where there is a large at- tendance a big portion of the _ audience is located in rear of the goals end do not know im- medi-tely when goal is made. With Bask-O-Lite the two goals signs above board informs the fans instantly. if this were the only use, its! use would be limited to the large field houses and gymnasiums >? fosk «nuke It = determine. thet only a small percentage of the fans in front of goals actually saw the ball go thru the goal. FIRST - A thousand fanswere asked the question "Do you see the ball go thru the goal" and the an- sers were 61%"No". SeCOND - Cards were nagaed out at three games "two small and one large" asking the guestion "Do you consider Bask-O-Lite am im- provement to the game" and answers from 1134 cards were 1051 “Yes" or 92% and 52% of the "Yes answers indicated that it improved the game because they were able to see the ball go thru the goal. And other resstons were: LIST OF REASONS FROM FANS It is modern equipment | Adds glamour to the game Lk 12 13 Greatest improvement to the game since basket-ball stzerted Increases visibility © Hliminates arguments between fans A wonderful helpto those whose eyesight is not perf<«ct. Tlluminates the ball as it goes through the goal | It is a necessity to those behind the goal A great help to those in the far parts of the gymnasium Adds a greater thrill when your team makes a goal It is possible to see the goal made without standing. There can be no doubt when goal is made We hope our school adopts them. It is just as logical to have lights to indicate when a goal has been made in Basket-ball as it is in Hockey. They have it there be- tause even a larger percentage cannot sce the pfuck go in the goal. Similar to Basket-ball the action of the players indicate when a goal is made tg See gs AA The rules have been changed and the action of players won't indicate that a goal has been ‘made. With the center toss up eliminated after a goal has been SPno, (Rule 8-Sec.9) ame the IS cs 5 simply tossed to op- ponent out of bounds and there will be times when the fans do not see the goal made and play continued with so little hesitation that. BASK-O-LITE is now a necessity 50 + fens, Arcenee Hs a any plants Baer sp emt, pel PROOF THAT GOALS ARE NOT SEEN Notre Dame & San Louisville Male & Manual - PLAYERS LIKE IT Goal is more pigid Always looks the same Net does not shrink or stretch always stays in the same position Looks bigger Easier to make a goal No doubt as to when goal is made Light "Thanks you"for making a goal THE OFFICIALS Say It adds color to the game Eliminates doubt when g0e@l is made Referee has more freedom to watch players when goal igs attempted, It is attractive Ball can not hang in net on top of basket Scorekeeper knows immediately when goal is made. oi DASA-O-LETE “In Goes the Ball—On Goes the Light’’ Basketball’s Greatest Innovation . « New thrills . new color added to every game means increased attendance. x * tn Official Basket Manufactured by THE BASK-O-LITE CO. New Albany, Indiana BASK-O-LITE GOALS will do for you what they are doing for hundreds of schools and public gymnasiums . . INCREASE ATTENDANCE Provide a way for your spectators to get new thrills and new excitement from the game and you have a logical way to |IN- CREASE ATTENDANCE. It is a proven fact that Bask-O-Lite Goals will accomplish that purpose. Spectators everywhere hail these new goals with great enthusiasm. Read the recommend- ations listed in this folder. Note particularly how one comparatively small school paid for its Bask-O-Lite Goals from the added receipts of just one exhibition game. MODERNIZE NOW . . “Down with the old—Up with the new” BASKETBALL AUTHORITIES CLAIM IT—”"THE GAME’S OUTSTANDING IMPROVEMENT.” By no means is it just a new gadget that interests only the spectators. Players like Bask-O-Lite because it is a rigid type goal— it is easier to hit—the net is always in the same position. The fact that three lights flash on when a goal is made may be termed "a reward” for the player who has scored. A New PRACTISE BASKET A companion to Bask-O-Lite without the elec- trical mechanism. Here’s an ideal basket for practise use. Officials like to work a game played with Bask-O-Lite Goals. There is more freedom to watch the players when a goal is attempted—no “did the ball go in the net or not” decisions. As you plan for increased spectator interest, keep your equipment modern with Bask-O-Lite. Install this modern equipment NOW. Sold by leading sporting goods distributors. Ask them or write — THE BASK-O-LITE CO. New Albany, Indiana * Important Features * . FOOL PROOF. (Made to last indefinitely.) When