August 14, 1939. dad's passing » these i we never tended your two about schools to enter 15the Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and ‘Varsity Basketball Coache ry pr AaEE ag : iat Nai = Wie ah St 13 1, iy |e ag ad ie Ls 4 8258 7 MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE EAST LANSING August oe Fp Ae Lire LG mS Sea ae oe | Very tld, ee Hal it ay | i fi lait ai i He i ae a Ey Patt ty Daatertkadt © iia MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE EAST LANSING DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION July 28, 1939 Mr. Forrest ©. Allen Basketball Coach : University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr, Allen: We are taking a western trip during the Christmas Holidays this year, and 1 am wondering if you would be able to play us a game at your place on our return trip between December 26th and 30th. What guarantee could you give us? Hoping to hear from you, I am Very oo yours, s t a bez “ B. F. Van Alstyne, Coach of Basketball. W ELMER W. HOLM, Football Coach S = B R N C. D. ERICKSON, Basketball Coach GEORGE PARKER, Track Coach ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT pin Bhan ol PETE FAIRBAN kp assitan Coaches MIKE RASHER ELMER W. HOLM, Athletic Director TOPEKA, KANSAS November 25, 1939 Dre F, Cc, Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: In regard to the officials, I have decided three officials can handle this tournament, and am endeavoring to secure three of the best officials that I can gete I have not heard from them yet, but have already contacted Ab Hinshaw and Ted O'Sullivan of Kansas City; and Gene Kemper will probably work. I am sure that it can be arranged for you to select the two officials out of the three that you wish to have work your ball games. As to the balls, I am endeavoring to have the type of ball you suggested in your letter. In regard to the high school clinic with Mr. Thomas that I spoke. to you about, lI will say that this clinic is under Mr. Thomas' direction. He is planning this for the high school coaches, and it will be through him that you should take the matter of the clinic up withe I thoroughly agree with you that you have a talking point and I certainly don't blame you for mentioning the fact that theré should be some remuneration for your time and energy. Any other suggestions that you might have, 1 am always glad to hear from youe ‘ We are receiving publicity daily from the teams who are entering the tournament. Everything, I think, is coming along OK. You hada nice game with your freshmen last night, and it looks as though you are going to have a fine team at Kansas this year. Good luck to you. Sincerely yours, A Dee Errickson Coach of Baskethall ELMER W. HOLM, Football Coach A S = B R N C. D. ERICKSON, Basketball Coach GEORGE PARKER, Track Coach GENE BARNETT AT HLE i | C DEPAR T ME N + PETE FAIRBANK bAsisan Coaches MIKE RASHER ELMER W. HOLM, Athletic Director TOPEKA, KANSAS December 19, 1939 Dre Forrest Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Fhog": inelosed find drawings for our invitational basketball tournament here in Topeka, December 28-29-30. Your team will play its first came at 8 o'clock Thursday night against Baker. We are looking forward to seeing you and your team. Very truty yours, bec Le.chaonr. Dee Errickson Basketball Coach First Annual SUNFLOWER COLLEGIATE INVITATIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT At Topeka, Kansas DECEMBER 28-29=30 -o00o- All games will be plavred on the Whiting Fieldhouse Court at Washburn College. -o00- KANSAS ¢ } Ape Tiree ( ( ) ) ( ( BAKUR ) ) ( ) ( 10950 Pris 8:00 Fri.) ( vA aoe ) ) ( ( ( ) ) ( ( ___ (6:45 Thurs. tee ) ) ( ( ) ) ( NE LEXTCO MINES ( | ) (9:15 Sate 10:3 O Sate) ( WAS BIAS ) ( ( ) ) ( (9:15 Thurs. )} 7 ( ( ( ) ) ) ( ( QMCPHERSON __) ( ( ) ) ( (6:45 Frie $:15 Frie) ) ( COLORADO STATE y. 7 ( ) SOUTINVESTERN ae ee ee ee ene 6:45! Sat’. Third place consolation brackote 8:00 Sat. Third place in championship bracket. TICKET INFORMATION--- OFFICIALS *** Season tickets: Reserved scats $200 Ted O'Sullivan (Missouri) Unreserved " 1.50 Ab Hinshaw (College of Emporia) Per session: Downstairs efd Gene Kemper (Lake Forest) Upsta irs 090 DIRECTOR OF TOURNAMLNT---Charles (Dee) Errickson, Washburn Collere. December 23, 1989e Mre Dee Errickson, Basketball Coach, Washburn College, Topelm, Kansase Dear Dees I acknowledge receipt of your drawings in the invitational tournament and note that our game is with Baker on Thursday at 8 o'clock. | Confirming my telephone call yesterday, we have ordered 12 