Now Toul: City, Hele Dear Neds I agknowledge receipt of your favor of the ultinode fue Stes ee ae nes is ae Ses ment and other speaking engageuents, and lmve not had an opportumity to reply to your letter somer. I do not lmow where Lawrence Perry get the informe tion. He happens to be a University of Missouri sradunte. Ed Kelleher has written me telling me the Garden court is 90 feet longe Apparently he has been misinformede I em very sorry that the ietropolitan intercollegiate Reshetball Camithee decided it would not be advisable to make emy change in the playing court in Madison Square Garden next seasone iI see no reason why a fout-foot extension could not be possible. It would make fewer out of bounds balis and sie Sin soualtidaiies meatal Un ins 4 wae Otte Sees less baile The contracts have been signed and sent forward, and I anticipate no further difficulty in our miking the tripe With all good wishes, I an . Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical pdueation and Reoreation, FCAsAH ‘Varaity Basketball Coache