the ball goes through the basket, three lights flash on. One light is placed directly behind the basket which illuminates the ball as it goes through, the other two lights are suspended above the backboard. The basket is more rigid—it always looks the same because the net does not shrink or stretch. . ELIMINATES ALL DOUBT ABOUT A GOAL BEING MADE. Spectators in any part of the gymnasium know instantly when a goal is made. The new ruling eliminating the center toss- up after a goal is made causes a continuous play that makes Bask-O-Lite a necessity for the spectators. AN OFFICIAL BASKET. Legalized and approved by the National Rules Committee. é ads : These Important Recommendations “The receipts from an exhibition game not listed on our regular schedule more than paid for our Bask-O-Lites.’’-—CANNELTON City ScHooLs,.Cannelton, Ind. “‘We will gladly recommend them for increasing interest and attendance from the spectator standpoint, and also for help- ing the officials in working the game.’’-—-CENTRAL City HicH ScHOOL, Central City, Ky. “We do not think that we are exaggerating when we say that the new goals have ‘pepped up’ the game of basket ball con- siderably.’-—DANVILLE HiGH ScHooL, Danville, Ky. “They meet the objection that I have found in the present use of the net.”—JAMES NAISMITH, Founder of the Game of Basket Ball, University of Kansas. “‘We are better pleased with the goals each time we use them. Last week we played Haubstadt, where they do not use Bask- O-Lites. Haubstadt made a field goal which the referee re- fused to count because he failed to see it made.’’-—POSEYVILLE Pustic ScHOOLs, Poseyville, Ind. “They are well worth their cost to any school which expects to continue to play basket ball.” —-THE BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY Hicu ScHoor, Hardinsburg, Ky. “T wish to congratulate your company on the definite progress that you have made in perfecting a fool-proof, electric basket ball goal which adds color to the game and removes, beyond all doubt, any uncertainty of whether a goal has been scored.’’— Forrest C. ALLEN, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. “You will note that the quotation relative to Rule 3 is to be found in the inter-scholastic edition of the basket ball rules, but that the wording in the collegiate edition will be slightly different. The collegiate wording will be similar to the follow- ing: ‘Note: This section does not preclude the use of other types of baskets which have been submitted to and approved by the national committee.’ This statement would apply to your basket since it has been submitted and approved by the committee.’—H. V. Porter, Secretary National Basket Ball Committee. 5 Bask-O-Lite is not e new idea. The original patent was filed in 1924. Since then about fifteen different design patents have been registered. The present design is however different from any of these former patents. The Owners of Bask-O-Lite worked on at least twenty-five different designs and have in each case found the same as all the other designers in the past, features which were not perfect. We originally began with the conventional type basket and net, with two arms, which hung inside of the net, the idea being that the kall would spring these two arms apart, which would work the switch, This design could not be distinguished at _ a short distance from your conventional type. But like all the rest had its defects. It was finally decided that the ball must first be contmolled in the basket and then registered. Various designs of baskets were made and finally the present type was developed, which after very exhaustive tests has proved that less balls will rebound out of it tham your conventional net type basket. Then it was necessary to design a trip in the bottom of the basket, that would then register the ball. It must be well balanced and of such feather weight action that the ball would not rebound off of it out of the basket. This was accompli- shed and then vibration from the long high ball hitting the basket and not going in,was so tremendous that a knee action idea has to be included with the trip arm, This was accomplisked,. reducing the vibration to such an extent that there was no danger of the light being turned on, without the ball going through the basket, Then the switch was quit a problem a glass type mereury switch was first used, which after a small amount of use, the constant hammering of the mercury against the gd@#ss would destroy itself. Mechanical type switch was used. Places where there is considerable use,it has its defects. In 1936 the steel mercury