Mey Roy Moukton ae 227 dost 45th Serect New York, Now York Dear lire Moultons t woe ancy on veontion when your lettor of July 20 ms receiveds I em quite sure that our team will stay ot your hotelg in fact, I em glad to kmow thet you are fron Wichita because you will be accustomed te the wild men from the wide, open spacese Sipeever, I teliows you wi82 find the Nenus ‘team well behaved because we do not put on wilé parties. People hore just cannot got used to that. | | Simeorely yours, — - Dineotor of Physical Bdueation and ianestias : Varsity Basketball Coach PeSe This letter was dictated before your letter of. October 15 was received. You may be assured wo = stay at your hotel.