NED ERISH NINE ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK CITY May 29,1940 Dr.Forrest C.Allen Director of Physical iducation University of sansas Lawrence, kan. Dear Phog, I got your note and agree with you that td Kelleher has been misinformed or else he probably got the dimensions of his own court at Fordham confused with the Garden court. The Garden court is 82 feet between baskets, with two foot extenddénoms on each end or 86 feet overall playing length. Fordham has a 90 foot court, 2 foot extensions, but is the only court in New York City that is over 78 feet between baskets. , I quite agree with you that the four foot extension makes for a better game. The local college coaches as a body Would also agree with you. However since only Fordham of the seven schools which play their major games on the Garden court have any room to put in the four foot extension on their own floors they decided that it would not be advisable to try and practice and play the majority of their’.games under one set of conditions and change radically for their major games. As it is all the teams which use the tarden as their home court play on courts which are lone“by from four to fifteen feet than their ow courts. Tfrust that this will not prove any handicap to either your team or id Kellehergs and that the contest will be @ Sood onee sincerely yours,