switch was dev- eloped, has eliminated all switch troubles. This type switch is uded in flashing Signs, Automatic canning and filling machinepy operations’ and places where its operations run into the millions. It is)most dependable switch made for light’ loads. After many tests of various signals, such as horn, bell, siren and lights, the light was adopted as the all around gignal. The color comes in for consideration. It was decided red Should be used because it signifies stop. At least there should be some hesitation after a goal has been made., so that spectators will realize the accomplishment. Bask-)-Lits is constructed so that it will last a lifetime. No time or expense has been spared to make this possible. It is made of the finest steel, with the finest workmanship in welding, that is possible to get. It is painted add cAdium plated so that it cannot rust or corrode. The net is merely put on f lpgks, but it is attached in such a way, that replacemen ahoeta not be nec- essary for at least five years, A : The basket is well proportioned and looks good. The net can- not shrink, stretch or change location, thereby making a target for the players to shoot at that never changes its looks or locat-— ion. Bask-O-Lite was tried out in a lot of games during 1934 and 1935 and was placed on the market in 1936. About 300 schools in Indiana and Kentucky have purchased Bask-O-Lite in 1936, and by the Coachs, who used it this year it was recommended to increase attendance ans spectator interest, because they could see the most (Continued on next Bheet.) thrilling part in basket ball, that is seeing the ball in and going through the basket. The referees and umpines recommend it because there wes never any dow when the goal wes mdde, because the ball could not hang in the net on top of basket, and because it gives them more freedom to watch players for a foul, while a goal wee being attempted. The score keepers recommend it because it has eliminated all chance of a goal not being seen. The players recomnend it because it was a better target to sheot at and bec- ause anstead of getting a thank-you once in a while by the swish of the net, they get a thank-you 100% by the light of the light. Bask-0-Lite is destined to be the only official goal, bec- ause it is modern and adds color to an all ready colorful game, In the spring of 1937, it was approved unamimously by your Nat-— ional Rules Committee and do mentioned in your National Rules Book, 7 October 27, 1937. Mr, R, E, Korte, The Bask-0-lite COs, New Albany, Indiana, : ¢ Dear Mr, Korte: Aeknowledging receipt of your favor of the 22nd instant, the following are the Big Six coaches with their locations: | : Hugh UeDermott, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla, George Gdwerds, University of Missouri, Columbia, iio, Louis L, Menze, Iowa State Collece, Ames, Iowa, Prank Root, Kansas State College, arhattan, Kansas. W. H. Brown, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. : _ The Big Six meeting is definitely set for Saturday, Deceriber 4, The Big Six and the Missouri Valley coaches will meet from 9 to 11 a.m. separately, then they have a joint session from 11 to 12 o'clock, | From 12 to 1:30 p.m, there will be a showing of the talkie movie picture that was shot last _ summer showing the basketball styles of Dawe MelMiilan, of Minnesota « H, C, Carlson, of the University of Pittsburgh, lair Bee, of Long tslani University, Seorge Keogan, of Notre Dame, John Bunn, of Stanford, and myself. The open interpretations meeting is for 2 pet. that afternoon, I think doubtless all the Big ' Six coaches will agree to play with the Bask-0-Lite in Lawrence. And I think it would be a swell idea for you | $0 write seach one of them offering them a set for free trial between now and the December 4th meeting, Kansas ' State is playing Doane College the night of December 4th at Manhattan, and Missouri is playing Westminster College. the same night at Columbia, I believe if you sent these baskets they would try them out in their preliminary games. ZI also think you would be missing a bet if you didn't make that Kensas City meeting. However, the Big Ten moeting is on at Chicago at the same time but my = is it would pay you to have a representative here — Ww th your basket because we are ae to have by far the largest meeting here in Kansas C have ever had, » this year, than we “ne : We are using the movie a at film to get the crowd. This picture cost the sponsors $15,000 to shoot it, and they are barring all players from viewing the pictures - just letting coaches and officials see it, The sponsors of the picture