December 19, 1940 Country Gentleman The Curtis Publishing Conpany Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — Dear Bobs Gee, you are a swell guy. You are asking for a lot of grief when you ask the Allen generals into your homes The wonen folks are all of that, aren't they, Bob? no Bob, I think we will not get out of New York after our gem@e Woe will stay there over night and let them rest as much as possible on the 29th, then we will come in on the afternoon © traine It my be a little earlier than the schedule we now have, but at any rate, we will get in sometime Sunday afternoon or eveninge It would be nice if we could work out in the Field House sometime before dinners oe I took your gracious letter home and showed it to Mrs» Allen aad she said, "I want Yrs. Reed's address. Iwontt | make any promises because I know what an imposition it will be," I will write you again real soon, but I am just telling you how gracious you are and Mrs. Reed will hear fran Mrse Allen in a very short while. Fastily and appreciatively yours, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bduontion and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg