: | : HED tRISH NINE ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK CITY April 26, 1940 Dre Forrest Ce Allen Director of Physicial Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Lawrence Perry who writes a syndicated column that is carried here in the New York Evening Sun had a column several days ago,apparently, quoting or based upon-some story written by Clyde McBride in the Kansas City Times-Star. This column was,apparently, based on a great deal of misinformation regarding college basketball as it is conducted here in the Hast e I took the liberty of writing to Mr. Perry and am enclosing a copy of the letter which I sent to hime I am also sending a copy of this letter to Mr. McBride. i trust that this meets with your approval. At a meeting of the Metropolitan Intercolle- giate Basketball Committee, the coaches of the teams represented on this Committee decided that it would not be advisable to make any chamge in the playing court of Madison Square Garden. next season. They also approved to continue the use of the stitched laceless ball which was in use there last season also. I imagine that Hd Kelleher will be in touch with yo directly regarding this matter, but I thought this information might be of some value to you before his communication reached youe he court, as you are probably aware, only has a 2 ft. extension —A(beteeen each basket. t is also only 82 ft. between the two baskets. This court is a great deal longer than most of the local gymnasium courts, which vary in size from 64 ft. up to 78 ft. $The width is a maximum of 50 ft. Sincerely yours Director of Basketball Madison Square Garden