reserved seat season tickets at $2.00 eachy for which we will reimburse you when we arrive in Topelm.e Very sincerely yours, Mrector of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA sAl Varsity Basketball Coache December 23, 19394 iit. ureti, Manager, Hotel Kansan, Topeke, Kansase Dear lire Hurst: Confirming our telephone conversation of yesterday, there will be 15 or more of us desiring reservations for the Sunflower Tournament on December 28, 2, and 30. We want rooms with bath, and will probably arrive Thursday norninge Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coache December 23, 1939. Mire Lose, Manager, Hotel Jayhewic, Topeka, K ansase Dear ire Lose: I wish to caneel tentative arrangements which were made for the University of Kansas basketball team to stay at the Hotel Jayhawk on December 28, 29 and 30. I appreciate your courtesy very much, but we have made other arrangenents. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAl Varsity Basketball Coaches WASHBURN ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT ELMER W. HOLM, Athletic Director ELMER W. HOLM, Football Coach C. D. ERICKSON, Basketball Coach GEORGE PARKER, Track Coach GENE BARNETT PETE FAIRBANK >Assistant Coaches MIKE RASHER JIM REED, Publicity Director TOPEKA, KANSAS January 19, 1940 howe hasn haldsme sin fhe T have been holdings u C hd NAN ated e t o 7 ps Saw + - “Noda AaITOAYraA =3 PrecelLpus: LOT enhesec Sev eral Fa) i hig ee ae ee ee a Ol expenses snowea up oerore Um - £ lkmow how the telerrams think vou Vt ib das However, ci @ f ~ o e We t ell pleased with the certainly hope 4 4 + + IPN LE sb vourna aaa nn BD as be . ae a. T should like to varticularly ee the holid + Beh ian a aed vOuUrnement nis wear wit wWVadt y el*r yours : ee [ ee Te | a ig i if H by it f i Wi LH itt Jdamuary 4, 1940. Thank you very kindly for your check which ws ved in this moming's mil. | i em glad that you were pleased with the clinic, end I an happy to imow that you felt we put out the very best wo had in the wy of clarifying screen Grille Our enjoyed the : you and the that they | ; : | 3 g i te q & : z _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOASAH Varsity Basketball Coache _ E.R. STEVENS, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE J. R. JONES, VICE-PRESIDENT SUBLETTE - E. A. FUNK, TREASURER ARKANSAS CITY D,. E. WOLGAST : MARYSVILLE J. E. BOWERS SENECA HUGH W. SPEER HAYS ln eas Stare Hit January 3, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Docs- I am a little late in wiiting you but have been on the jump since last week, Enclosed you will find a check for $25 for your services in directing the basketball clinic for us Saturday. I think it was one of the most profitable one-day sessions we have ever experienced and I know the coaches and officials were well pleased. We appreciate the hard work you put in and the demonstrations with the members of your team were exceptionally valuable. Meny thanks to you. You certainly did not withhold anything and it was a pleasure and a privilege to have you do what you did. With best wishes, I am Yours very cordially, Commissioner. N\ i ‘ = indoor ‘ f , 3 : e | a a) DA > o : f ) f oF aa f i < far 3 a : \ yer G i October 6, 19596 TA ee Ne a ) 7] : 3 } oe : “1 yyy Na nf ik / ek fw : C gS A ‘ a } pn th QV S i d : a Ned a did id sk Gh wh Sank de end. ee Orteer 28, = 2. a, a Ge cee, ee eee Varsity Basketball Coach, FCALAH oe Director of Physical Bdusation and Recreations UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1939=1940 BIG SIX CONFERENCE SCHEDULE RUA, 5 Oklahoma at Lawrence January 12 Kansas State at Lawrence January 18 Missouri at Columbia January 23 Nebraska at Lawrence February 12 Iowa State at Lawrence February 20 February 24 February 26 March 1 March 8 December 5 December 8 Kansas State at Manhattan Nebraska at Lincoln Iowa State at Ames Missouri at Lawrence Oklahoma at Norman NON-CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Oklatioma A. & Ms at Lawrence Central Moe St. Tcohe, at Warrensburg eg 19 Southern Methodist U. at Lawrence eo, OG red. hh pi Rn. pebruary 4 oo “March 4 \ \ if \ i \ t \ } i } Oklahoma Ae & Me at Peslivater A> eo. anh - UR Aeeenttoertt fd Creighton University at Oméhe., Nebr. cf z omen AAA Seadlcale of 4 } hk 2G - 7 Kad, thr. Foe a 4 ff . to . ah Ae we Ex, re aie f “g0 if ’ ' et a8 (COPY) October 6, 19596 Mr. Gwinn Henry, Director of Athletics, University of Kansase Dear Mre Henrys I desire to submit for your approval certain basketball games which we have tentatively scheduled. I am enclosing correspondence, which