ee a en a eer OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 epee: RESIDENCE PHONE 2-0175 - Sen ene Srare Hien ScHool ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION E.A.THOMAS MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF gee ASSOCIATIONS COMMISSIONER Room 204- NATIONAL RESERVE BUILDING TOPGIA December 23, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Doctor Allen: I received your letter in rerard to the basketball clinic to be held Saturday, December 29. It was my thought to devote the morning session to team demonstrations and then use most of the afternoon for an officials and rules clinic. I don't know just what time Saturday morning we should start but since most of the high school coaches and officials will come in from out of town that morning I presume we cannot do a great deal before ten o'clock. I think, however, we'll advertise it for 9:30. It will not be necessary to close the morning session ‘ust at twelve o! clock, however, because the afternoon session can start as late as 2:30 and give us plenty of time. I do not think we ought to use too many teams and coaches because they will take a lot of time and spread the information out pretty thinly. I -have asked Paul Kutnink of Emporia State to participate and he has ae reed. I thought that if we could get Bill Monypeny of Southwestern to use some of his boys and show a few things that they would like to emphasize it would not be necessary to invite others. This will rive you more time for your demonstrations and discussions and we would like to have you serve as a general critic for the entire demonstration program. Kutnink uses the razzle-dazzle basketball and their defense works all over the floor. Some of our high school coaches are trvins to use this and I thoucht it: micht be well for him to _ a little time to discuss the fundamental features of his system. I'l] write to Bill Monypeny and ask him to have something ready. When the tournament opens we may have an opp ortunity to discuss a few of the features and outline the program more definitely. I'll get out some publicity on the clinic and also send personal notices to officials and coaches. Anything you have in mind that you think will be beneficial that can be taken care of in the short time that we shall. have will be very satisfactory with us. I realize that a full course in besketball cannot be given in a few hours and so I think it will be best if we pick out a few important features and dwell on them. If similer clinics are held in the future we can feature other items then E. R. STEVENS, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE J.R. Jones. vicepresinenr With best wishes for the holiday season, I am SUBLETTE E. A. FUNK, TREASURER ° ARKANSAS CITY Very cordial ly yours, D. E. WOLGAST MARYSVILLE J. E. BOWERS SENECA HUGH W. SPEER ee HAT: EMK A +4¢@ homes, Commissioner. am be