think they are going to make quite a bit of money out of it, and because they have used coaches frou different sections of the United States it has the sece tional appeal, © : a < might mention that all the sponsors paid was the expenses of the coaches to shoot the picture so if they spent $15,000 on the picture they really have the monoy in the film, I guess, . Everybody says it is a corking picture. a ligt me know if I can be of further service, + want you to know that in my opinion Bakk-O-Lite is gaining ground very rapidly, We have not sent Back the cylinders yet because we want to set up our auditorium with ‘the new Bask-0-Lites and I want to use the old ones for the boys to practice shooting at in the gymnasium while the others are set up over inthe auditorium, I don't eare whether they blink over here or not, but I do want a good turn out at our first game, 7 ane Foe The vareith-frosh game which will be a thrilier this year on account of a star freshman personnel, will draw a big crowd, We are going to use EB, C, Quigiey- and his son in this game, so we will play 1t up in a big way, | Why couldn't you or one of your repres= — entatives drop by here around the first, and you could use these dxtra days going over to Manhattan, which is just 90 miles from here, and calling on 5 or 6 other colleges which are all within 2 radius of 60 or 70 miles. Washburn College, at Topeka, is 28 miles, Baker University at Baldwin is 16 Miles, Haskell Institute is here in this town, Ottawa Univer- sity is 33 miles, and the College of Emporia and Emporia Teachers College are 90 miles, as is Manhattan 90 miles, so you could do a lot of good here especially since we are going to use the baskets on the first of Deeenber, Awaiting your commands, I am Sincerely yours, PCAsAH Direetor of Physical Education. BASKETBALL’S GREATEST INNOVATION .. . a “In Goes the Ball— On Goes the Light” a Mre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas: Dear Friend: In reply to your letters of October 4th and 8th. We are sorry that Mr. Brown is not interested in Bask-O0-Lite, but are glad to hear Mr. Edwards is willing to use theme I understand in one of your letters that your Big Six meets on December 5th and the other — letter states December 4th. Which is correct? [I am anxious that you go ahead with your inquiries to these coaches and would like to get their re- action to using them in games at University of K After they h ienified Lliing CanS ase sr they have signified a willingness to using them at Kansas we can then approach them on buying for their own gymnasiums. I would like to have a list of these coaches so that I can send them circulars on Bask-0-Lite, I am also of the opinion that it would be a good idea to offer them a set for free trial between now and your December 4th or 5th meeting. What do you think about this? I want. to make every effort to get the approval of the Big Six and Big Ten this year. Wishing you success in securing permission from other coaches,: I’ remain Very 8 yours 4 Mende REK/c THE BASK-O-LITE CO. THE BASK-O-LITE CO... . NEW ALBANY, INDIANA BASKETBALL’S GREATEST INNOVATION ... “ty Goes the Bi— a On Goes the Light” has ™~ y ogtober oO, 1957 / / : Dr. Forrest CG. Allen, / University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, | Dear Dr. Allen: | Your letter of the 27th received addressed to Mr. Korte. At present Mr. Korte is in the East on a two weeks tripe We have today written the coaches of the Big Six Conference and are attaching a copy of same. TR > Wwe are planning to attend the Big Six Conference and want t o thank you for your wonderful cooperation. Yours very truly, THE BASK-O-LITE CO... . NEW ALBANY, INDIANA BASKETBALL’S GREATEST INNOVATION .. . “In Goes the Ball— o On Goes the Light” ae F J - # £ Pe x z / / /October 50, 1937 / / / / / / / Dre Forrest Ce. Allen, / University of Kansas / Lawrence, Kansas, | Dear Dr. Allen: Some of the basketball conferences are adopting or approving Bask-O-Lite goalse We understand that your Big Six Conference meets December 4th and so that you may be better ac- quainted with Bask-O-Lite we have deicded to offer each one of your conference a set of Bask-0-Lite to use for the next thirty days free of charge, freight paid both ways by use They are easy to install but should you have any expense we will be glad to pay that. It is understood that this does not obligate you in any way. We are extremely. anxious you try these goals and give us your honest opinion. Hoping that you will accept our offer, we remain Yours very truly, RS/e THE BASK-O-LITE THE BASK-O-LITE CO. ... NEW ALBANY, INDIANA