I have had with the parties concerned so that you may have the background in each cases : The Kensas College Tournament will be held in Topelm on December 28, 29 and 30. We desire to enter this tournament, and yesterday I had a conference with Mrs Gene Kemper, Mre Elmer Holm and Mrs Bee Errickson concerning arrengenents for the playe We propose to play Michigan State College on December 28 in the Washburn fieldhouse, and then continue in the tournament, whether we win or lose the game with Michigan State. The tournament officials will pay a guarantee of $200.00 to Michigan State for this game. They will pay us expenses amounting to $3.00 a day for fifteen men, for the duration of the tournament. We are the only team for whom they are allowing expenses. The other teams in the tournament will receive their pro-rata share of the receipts after the expenses have been paid. T have also made tentative arrangements to play Loyola Univ- ersity at Chicago on January 8, in a double~header program, for a guarentee of $600.00. As you will note in my correspondence With Mre Leonard Sachs, the director at Loyola, I have requested no publicity on this game until we have the approval of the officials heres I imagine they will want to make some announcement soone With the scheduling of the above mentioned gemes we will have completed our twenty game limit. I am enclosing a copy of our entire schedule. I shall greatly appreciate early action on these games so thet we may definitely close our schedule. Very sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach, FCA: AH Director of Physical Education and Recreatione (COPY) Ostober 6, 19596 irs Gwim Henry, : Director of Athletics, University of Kensase Deax lire Henrys I desire to sutmit for your approval certain basketball games which we have tentatively scheduled. I am enclosing correspondence whieh I have had with the parties concerned so that you my heve the background in each cases — The Kensas College Tournament will be held in Topeka on Decenber 28, 29 and 30. We dbsire to enter this tournement, and yesterday I had a conference with Mre Gene Keuper, Mire Elmor Holm end Mrs Ree Errickson concerning arrangements for the playe We propose to play Michigan State College on December 28 in the Washburn fieldhouse, and then continue in the tournament, whether we win or lose the game with Iichigan States The tournament officials will pay a guarantee of $200.00 to Michigan State for this game. They will pay us expenses amounting to $3.00 a day for fifteen men, for the duration of the tournament. We are the only team for whom they are allowing expenses. The other teams in the tournament will receive their pro-rata share of the receipts after the expenses have been paid. I have also made tentative arrengenents to play Loyola Unive ee ee ee ants ae. guaremtes of $600.00. As you will note in my correspondencw with Ire Leonard Sachs, the director at Loyola, I have requested no publicity on this game until we have the approval of the officiels heres t anges they will weart to make some amouncement soone With the scheduling of the above mentioned games we will have ee es ete nee I am enclosing a copy of our entire dules I shall greatly appreciate early action on these ganes so Sak ch wee datudttly eee oar eatin Very sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach, FOAs AH Director of Physienl Education and Recreations Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Versity Basketball Coache : ELMER W. HOLM, Football Coach S = B R N C. D. ERICKSON, Basketball Coach Wy GEORGE PARKER, Track Coach ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT GENE BARNETT PETE FAIRBANK Assistant Coaches MIKE RASHER ELMER W. HOLM, Athletic Director TOPEKA, KANSAS November li, 1999 Dre F. CG. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The tournament seems to be coming along very well. We already have five teams who have definitely stated that they will be here, and several other teams that have not definitely made up their minds. The Mexico School of Mines who are playing in St. Joe have definitely stated that we could count them ine Colorado State have not decided definitely, but I hope they will decide to comée We are planning on shooting the works on this immediately after Armistice Day. Very truly yours, re Dee Errickson Basketball Coach Noveaber 15, 19396 if id ‘ do uot uae & laotinslt for Director of “hysiceal Education and Neocreation, Varsity Basketball Coachs i @ writing you oan Very ff ahi i 2 ab! fy i it i Ihe ai : iii i ei: ‘ i 1 gif hat oo Noveuber 6, 19596 Dear Dees If you could lend Netrasin it would be a ten~ strike for you.e I em sure that would put your tournament over. Anyhow, as I told you before, we will go along with you this years What I would like to ask you definitely, Dee, is if you are sure that you are going to heve the tournament. If you are wmeertain, of course that pute us up in the air regarding three games, end we would like to have you mle a definite decision and ammomeenent very soon so that we Director of sic ‘Edueation end Recreation, Coaches * ELMER W. HOLM, Football Coach S = B R N C. D. ERICKSON, Basketball Coach GEORGE PARKER, Track Coach . ATHLETIC -DEPARIMENT GENE BARNETT PETE FAIRBANK Assistant Coaches MIKE RASHER ELMER W. HOLM, Athletic Director TOPEKA, KANSAS November 2, 1939 Dre Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allen: In answer to your letter of November 1, I was glad to know that we can definitely count on your cooperation in this tournament. The eight teams that I am in contact with at the present time are: Washburn;"K. a Emporia Teachers, Southwestern? Baker; Nebre; Colo. State; . Ottawa; and Wichita. I really believe these teams will make a nice start for our tournament. : I am sure that if we get this started this year, that other teams will be interested in coming. I am sure Kansas State will enter in another year; also Creighton will be interested in another year Or SO-e As to your clinic on December 9, I have just received a letter from Artie Hilers, saying that our conference meeting will be held at Kansas City, December 9 and 10. If this is true, it will be almost impossible for me to be at your clinic. It is too bad that these meetings cannot be held on the same days As I understand it, the Big Six are holding their meeting this year on the second of December I think your plan is very fine and would be glad to cooperate in any way possible if the date could be so arranged so as not to conflict with the meeting in Kansas City. Very truly yours, Dee Errickson Basketball Coach CDE:l1s Mre Dee Errickgson, Basketball Coach, ‘eashburn College, Topelm, Kansas. Dear Dees This will ackaowledge : : he Mit bts : is to play in Medison Square Garden, so they will be the tine of your tourmament. “Gut I am not % ‘Hebraska is doings If you ean get Colorado State we will go ine It would be better, of course, to get some strong~ or teams, but I doubt if we can get there i have just received a letter from Montana State — saying they are not even going to enter the Okleaham City tournmment. | You can count on my cooperation in your tournament. When do you have definitely liked up for the games? i still believe that you oan play smaller sehools in this tournament end draw better than you might im gine, because people like their besketiall, ee es a ee have ® college tournaments | What would you think of our tentative plan to have a clinic dom here on the 9th of Decamber? I thought we might have Washburn and Ottawm and perhaps one other tean here on the Sth and have a rules discussion meeting and clinic for the high schools herée We wouldn't have to play a complete game, or have any reguler scrimmage, but I thought each team Sal dig Sa & Geter of ux leaar Se inte Uuaee baahs doen boys our different styles of play. I should be glad to mow what you think of this clinic idea. What other team besides Washburn and Ottawa would you suggest? Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. W ELMER W. HOLM, Football Coach R C. D. ERICKSON, Basketball Coach GEORGE PARKER, Track Coach ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT GENE BARNETT PETE FAIRBAN k pasitan Coaches MIKE RASHER ELMER W. HOLM, Athletic Director TOPEKA, KANSAS October 31, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am very anxious to get the proper set up to make this a good tournament. Due to your wide acquaintance among the basketball coaches, I am wondering if you would make some suggestions as to some outstanding teams who might be interested in coming. I know exactly how you feel about not coming into this tournament unless we have some outstanding competition for the Kansas University team. I am writing Nebraska to see if they might be interested, and also Missourie If you have any other suggestions, 1 would certainly be glad to hear from you as soon as possible. I feel that if we can get either Nebraska or*Missouri or some other outstanding team with Kansas University, then our tournament would be made. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am Sincerely yours, Dee e EE a> - Basketball Coach CDE:l1s